Nostra LBP FAQs
  • What is an LBP and why is it used?

    • An LBP (Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool) is a type of liquidity pool designed for fair price discovery during initial token sales. It adjusts token prices dynamically with reference to demand and supply to ensure fairness and prevent early buyers from dominating the sale.
  • When does the LBP start and end?

    • The Nostra LBP will start at 14:00 UTC on Monday 10 June and will end at 14:00 UTC on Thursday 13 June.
  • How many NSTR tokens are available in the LBP?

    • Up to 12,000,000 NSTR tokens (12% of the total supply) will be available to buy during the LBP. These tokens come from the 25% Treasury allocation.
  • What is the starting price of NSTR during the LBP?

    • The starting price is approximately $0.60 per NSTR. If there are no buyers, this will decline gradually over the 72-hour period.
  • How are the proceeds from the LBP used?

    • None of the proceeds go to the Team. 100% of the proceeds will go to the Nostra Treasury, governed and owned by NSTR holders, and will become protocol-owned DEX liquidity split between Ethereum mainnet and Starknet.
  • On which chain will the LBP take place?

    • The LBP will take place on the Ethereum mainnet.
  • What do I need to participate in the LBP?

    • You need a compatible crypto wallet (like Metamask), some USDC or other tokens to purchase NSTR and some ETH to cover transaction fees. You also need access to Fjord Foundry.
  • Where can I find more information or support?

    • For more details and support, visit our official website or join our Discord server and social media channels. You can also check out the LBP here.
  • Why choose to launch with 100% unlocked supply?

    • Launching with 100% unlocked supply means that all the NSTR supply will be considered circulating supply from the TGE. The market is tired of tokens launched with low float and high fully diluted valuation (FDV).Vesting schedules for teams and investors were established in the past to guarantee that the team would stay after launching the token. However, this system is exhausted now, as people are not buying tokens that have big token unlocks coming up.

    • Our solution for this is launching with 100% supply unlocked. This means that whatever price NSTR is at is the fair price, with no extra selling pressure coming from unlocks.

  • Does 100% unlocked supply mean all supply will be sold on day 1?

    • No. The Nostra community will control a 25% allocation for the Treasury (up to 12% sold in LBP) and 14% future airdrops when governance begins. The team and investor wallets will be tagged on-chain so that anybody can track the movement of tokens.
  • If 100% of the supply is unlocked, how is it possible to keep 14% for “Future Airdrops”?

    • All NSTR supply will be unlocked at TGE. The “Future Airdrops'' allocation (14% of NSTR) will also be unlocked. What this means is that the Nostra DAO will control when and how this allocation is distributed in the future.
  • How do I check my NSTR balance?

    • To check your NSTR token balance in your Metamask wallet, simply “import tokens” by pasting the token contract below on MetaMask.

  • Will I be able to trade my NSTR tokens right after the LBP ends?

    • All NSTR token holders will be able to trade NSTR once the token generation event (TGE) takes place on 17 June, 2024.
  • Will NSTR be available on any other L2?

  • How to bridge NSTR from Ethereum to Starknet?

    • To bridge NSTR from Ethereum to Starknet, go to Starkgate and connect your Metamask and Starknet wallet (Argent or Braavos). Mention the amount of NSTR you would like to bridge and follow the instructions on the screen.
  • Will NSTR be listed on centralized exchanges?

    • We are in discussion with centralized exchanges to list NSTR on or around the TGE date (17 June).


NSTR Smart Contract Addresses:

Official Site:





Governance Forum:

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