8DAOIP-1-Season 0 Proposal

8DAO SEASON 0: 1 APR – 30 JUN 2022

Season 0 Strategic Goals

Building a solid DAO foundation in season 0 is the primary goal. This means building a complete internal structure and proper governance. It creates conditions for solid growth in the following seasons.

Since 8DAO is a social DAO, there are two important messages here. 1. Building a DAO mechanism supported by the community majority. 2. Creating values for members via events, seminars, campaigns and other social activities. Strengthening bonding among DAO members is an important part of the DAO. In terms of project and product incubation, we believe it should be built upon a well developed community, especially when there are more right talents and opportunities brought in by members. As a result, we will only participate in NFT/web3/DAO projects that’s promising and within contributor’s capacity.

Primary goal of each block:

1. Governor: Incubate internal units to meet the demand of DAO growth

2. Governance & Administration: Develop sound governance measures and procedures.

3. Community & Marketing: Complete membership system and increase engagement

1. Governor Block


Governor Block’s main role is to ensure 8DAO functions properly. It also organises active contributors to take leadership roles in DAO. In addition, it will be also responsible for taking tasks outside the other 2 block’s responsibility. Treasury management, ambassador, and internal incubation are the 3 main key functions of this block in this season. The following states the description of each category and budgets needed to perform tasks.

1) Treasury

Ensure treasury functions meet DAO demand and follow proper procedures. Expense include: management tools, gas fee.

· 2,000 USDT

2) Ambassador

Promote 8DAO brand awareness through active participation in events such as online content sharing, participation in live events, media interviews etc. Benefits: increase 8DAO exposure, increase partnership opportunities, attract high quality new members.

· 12,000 USDT. Trip to NYC(NFT.NYC), California and Singapore. Benefits: 8DAO exposure in crypto circle and community building in various important locations
· 6,000 8DAO. Appoint one DAO ambassador

3) Internal Incubation

Provide room to test new DAO functions or ideas. When a new unit is proven to be functioning well and meet community expectation, it can be turned into a more independent unit to serve DAO demand.

· Singapore: contributors compensation. 12,000 8DAO, other expense: 9,000 USDT. Benefits: community building in an important blockchain hub, diversify DAO members background, bring in new project opportunities.
· Partnership: 5,000 8DAO, 2,000 USDT. Benefits: value creation through partnership with creators, communities and DAOs

4) Block Leader Compensation

Block leader compensation contains two parts:

· Subject to the performance score given by genesis team members, community advisors and other block leaders, each block leader will receive a variable compensation with refer to a benchmark 5,000 8DAO tokens per month.
· In addition, each block leader may receive another 7,500 of 8DAO tokens as bonus payment, subject to community voting at season end.

5) Others

As this block needs to support a wide range of DAO matters, a small amount of USDT and tokens are reserved to meet new demand that comes up in the middle of the season.

· 3,000 USDT and 7,000 8DAO

2. Governance & Administration Block


Governance & Administration Block (“G&A Block”) is mainly responsible for developing 8DAO’s governance structure, as well as providing admin support to all the other blocks, with the help of 8DAO talents.

In upcoming Season 0, G&A Block will focus on two aspects of work:

· Create series of specifications and introduce suitable tools for members to better understand and participant in the governance of 8DAO;
· Motivate more members to contribute to 8DAO, with proper compensation schemes.

To be specific, the key objectives of G&A Block in Season 0 are as below:

1) Standardized Proposal and Voting

Proposals and voting are the cornerstones of DAO governance. In addition to proposal section of Membership Guide, G&A Block plans to create a detailed proposal and voting specification at the beginning (M1) of Season 0, in order to:

· Elaborate the minimum requirement (template) of a proposal;
· Explain the entire process from proposal drafting to final voting;
· Introduce how to use the governance tools (eg. Snapshot, Coordinape);
· Work closely with members to create proposals, answering questions and accelerate the process;
· Follow up the execution of approved proposals.

