Governance Documentation v0.03
May 4th, 2024

[Governance Documentation v0.03]

Proposal Process:

**Incubation (Discord)

 Minimum/max Timeframe: 7 - 30 days
ii. Location: #DAO-Proposals Channel on Discord
iii. Ensure an Admin Pins your official incubation post on the #DAO-Proposals Channel 
iv. Loose guidelines - Specific formatting not required, utilizing the Proposal Template below

**Preliminary Vote (Discord)

 Min-Max Timeframe: 7 - 30 Days
ii. Location: #Prelim-Proposal Channel on Discord
iii. Use the Official Template below
iv. Vote utilizing (more info. coming soon).

Primary Vote (Must Follow Official Process)

i. Min Timeframe: 4 days - Max 14 days
ii. Vote Location: (more info. coming soon)
iii. Use the Official Template below
iv. Must also host proposal on (must be through the official BOS DAO mirror [contact admin on BOS DAO discord for specific information/direction on this step])

Discord channels for incubation, prelim proposals and msig requests
Discord channels for incubation, prelim proposals and msig requests

[Official Proposal Template]

Summary: Brief 2-3 sentence overview of your proposal

Specification: Any and all specific details related to your proposal (including full technical breakdown if applicable for engineering details)

Pros/Cons: The positives and negatives of your proposal

Funding Details: Details on funding requirement(s)/request(s)

Voting options: Yes/No

Proposals must start with 'SP#[]’

Conflicting Proposal Policy:

Conflicting proposals are proposals that are active at the same time and address the same issue or are mutually exclusive.

For the Conflicting Proposals process to apply, counter proposals must be published in Proposal Discussion before the Ideation phase of the original proposal concludes, and should include “[Counter Proposal to SP-X]” where X is the corresponding SP#. To avoid delays in the governance process, any counter proposal that follows the format requirements of Ideation and is published before the conclusion of the original proposal must be included as a voting option when the Original proposal is put up for final vote.

Multi-sig Transaction Execution Request Policy:

To request execution by the DAO’s multi-sig upon approved proposal, post a message in the #Multisig channel on the official BOS (Book of STAMP) DAO Discord with the following information in a formal request (verification of this request may be requested by multi-sig signers): Amount, purpose, relevant proposal/funding approval information & the requested/necessary/proposed date of payment execution.

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