8DAOIP - 5 - Season 1 Proposal

Executive Summary

As we are approaching the end of Season 0 (1 April - June 30 2022), the core contributors hereby present the Season 1(1 July - 30 September 2022) Proposal to all the 8DAO members. In Season 1, our development focus will transfer from infrastructure to community. “Community First” is our slogan for Season 1. The key points of Season 1 Proposal are set out below:

Strategic Goals

1. Continue to recruit quality members

2. Increase active contributors

3. Community empowerment

Governor Block

For Season 1 we will focus on building the community.  We will: continue to promote the brand name of 8DAO through our ambassador roles; keep our members current with the latest web3 developments, especially in the DAO space; work with members to prepare their proposals internally; and continue to assist and support all other blocks as needed in their community building work.

Governance & Administration Block

In Season 1, the G&A Block will continue to develop the 8DAO governance structure and provide the tools to empower the community and help more contributors as they come on board. The key points of Season 1 for the G&A Block are as set out below:

  1. Creation of Community Block & Marketing Block

  2. Adjustment on the key roles (Council Members, Community Advisors, Investment Committee Members)

  3. Encourage governance participation

    - Governance Guidebook

    - Bottom-up Proposals

  4. Talent Pool development

Marketing Block

The key focus for Season 1 is to enhance 8DAO’s brand identity, increase (a) awareness of 8DAO and (b) its influence via PR, social media and partnerships to make an impact in the Web3 community and attract quality members.

Community Block

The key focus for Season 1 is to increase engagement and bonding between 8DAO members, as well as enrolling further quality members. Key activities include:

  1. Experimenting with different types of community events
  2. Virtual Community Engagement
  3. Optimizing sign-up processes
  4. Design and production of quality merch for members

Treasury Block

The key focus for Season 1 is to prepare treasury reports regularly for members to review; explore more web3 tools to improve 8DAO productivity and contributor’s using experience; set up an investment squad to explore more investment opportunities.

Consolidated Season 1 Budget

Season 1 Proposal Contributing Team

  • Karma - Governor Block Leader
  • Samuel - Governance & Administration Block Leader
  • Lydia - Community & Marketing Block Leader
  • Jason - Treasury Block Leader
  • Lawrence - Singapore Region Head

Season 1 Strategic Goal

With the hard-work by all our 8DAO contributors in season 0, we have developed a solid infrastructure to support 8DAO development in the following seasons. This was the main goal of Season 0. We kicked off with 3 blocks (Governor, Marketing & Community, Governance & Administration) and created a Treasury Block during the season. In addition, we have created the (a) Acceleration Program to support quality projects in Web3 / DAO industries, and (b) Investment Club for members to pool invest in different projects alongside 8DAO. Various virtual and IRL community events have been held. There has been a notable increase in both the quantity and quality of the member base during Season 0.

People are everything in a DAO. It’s time for 8DAO to focus on community building. Quality contributors are crucial in DAO development. They’re most likely to start by joining us as members. Hence, bringing in more members with diverse backgrounds and strong beliefs in the Web3/NFT/DAO is the first step. We need to create an environment that is welcoming for new members and promotes interaction among current members to generate great ideas and strong bonding. “Community First” is our slogan for Season 1. The following are the strategic goals for 8DAO in Season 1:

  1. Continue to recruit quality members
  2. Increase active contributors
  3. Community empowerment

All blocks will work together to achieve the above goals. Meanwhile we will continue to:

  1. Improve our DAO structure
  2. Improve coordination of tasks among contributors
  3. Study new opportunities raised by members
  4. Proceed with progressive decentralization
  5. Refine 8DAO culture and value propositions

Governor Block

Season 0 Summary In brief, during the course of Season 0, the Governor Block has:

  • Created the Treasury Block and its investment club
  • Attended events including Consensus 2022 in Austin and NFT.NYC
  • Raised awareness with an interview on Hong Kong TV, organization of 8DAO’s Twitter Space series, attending 8DAO community events and networking in the crypto community
  • Created the Acceleration Programme under the umbrella of Governor Block

For more details, members can review the Season 0 Review posted in 8DAO discord.

Human capital is the single most important form of capital for a DAO. We’re now going to be shifting focus from building the infrastructure of 8DAO in season 0 to building the community in season 1. In more detail, the key points of Season 1 for the Governor Block are set out below:

  1. Ambassador
    Continue to promote the brand name of 8DAO. Attend events, talks, seminars both online and IRL. The aim is to draw greater attention from people to apply for 8DAO membership. Promoting 8DAO is going to help with the community goal.
  2. Education
    Create more DAO/NFT/web3 related materials and share both internally and externally. This will help our existing DAO members to catch up with latest web3 developments, especially in the DAO space. It will also help 8DAO to be positioned as a web3 and DAO promoter and leader, particularly in Asia.
  3. Internal Incubation
    Governor block will continue to work alongside new contributors on initiating new units to try new DAO functions.
  4. Assist in Community Building with Other Blocks
    Governor block will continue to work closely with other blocks to achieve the strategic goal of season 1.
*As was set out in the 8DAO Season 0 proposal, the block leader of Governance & Administration and Community & Marketing may each receive another 7,500 8DAO tokens as a bonus payment, subject to community approval. This relates exclusively to Season 0 and will not be repeated for Season 1.
*As was set out in the 8DAO Season 0 proposal, the block leader of Governance & Administration and Community & Marketing may each receive another 7,500 8DAO tokens as a bonus payment, subject to community approval. This relates exclusively to Season 0 and will not be repeated for Season 1.

