8DAOIP - 6 - Season 2 Proposal

Executive Summary

As we are approaching the end of Season 1 (1 July -  30 September 2022), the core contributors hereby present the Season 2(1 October - 31 December 2022) Proposal to all the 8DAO members. In Season 2, our development focus will transfer to creating value for 8DAO tokens. “Explore Token Utility” is our slogan for Season 2. The key points of Season 2 Proposal are set out below:

Strategic Goal

Create value for 8DAO tokens. “Explore Token Utility”.

Governance Structure Adjustment

  1. Evolution of ‘Governor Block’ to ‘Coordination Block’

  2. ‘Governance & Administration Block’ to become ‘DAO & Investment Block’

  3. ‘Community Block’ to become ‘NFT & Community Block’

  4. ‘Marketing Block’ to become ‘Strategy Block’

Coordination Block

  1. Blocks coordination. Coordinate and support all blocks functioning well

  2. Ambassador. Represent 8DAO to introduce or present in gathering, interview, seminars, conference and other events

  3. Sub-block incubation. Line up with strategy block to discuss and plan new initiatives

DAO & Investment Block

As the DAO & Investment Block we will continue our functions of governance in the coming seasons but we will now switch focus to building out the governance structure we have developed and improving where needed. We will continue both our research and understanding of other DAOs as well as looking to facilitate real partnerships with other DAOs through sharing our resources in a way that is mutually beneficial.  Finally we aim to build on 8 Venture Squad and put in place a formal investment team with responsibilities that will ultimately bring greater utility to 8DAO tokens.

Strategy Block

The Strategy Block will work with each block leader to develop strategies for various initiatives.  ensure all the initiatives are coherently driving towards 8DAO’s seasonal goal. Be a strategic thought partner and sounding board to Block leaders for different initiatives. Help Block Leaders plan and review their plans and tasks, apply structured and critical thinking to different initiatives, leading to the ultimate question of our seasonal strategic goal - “How can this initiative create token utilities?”

NFT & Community Block

The key focus for Season 2 is to continue growing the number of quality members in 8DAO, and at the same time increase engagement and bonding between existing members. This season we experiment with the creation of 3 sub blocks: 1. Administration, 2. Content and 3. NFT to execute on our key initiatives.

Administration Sub-Block

  1. Experimenting with different types of community events

  2. Virtual Community Engagement and ongoing process of gathering feedback

  3. Optimizing sign-up process, and reduce friction for members to become contributors

  4. Design and production of quality merch for members

Content Sub-Block

  1. Curate and craft quality content for members on hot topics in Web3 Space, published on our 8Weekly

  2. Curate for quality content in 8DAO Archives

  3. Refining 8DAO website and content

NFT Sub-Block

  1. Explore potential collaborations with other NFT projects and studios, obtain WL opportunities for 8DAO members

  2. Enhance 8DAO brand recognition through collaborations with other communities

  3. Arrange showcases for NFT projects and host IRL events for NFT collectors

Treasury Block

The key focus for this Season will be exploring more web3 tools to improve 8DAO productivity and contributor’s using experience; preparing reports to members for operational transparency.

Consolidated Season 2 Budget

Season 2 Core Contributing Team

Season 2 Strategic Goal

“Explore Token Utility” is the slogan for season 2.  It’s only once there is utility for holding or consuming 8DAO tokens that there is any consequent demand for 8DAO tokens. As a result, creating value for 8DAO tokens is something that is in the interest of all 8DAO token holders.

There will be more new initiatives generated by the core team in season 2 and a key measure of any of these new initiatives will be how likely it is that the service or products of the initiatives can create 8DAO token utility.  Each block will have a budget to launch and develop initiatives that have the potential to create token utility. Having this as a strategic goal also helps all block leaders prioritize their time and resource allocation.

Governance Structure Adjustment

In order to further improve our efficiency and make the governance structure more task-oriented, the 8DAO governance structure is proposed to be adjusted as below, with effect from the beginning of Season 2:

Coordination Block

It‘s proposed to evolve the Governor Block to become the Coordination Block.The key functions of Coordination block are set out as below:

1. Blocks coordination. Coordinate and support all blocks functioning well

2. Ambassador. Represent 8DAO to introduce or present in gathering, interview, seminars, conference and other events

3. Sub-Block incubation. Line up with strategy block to discuss and plan new initiatives Karma P is proposed to be the leader of the Coordination Block.

DAO & Investment Block

It’s proposed to evolve the Governance & Administration Block to become the DAO & Investment Block (“D&I Block”). D&I Block is mainly responsible for: 1)DAO related issues, including but not limited to 8DAO Governance, DAO Study, DAO Partnership; 2)Investment-related issues, including but not limited to deal sourcing & screening, investment analysis and decision making (within the budget approved by members).

It‘s further proposed (a) to move the Investment Committee and Investment Club under the umbrella of D&I Block, and that (b) Samuel G become the leader of the D&I Block. The arrangement of the Investment Committee and Investment Club will remain the same as previously approved by the members in earlier proposals, however from this season forward the decision makers in respect of any approvals or mandate given to the Investment Club will be the Investment Committee, as opposed to the Treasury Block.