2) Upgraded Governance Structure

Along with the growth of DAO, the evolution of DAO’s governance structure is a must. During entire Season 0, G&A Block will work with Governor Block to consistently upgrade the governance structure, such upgrades includes but not limited to:

· Creation of new blocks;
· Merge & removal of existing blocks;
· Task reallocation among different blocks. Any upgrade of structure will be subject to sufficient communication with members and passed proposals of DAO.

3) Talent Pool

The capability of gathering talents of different backgrounds to contribute is what makes DAO way more competitive than traditional organizations. In order to get more members on board to contribute to 8DAO(and get rewarded of course), at early stage(M1) of Season 0, a talent pool will be established under G&A Block so that:

· Members can sign up with different experience and expertise (eg. writing, coding, designing, project development) and interested block/work;
· The blocks can review and invite matched talents to contribute together or:
· The blocks can post job recruitment with JD and JR for members of the talent pool to sign up.

4) Compensation Scheme and Budgeting

Compensation scheme is probably the most significant part of DAO governance as it directly determines the productivity of a DAO. Meanwhile proper budgeting of each season would enhance the transparency of DAO governance. Undoubtedly, lots of modification on compensation schemes and budgeting is expected at the early stage of a DAO. During the whole Season 0, G&A block will:

· Talk to various contributors on compensation scheme and make proper adjustment accordingly; 
· Work with all the other blocks to find out the lessons taken from budgeting so as to help them improve the budgeting of Season 1.
· Evaluate the financial impact of the compensation scheme from the long-term perspective of 8DAO.

5) Talent and Resources Needed

· Members with creative ideas on governance and enthusiasm on research
· Members of outstanding writing skills with patience

G&A Block Budget for Season 0

3. Community & Marketing Block


As a social DAO, members are our most valuable assets. And a strong and engaged community is the cornerstone of further development and value creation of this DAO. The Community & Marketing Block is responsible for developing the 8DAO community and managing external branding and marketing activities for 8DAO. In season 0, the block will be focusing on setting up the basics, recruiting talents and building up capabilities and kick-starting a series of community events for community bonding and engagement.

Specifications below propose to allocate 120k $8DAO Tokens and 15k USDT in Season 0 to the Community and Marketing Block for planning and implementation of Membership, Community Building and Marketing & PR purposes.

1) Membership

Seasonal Goal:

Building up the foundations, getting to know our members and start growing our membership base.

Housekeeping & Basics· Complete verification process on Discord
Set up of different channels on Discord· Set up of Telegram group and· Target: 80% of members verified wallet and join both groups

Membership Database
· Complete and enhance member profiles
· Set up member database

Membership Application Process· Referral flows
· Application for non-referral members
· Establishment of Application Review Committee· Selection criteria

New Member Onboarding Journey
· Design different touch points to insure new members adapt to the community

Member Growth
· To grow our members from 60 at the beginning of the season to 300 by the end of this season.

2) Community Building

Seasonal Goal: Create value for members through series community events and increase engagement and bonding among 8DAO members

Member communications
· Bi-weekly Newsletters
· Bi-weekly Townhall

Member Engagement
· Target: Minimum 2-3 member events per month, virtual or offline (excluding town hall)
· Solicit ideas and preferences from members
· Design incentives for members to participate in events
· Design incentives for members to organize events

POAP Development
· Design and launch a series of POAPs as recognition and incentives for different occasions

3) Marketing & PR

Seasonal Goal: Set up foundations of 8DAO branding and build up PR capabilities. Grow Twitter & IG followers by 3x and complete the first round of PR and media coverage for 8DAO.

· Develop a Brand Guideline 8DAO brand guideline (Visual Identity, copywriting do’s and don’ts)· 8DAO’s introduction materials for partnership and project collaboration· 8DAO 2nd round pitching material

Social media channel management
· Grow Twitter & IG followers by 3x

· Engage a crypto and web3 focused PR consultant to set up a media network
· Identify copywriting talents
· PR for 8DAO’s First Round Closing and Official Launch (Media pitching and coverage)
· Support PR for other 8DAO projects and partnerships

4) Budget

4. Season 0 Total Budget

As of 28th Mar 2022, 3,005,800 8DAO tokens have been distributed, and there are 490,000 USDT, 7,500 USDC & 6,994,200 8DAO tokens in 8DAO treasury.

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