Governance & Administration Block

Season 0 Summary

In brief, during the course of Season 0, the Governance & Administration Block (“G&A Block”) has:

  • Created the 8DAO Proposal Specification;
  • Created the Treasury Block, Investment Club and Acceleration Programme (8DAOIP2, 8DAOIP3, 8DAOIP4);
  • Created the Talent Pool & Code of Conduct;
  • Further refined the Compensation Scheme;
  • Led the preparation of the Season 0 Review & Season 1 Proposal.

For more details, members can review the Season 0 Review posted in 8DAO discord.

Community First. In Season 1, the G&A Block will continue to develop the 8DAO governance structure and tools to empower the community and help more contributors as they come on board. In more detail, the key points of Season 1 for G&A Block are as set out below:

1. 8DAO Governance Structure

As the workload has quickly increased with 8DAO’s strong momentum, it has become evident that the demands on the Community & Marketing block are excessive for the current structure.  Therefore, to better serve the requirements demanded of this block, it is proposed that with effect from the beginning of Season 1 (1 July 2022), the original Community & Marketing Block be divided into two new distinct blocks, being the (a) Community Block and (b) Marketing Block.

Community Block will be responsible for growing the number of quality members and building deeper bonds within the 8DAO community. Key activities include membership application screening , new member on-boarding process, IRL & virtual events.

There are currently 3 units under the umbrella of Community Block: (1) Hong Kong Region, (2) Singapore Region and (3) Virtual Community, each dealing with events in their respective communities. The new Community Block will have the authority to add to/remove/modify the units in line with the future development and requirements of 8DAO.

Lawrence will be the Community Block Leader. The details of the key objectives of the Community Block will be illustrated in the corresponding section below.

Marketing Block will be responsible for 8DAO marketing, including but not limited to overall branding, PR management and press releases. Lydia will be the Marketing Block Leader. The details of the key objectives of the Marketing Block will be illustrated in the corresponding section below.

In Season 1, as and when the G&A Block deem it necessary, the G&A Block may propose to further refine the 8DAO governance structure and place formal proposals to members for voting.

2.  Key Roles

To better empower the community and encourage more talents to join the contribution and governance of 8DAO, the G&A Block proposes to make some adjustments to the Community Advisors and the members of Council and Investment Committee (“IC”). It is proposed that with effect from the beginning of Season 1 (1 July 2022), the arrangement of these key roles be as follows:

3. Governance Participation

People are everything in a DAO. In 8DAO, it's not only members’ rights but also members’ responsibility to participate actively in the governance. Such participation includes, but is not limited to, asking questions, putting forward suggestions, making proposals and participating in the voting. In Season 1, the G&A Block will focus on the following two matters to further increase governance participation:

A) Governance Guidebook

To give members (especially the new ones) an easy understanding of 8DAO governance, the G&A Block will prepare an all-in-one guidebook comprising the latest updated 8DAO deck, membership guide, code of conduct, proposal specification, voting platform and other necessary documents for 8DAO members.

B) Bottom-up Proposals

In Season 1, the G&A Block will continue to work closely with member(s) who are interested in raising proposals. The G&A Block will aim to ensure proposals are in the correct form, have sufficient information for consideration and are of good quality. Any proposal that aims to improve or benefit 8DAO is welcome. For example, members can propose to improve the current structure/scheme, or propose to seek permission for a grant to start a project/unit/function under the umbrella of 8DAO. In addition, in order to encourage bottom-up proposals, there will be extra rewards, recognition and opportunities available to those member(s) whose proposals are adopted by the community.

4. Talent Pool

In 8DAO, the community and people are the important essence. Smoothly, identifying talent of the members and understanding the talent needed in each block are necessary.

In Season 0, we have gathered the data from each member including their skills and talent. In Season 1, we will filter the data accordingly, and then create a user-friendly HR interface on Notion, so that each block leader could understand members' talent and connect with their to-do list.

We estimate that this initial process (linking the data from Airtable to Notion, testing the data feed, and creating the decent UI & UX) will take about 20 hours and requires technical support. Moreover, even after the launch of the new UI, this process is ongoing and need the constante maintenance as the number of members will keep increasing.