NFT & Community Block

It`s proposed to evolve the Community Block into the NFT & Community Block (“N&C”) Block. The N&C Block is mainly responsible for:

  1. Community Building - Growing the number of quality members in 8DAO, initiating activities to increase engagement and bonding between existing members

  2. Creating and curating content for members, and

  3. Nft partnerships and opportunities for 8DAO.

Lawrence K is proposed to be the leader of N&C Block.

To clarify the roles and responsibilities of contributors in N&C Block, it`s further proposed to create 3 Sub-Blocks under the umbrella of N&C Block: 1. Administration, 2. Content and 3. NFT, each with their respective contributor teams.

As a final note, as 8DAO grows we seek to expand our contributor base, and the number of contributors in each Sub-Block will grow when we identify suitable talents in our community.

Strategy Block

It‘s proposed to evolve the Marketing Block to become the Strategy Block. The Strategy Block is mainly responsible for strategy-related issues, including but not limited to the strategy of overall operation, marketing. Lydia K is proposed to be the leader of Strategy Block.

Coordination Block

Season 1 Summary

The main focus was facilitating “community first” initiatives by supporting other blocks, especially in assisting the Community Block. We promoted 8DAO in multiple media interviews and sharings with other communities. At the end of the season, we started to launch measures to improve transparency and accountability of the core team to the community while maintaining work efficiency. These measures include compensation transparency and performance assessment based on the value of task deliverables. We believe these good practices will help to make both team contribution and DAO development more sustainable.

Season 2 Plan

The key task of the coordination block is to coordinate and support all blocks to function at their optimum level. It will continue to facilitate the resources and human capital needed via discussion, planning and allocation as well as review and develop procedures and decision-making processes to improve the efficiency and transparency of the core team. While this is the primary responsibility of the block, there are two additional important functions - Ambassador and Sub-block incubation.


The block provides representation for 8DAO (and delivers introductions and presentations) at gatherings, interviews, seminars, conferences and other events. By promoting 8DAO publicly, we can potentially attract more new members and gain partnership opportunities with other corporations, brands or communities. These partnerships have the potential to create token utility and the public exposure can attract new members and increase token demand.

Sub-Block incubation

In respect of new initiatives that fall outside the immediate scope of other blocks, the Coordination Block will work with the Strategy Block to assess and categorize as best suits the nature of the initiative. If an initiative is strong and shows good potential, it may be that it will become a Sub-Block under an existing block to develop new services and products. We will target those new initiatives that create token utility and demand in the near future.


DAO & Investment Block

Season 1 Summary

In brief, during the course of Season 1, the DAO & Investment Block (formerly known as “Governance & Administration Block”) has:

  • Updated 8DAO Guide (former 8DAO Membership Guide) ;

  • Created an all-in-one guidebook via Gitbook;

  • Restructured the 8DAO Discord channels and created the Governance Channel to store all governance-related documents;

  • Created a new 8DAO Deck;

  • Further refined the Compensation Scheme;

  • Led the preparation of the Season 1 Review & Season 2 Proposal.

For more details, members can review the Season 1 Review posted in 8DAO discord.

Moving forwards into the new season, our objectives are to focus on developing token utility, be that through providing quality alliances, projects and networking, or through investment. The key points of Season 2 for DAO & Investment Block are as set out below:

8DAO Governance

As we have evolved to become the ‘DAO & Investment Block’, the functions and responsibilities of the block in terms of governance will nevertheless remain the same. The block remains committed to: (1) continuously monitoring and improving the governance structure; (2) generally, ensuring that the governance of 8DAO works in the way we have developed e.g. voting; (3) guiding proposals to ensure they are properly qualified to be supported by the DAO;  and (4) encouraging more bottom-up proposals and looking at ways to stimulate further activity in that regard.

In terms of the coming season 2, we will have a change in focus as we are now able to evolve the governance function from “active building” i.e. putting in place the basic governance structure, to “close observation and rapid adjustment” i.e. identifying what is working and what is not and reacting as necessary to improve our systems.

DAO Studies

Our studies of other DAO have provided us with a number of useful learning points and have deepened our understanding of DAO in general. In the coming season we would like to encourage new contributors for this work as different points of view are always useful.  We will also be considering different research and presentation formats and will seek feedback from members on this.  These studies, whilst rewarding, have been demanding on contributors' time, so we will aim to find a balance between (1) time spent in research and (2) the value created. In this regard we will look to pinpoint certain key areas for study.

DAO Partnership

Expanding the scope of our partnerships with other DAO is to be another focus point for the block.  To date our relations have been ones of exploration, communication and collaboration.  The next step is for us to consider investment and the mutual sharing of tokens, experience and working knowledge between 8DAO and partner DAOs. To achieve this efficiently, we intend to assess and categorize our internal resources to see what we have to offer - be that in terms of skills, networks or capital - and how and where is best to offer such resources.


