BOS DAO Update & Roadmap v0.02
July 23’: Book of STAMP created & launched via Viva La Vandal-made STAMP to act as a burn card for a BTC STAMP curation effort/directory
Aug/Sept 23’: Book of STAMP formed a genesis group of ‘STAMP Scientists’ whom of which curated Chapter 1 of the Book of STAMP
Oct 23’: New curation team is formed to curate the remaining Chapters for Book #1 of the Book of STAMP. This effort marks the start of a formal DAO effort backed by a SRC20 token
Nov 23’: BOS Token is deployed & a DAO began official formation
Dec 23’: Discord built out for contributors to begin the process of forming community mediums. Social accounts, website domains, ENS domains, and other assets acquired. Documentation started for DAO foundation/template.
Jan 24’: DAO Structure formed with core contributors, potential early proposals, and multisig signers coming together to plan initial products and engineering resources.
Feb 24’: Multisig established and BOS Airdrop formally planned amongst BOS DAO contributors. Early proposals were brought to the community in the incubation phase on Discord.
Mar 24’: BOS DAO hosting first X/Twitter spaces on March 12th with an announcement related to product roadmap, community happenings, & more. Airdrop potentially executed mid-March.
April 24’: Governance and proposals/work efforts kick-off, early MVP(minimum viable product)/product planning stages begin for BOS DAO wallet product (open-source).
May 24’: Begin replacing dispensers/infra. In order to enable buying/selling of STAMP art. MVP super-secret-liquidity-related-product-shhhhh.
June 24’: DAO calls planned for token holders to hear updates on products & development including Book of STAMP art directory happenings, and manufacturing of Book #1 (BOS DAOs original product from July of 2023).
July 24’: DAO-wise workstream updates, token-holder AMA
Aug 24’: Maintaining workflow, & TBD
Sept. 24’ to Jan 25’ & Beyond: Maintain growth, workflow, & TBD