How to do Web3 marketing on Twitter: An ultimate guide to effective Twitter marketing

by @0xsexybanana and @EzeOguejiofor

Nowadays, Twitter seems to be the must-have marketing tool for web3 projects. In this article, we have covered key elements of successful Twitter marketing strategies so that you can execute to launch your project.

1. How to polish your Twitter homepage: every account needs to have a clear persona

First thing first, before taking any marketing initiative, it is of strategic importance that you have a clear branding plan in mind, including the target audience, brand positioning, and the overall persona of your Twitter account.

When setting up your Twitter account, you should be aware that every single visualized part of your homepage shapes how people perceive your brand, so you need to align your visual presentation and word expression with your overall branding plan and account persona beforehand.

There are several key elements of your Twitter homepage:

  • Logo: The profile image must be unique and of sharp quality. You should use simple and memorable shapes and colors so that your project can be easily recognized.

  • Name: should be unique and not easily confused with existing projects.

  • Twitter Handle: you may want to register your Twitter handle before you announce the project to the public.

  • Description: people expect to find a short yet clear introduction or mission about your products.

  • Location and website: you can put your physical or ingenious virtual location, such as “Metaverse” on your homepage.

  • Background pictures: design a background image that reflects how you want your brand to be perceived.

To better understand how to do this, we suggest checking out the Twitter profile of projects like Azuki, and STEPN.

2. How to create contents that people genuinely like and retweet

Infuse web3 sarcasm and meme into your content

Being able to create funny and sarcastic memes is the key to getting your Twitter content spread out. There is probably no other corner of the internet where memes are as greatly appreciated as web3. So, as much as possible and in an appropriate way, feel free to use sarcastic comments or inside jokes as tweet content.

Memes could take the form of a mock of a web3 celebrity like Vitalik or a hilarious cartoon of an NFT project. Elon Musk is a top meme master, you can always refer to his Twitter for meme inspiration.

Use hashtags to do content SEO

On micro-blogging platforms like Twitter, hashtags are effective tools to gain visibility quickly. Why? It is essential to note that an integrated SEO layer is integrated on Twitter.

That means, depending on the web3 niche your project can be classified under, you will need to select keywords that your target audience uses frequently. You will also need to monitor conversations around critical topics to collect a handful of hashtags.

A string of NFT hashtags keywords might get your content to show up in the search result of many web3 degens.

Tonnes of creative visuals

You will need an extensive library of visual material you can use to communicate vital info about your project. That is particularly vital if you are building a GameFi project.

Twitter users are easily bored if they constantly get treated to endless streams of one form of content. Your team must get innovative to add some visuals to the variety, including videos, cute Emojis, fan art, etc.

Writing insightful perspective with Twitter Thread

Twitter thread is a good way for you to express ideas in a systematic order. Even though most of the content on Twitter is short write-ups and fragments of thoughts, threads are trendy now to be a new way to attract readers who want serious content.

How to attract followers with a thread? You need to lure readers through the first Twitter with good stories, questions, keywords, and meme pictures. Then for each of your following threads, it is recommended to start those with a brief and clear sentence highlighting the gist.

When there are 4 or more Tweets in a thread, the Tweets will be truncated. So it would be best if you kept the important things up front.

3. How to quickly gain real followers on Twitter

GA (Giveaways) is a great way to increase follower numbers, but use it with caution.

Collaborating with other NFT or Game-fi communities to do a gift giveaway has proven to be an effective way to gain followers in a short time.

However, you should carefully pick the projects that you are collaborating with. Always come to projects that have great team backgrounds, strong financial backing, and clear roadmaps. Collaborating with scammers can severally damage your brand. So, DYOR before doing GA.

Influencer Marketing/PR

Web3 KOLs’ recommendations hold a strong influence on web3 degens’ behaviors. Target audiences your voice cannot reach may be attracted to your project through sponsored tweets of an influencer with many followers from such regions.

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However, before you embark on this strategy, carefully check if the influencer has the proper criteria to help connect with your prospective audience. It is also advised to watch for red flags such as bot-manipulated engagement. There are many Twitter analytics tools, you analyze their data to judge whether that KOL is worth your investment.

Lastly, you should know that you don’t need to break the bank to launch a successful PR campaign. At an early stage, you can always liaise with a set of micro-influencers that are affordable.

Host Twitter Space from time to time

Twitter Space is a live audio conversation on Twitter. It will pop up on the top of your Twitter App. Anyone can listen to a space and can speak if allowed by the Space host.

The beauty of Twitter Space is that if any one of your followers is in your space, then your space will show in the Twitter App of his or her followers, meaning your account will be broadcast to the followers of your followers without actions such as retweets or likes.

Ideally, if you are hosting a high-quality space, you could highly likely gain organic traffic globally on Twitter.

Interact with your followers through DMs and comments.

Your Twitter account is a digital extension of your office. It would help if you recruited qualified people to answer users’ questions, receive feedback, masterfully manage negative criticism from followers, and listen and make personalized responses to users.

Customer support will also play a highly-important role in identifying dissatisfied users. Suppose this aspect of your Twitter account is well-handled. In that case, followers of your project and even detractors will perceive your professionalism and uniqueness from afar and turn into your brand’s advocates.

After all, interaction and transparency is the key to web3 community-building.

4. A few more tips

Web3, as an industry, leans more towards community-focused initiatives; here are some extra things you should consider doing:

● Incorporating NFTs in your content strategy to increase brand awareness.

● Cross-promoting on Twitter through collaborations with other web3 projects and platforms such as Quest3, Project Galaxy, and Alpha bot.

● Watch out for web3 community growth KPIs like community size and tweet engagement levels. These will help you measure the impact of your marketing.

● Stay updated on web3 trends. Web3 is continuously evolving. The current phase of the industry is nothing like what was in 2017, 2018, and 2019. Therefore, a costly mistake you don’t want to make is becoming outdated on the latest techniques and methods.

● One thing you should never do as a Twitter marketer is to fake engagement data through bots. Vanity metrics are a mirage. Fake followers are easy to identify with analytic tools, signaling a lack of devotion you have for the project. Building a vibrant and engaged community on Twitter can be a slow process. Therefore, patience is critical.


For any project to be successful, it needs the loyalty and support of a large and organic community. As a blockchain platform, Twitter is one of the best sites to grow and nurture a fanbase for your product or services. That will help your project’s reputation and success in the long term.

Happy hunting!

About Treasureland

Treasureland is a multi-chain NFT platform for NFT issuance, NFT trading, NFT collections, and tailored in-shop services. It provides a one-stop solution to business-end users from 0 to 1 and a multiple-chain aggregation experience for C-end users.

Treasureland raised a seed funding round led by HashKey Capital and Youbi Capital, with participation from Assembly Ventures, NGC Venture, GBV Capital, DFG, Spark Digital, SNZ, Mask Network, and other top institutions.

Treasureland has deployed on multiple blockchains, including Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum, Polygon, IoTex, Moonriver, and diverse multi-chain NFT assets. And it will deploy on more chains soon.

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