5. Budget

Marketing Block

Season 0 Review

Membership Basics

  • Set up membership application, approval and onboarding processes and touchpoints
  • Launched referral scheme in June

Communications & Community Building

  • Set up all communications channels (Discord, Telegram, Website) and social media handles
  • Organized virtual events via zoom and discord for members to bond and engage
  • Organized offline events for 8DAO members in HK & SG with over 100 pax participants
  • Set up organizer’s reward mechanism to incentivise members to organize events on their own


  • Identified and collaborated with a member / contributor on press release
  • Launched press release for 8DAO’s first round token sales with over 30 media coverage

Season 1 Goal: Enhance 8DAO’s brand identity, increase 8DAO’s awareness and influence via PR, social media and partnerships to make impact in the Web3 community and attract new members

  1. Branding
    A) Develop 8DAO’s brand equity, identify and brand positioning
    B) Revamp 8DAO’s introduction materials for partnership and project collaborations
  2. PR
    A) Press release for Season 1 initiatives, programs and progress
    B) Media pitching and media coverage
    C) Support PR for other 8DAO projects and partnerships if needed
  3. Partnerships
    A) Explore partnerships to promote 8DAO via other communities
    B) Target to establish 3-5 partnerships with other projects / communities
  4. Communications
    A) Keep 8DAO website up to date about the latest information and happenings
    B) Maintain 8DAO’s social media channels. Grow IG and Twitter followers to 500
  5. Budget

Community Block

As a social DAO, members are the core of our DAO and our most valuable assets. The Community Block is responsible for growing the number of quality members joining 8DAO and developing deeper bonds within the 8DAO community.

In season 0, the community block focused on setting up the basics and kick-starting a series of community events for community bonding and engagement. In season 1, the block will be focusing on recruiting talents and facilitating deeper community engagement both digitally and in real life.
Specifications below propose to allocate 70,400 8DAO Tokens and 14,200 USDC in Season 1 to the Community Block for planning and development of stated goals below.

1. Membership

A) Season 1 Slogan:

- “Community First”

B) Membership Profile Gallery:-

- Complete and enhance member profiles

- Set up a member gallery portal for member viewing. Skill/talent/interest matching

C) Member Data Dashboard:

- Track per month/season

- Total Discord members / Total Verified Discord members

- Total Applied / Total approved members / Total contributors

- Quality growth tracking – how many real core contributors are we adding?

D) Friction Reduction:

- Identify Key Issues with current processes, keep optimizing

- Refine Membership Application Process and Member Onboarding Journey

- Continuous optimization of touch points to reduce friction for new members to join and get started

- Tech as an enabler - as an example, we can explore digitizing the onboarding process via creation of a sign up page for new members, with SAFT signing followed by token purchase instructions

2. Community Building

A) Seasonal Goal:

- Experimenting with different types of community events and increase engagement and bonding among 8DAO members

B) Regional Community Head:

- Set up a system of regional community heads, one per country.

- Rotational leadership of Community Block among regional heads.

- Responsible for tailoring community activities in their region.

C) IRL events:

- Curation and approval of events by each region's community head. Tailored experience for members in each region.

- Social drinks to potentially be 8DAO signature bond building activity

D) Member communications:

- Bi-weekly Newsletters

- Bi-weekly Townhall with invited guests. Some sessions to get community involved and discuss member proposals

- Bi-weekly Call for new members - "feel at home with us" - new members introduction and welcome by community.

E) Member Engagement Target:

- Minimum 1 member events per month per region, virtual or offline (excluding town hall)

- Encourage members to "contribute to earn" by organizing meetups/events

F) Virtual Community Engagement and POAP Development

- Implement POAP system as recognition and incentives for different occasions.

- Design and implement attend / Collect to earn mechanism

- Identify key contributor to guide and manage new members to integrate into community and get familiar with C2E mechanics

3. Merch

Extra Visibility for 8DAO IRL

A) Design and produce of 2 batches of merch for 8DAO members

B) Get 8DAO to be represented and seen at many crypto ecosystem events

4. Budget

Treasury Block

Season 0 Summary

In brief, during the course of Season 0, the Treasury Block has:

- Invested in Pool Investment NFT Account;

- Set up Payment Tool Utopialabs.com for block leaders and contributors to use;

- Swapped Treasury fund to different coins and tokens for asset diversification;

- Managed Treasury’s 8DAO Tokens/cryptocurrencies for compensation and expenses to members and contributors.

For more details, members can review the Season 0 Review posted in 8DAO discord.

  1. Treasury Report
    Preparing 2 reports per season. One during mid-season and another one at the end of season. The reports will include information about 8DAO asset diversification, how and where funds were used.
  2. Treasury Operation
    Continue to keep treasury assets safe; bookkeeping for treasury; review, approve and process 8DAO tokens/payments to block leaders/contributors. New treasury tools will be tested and implemented to improve community user experience and productivity. Treasury Block will review the season budget regularly with block leaders to ensure the fund has been used reasonably.
  3. Investment Squad
    For the community to work closely with the investment committee to explore more investment opportunities. The Treasury block is planning to set up an Investment Squad. A new proposal will be submitted during season 1. More details can be found in the proposal.
  4. Budget

Consolidated Season 1 Budget

Please note that all unutilized/unclaimed Season 1 budget will automatically expire at the end of Season 1 (30 Sep 2022).

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