Privasea AI has raised $15M in funding from top-tier VCs. They have allocated a significant portion for the node runners, yet it still seems like no one is talking about it. Till now there are less than 500 Privanetix node runners. Let’s directly head to the steps:
Go to Active Nodes and confirm if the node is displayed.
What are the different Levels?
Level 4: Weight Coef : 1.0
Level 3: Weight Coef : 1.2
Level 1: Weight Coef : 2.0
Higher the specs of your node, the more weight coefficient they have, and they provide more compute hence earning more rewards.
Wait for deployment. Copy Node Address from Privasea Node in Active Nodes
1. Connect your preferred EVM wallet
2. Click on set up now
3. Create your unique name
4. Add commision rate (prefered 1-3%)
5. Enter your node address thank you copied from Mintair Dashboard
6. Click on setup my node button. (Make sure you have ETH on Arbitrum Sepolia in the wallet that you have connected here)
That’s it it should look like this and say “Online”. Your node is running.
Step 1 : Claim the Deep Sea Faucet to your wallet which is connected to the Privasea dashboard
Step 2: Go to staking page : Scroll down you will find staking details then click on details
Step 3: After clicking on details then scroll down you will find my staking there you will find stake option
Step 4: Click on stake then enter amount 1 and confirm the tx’s
Note : when signing a transaction for staking, increase the gas limit to 300000 and set the network commission to 0.101 and priority to 0.10