So far we have developed the 8 Venture Squad interest group which has been a great start.  However, it is clear that we now need to formalize an investment unit and charge the right people with responsibility to take this forward. We will be looking for a small, focussed team to take the lead on this task. The key responsibilities will be to:

  • increase deal sourcing capacity

  • establish better ways of working with the IC to utilize their wisdom and network

  • consider development so that we invest not only with fiat but also with 8DAO tokens, thus bringing greater market value to our tokens

  • consider treasury diversification opportunities from an investment perspective

  • develop the investment club’s scheme to attract new members

Project screening and decision making processes have been developed and these will be kept under review and adapted as time goes on.

We will be responsible for preparing an investment report , as part of the treasury report, by the end of each Season.



NFT & Community Block

Season 1 Summary

During season 1, the community block’s focus was on recruiting talents and facilitating deeper community engagement both digitally and in real life. We have worked on

  • 8DAO Members Survey

  • Member Data Dashboard

  • Set up of Content Subblock in response to survey feedback

  • Launched our newsletter 8Weekly and 8DAO archives + create and curate content for it

  • Refining 8DAO website, forms and public facing content

  • Draft and refine SeedClub application

  • IRL events in hk and SG

  • Token2049 hangouts for visiting 8DAO members

  • Optimizing sign-up process, and reduce friction for members to become contributors

  • Creation of NFT sub block

  • Token gated database of members profiles (in progress)

Season 1 Learnings

  1. Finding community contributors is not easy. In addition, we have to ensure commitment and quality of contributors too.

  2. Can get quiet, possibly due to market conditions - improvement needed to boost existing member engagement and increase new member sign ups.

Season 2 Plan

The key focus for Season 2 is to continue growing the number of quality members in 8DAO, and at the same time increase engagement and bonding between existing members. With the creation of 3 sub blocks: 1. Administration, 2. Content and 3. NFT, we continue our focus on community building and developing content and nft capabilities for 8DAO. We proceed to describe responsibilities and targets of each sub block.

Administration Sub Block

  1. Facilitating and experimenting different types of community events

  2. Virtual Community Engagement and ongoing process of gathering feedback

  3. Friction reduction

  • Identify issues with current processes

  • Continuous optimization of 8DAO processes and Member Onboarding Journey

  • Reduce friction for both new and existing members to get started as contributors

  1. Design and production of quality merch for members

Seasonal Task 1: Complete token gated member profile gallery

Seasonal Task 2: Minimum 30 approved members join 8DAO

Content Sub Block

  1. Curate and craft quality content for members on hot topics in Web3 Space, for both our 8Weekly newsletter and content in 8DAO Archives

  2. Refining 8DAO website and other content

  3. Experimenting with a reward based system to fairly reward community contributors who commit time to our content creation initiatives. Every approved and published article = 100 tokens to author and 100 tokens to editor

Seasonal Task: 8 approved and published articles on 8Weekly

NFT Sub-Block

  1. Explore potential collaborations with other NFT projects and studios, such as Outland and IPrinter

  2. Obtain WL opportunities for 8DAO members, handle distribution and potential option to redeem with 8DAO token

  3. Enhance 8DAO brand recognition through collaborations with other communities

  4. Arrange showcases for NFT projects and host IRL events for NFT collectors

Specifications below propose to allocate 57,606  8DAO Tokens and 17,938 USDC in Season 2 to the Community Block for planning and development of stated goals below.



Strategy Block

The Strategy Block will work with each block leader to develop strategies for various initiatives.  ensure all the initiatives are coherently driving towards 8DAO’s seasonal goal.

  • Drive strategic vision for 8DAO based on seasonal goal and ensure consistency and effectiveness in articulating our vision when executing relevant strategic initiatives

  • Be a strategic thought partner and sounding board to Block leaders for different initiatives

  • Apply structured and critical thinking to different initiatives, strategize and prioritize when needed

  • Provide insights and help promote the culture of collaboration internally and externally

  • Develop strategic views to optimize 8DAO’s operations and organization for efficiency and effectiveness



Treasury Block

Season 1 Summary

In brief, during the course of Season 1:

  • Quarterly Report for Investment Club

  • Peer Assessment for block leaders and community advisors

  • Treasury Report

  • Received 5,916USDC from 25 new members

  • Created 8 Venture Squad

For more details, members can review the Season 1 Review posted in 8DAO discord.

Treasury Report

The reports will include information about 8DAO asset diversification, how and where funds were used.

Treasury Operation

Continue to keep treasury assets safe; bookkeeping for treasury; review, approve and process 8DAO tokens/payments to block leaders/contributors. New treasury tools will be tested and implemented to improve community user experience and productivity. Treasury Block will review the season budget regularly with block leaders to ensure the fund has been used reasonably.


Consolidated Season 2 Budget

Please note that all unutilized/unclaimed Season 2 budget will automatically expire at the end of Season 2 (31 Dec 2022).

Please further note the 8DAO tokens distributed as compensation in Season 2 will be subject to the locking and unlocking arrangement  as below:

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