TomoBOTchi Data Pamphlet
  1. Brief introduction to TomoBOTchi

  2. How do you play TomoBOTchi?

  3. Do bots have unique traits?

  4. What is play-time trait distribution?

  5. What’s OIL? I MUST HAVE IT! (coming soon)

  6. Where is TomoBOTchi stored? (coming soon)

  7. Minting process (coming soon)

  8. Funds usage (coming soon)

  9. Development roadmap (coming soon)

  10. Technical Details (coming soon)

  11. TY bot-lovers! (coming soon)

*NOTE, we’ll be releasing more and more of the DATA Pamphlet each week!

TomoBOTchi, a game within a Turf
TomoBOTchi, a game within a Turf

Brief Introduction to TomoBOTchi

Hey there bot-lovers it’s MT, a UX/UI designer that also enjoys illustrating pixel art fulltime. I founded Turf, a location based monopoly game, built on foursquare, in 2011 (long before that copycat Pokemon Go, jokes). More recently through much sweat and effort I along with my friends Pfeffunit and Keith brought the Turf genesis collection to the world in early 2022. Since launch we’ve been hard at work steadily building Turf as a vibrant WEB3 social platform where folks can do a variety of cool things, including chit chatting about their favorite NFTs, streaming spaces, snap-shoting wallets, and holding community events. (Visit Turf)

Since the beginning of our humble project we’ve dreamt of birthing a plethora of playable add-on game layers within Turf. The first such layer will be TomoBOTchi, a PFP-game that combines the best parts of WEB3 with virtual pocket pets.

It is our vision that through play and participation we can reward our audience with great collectibles. To make this possible we’re building a number of key technologies - most important of all is what we call play-time trait distribution.

This data pamphlet serves to answer any questions as best as we can, while leaving some things purposely mysterious for the sake of the game. Any additional questions can be answered during our live Turfsday twitter spaces which are held every Thursday on twitter and within Turf. If you absolutely insist on pestering us with higher frequency you can join our discord.

How do you play TomoBOTchi?

TomoBOTchi is not too dissimilar from the virtual pets we grew up with in the 90s. If you aren’t old enough to recall what we’re talking about, well just google it will ya?

Let’s put it really simply - you have a bot and you take care of that bot, the better care the more OIL it produces. OIL is used to upgrade your bot and in turn produce MOAR OIL! Got it? Great!

Every bot begins life as a pupa and through care and nurturing they will upgrade and become strong and unique!

Care = Oil = Upgrades
Care = Oil = Upgrades
  • When the bot has pooped > you scoop it up

  • When its hungry > you feed it

  • When it needs to sleep > you put that pupper to bed

If you do these activities at the right times you earn OIL and if you do them right more often than not then OIL yields will be greater than if you only did things right some times. It’s really that simple… only its not because we like to toss monkey wrenches in everything so we’ve added more but honestly its too soon for that.

Do bots have unique traits?

The production of OIL is not for nothing. In order to upgrade your bot from pupa to tween you will spend that sweet sweet oil. Tweens are similar to pupa but they’re a lot more contrarian and they think your curfew is dumb… you’re not their REAL DAD! Okay maybe they’re not that edgy but they are a precious step on this long hike called bot-life.

Where it begins to get interesting is when your bot takes the lofty leap into bot-adulthood. It’s at this point that you can begin unlocking unique trait combinations. Every adult bot has seven traits to upgrade and once each trait is revealed it is stored on that bot forever. In other projects you typically experience the trait unboxing all at once during a reveal period but we don’t believe in doing it the easy way… we believe in doing it the FUN way (we’ll cover this more in the next section: play-time trait distribution).

Flow'in from Pupa to Adult-Bot
Flow'in from Pupa to Adult-Bot

Unique Bot Traits:

  • Device shell (unlocked at mint)

  • Device shell mod (unlocked at mint)

  • Chassis

  • Chompr

  • Left SKT.

  • Right SKT.

  • Optic Unit

  • Top Cover

  • Under Dingl.

Adult bots have 7 traits that can be upgraded
Adult bots have 7 traits that can be upgraded

Not only do TomoBOTchis have bot traits the device shells that they come in are also customizable. These unlock at the time of minting and are randomized but take into account the other NFTs that you hold in your wallet. The example below is if the wallet has a Squiggle. This is not a guarantee but it is a chance on mint.

Left: TomoBOTchi outside of Turf / Right: TomoBOTchi inside of Turf
Left: TomoBOTchi outside of Turf / Right: TomoBOTchi inside of Turf

Play-time trait distribution

So early on while building the Turf genesis collection we discovered that trait combos aren’t actually created in real time as people mint (they also don’t fall from the sky via meth stork). In fact it’s a lot more mundane than that, see they take all of the traits and they put them in a big tumbler and shake it like a dog, the resulting collection has it’s order mixed up messier than 2am at Coachella. When you mint you’re placed in a long dumb line and whatever order you’re in you are assigned the corresponding tokens and well that’s all folks! This process while easy to implement takes all of the glory out of it and to be honest we live strictly for glory.

So we got to thinking could there possibly be another way? A better way? A more glorious way? Our boy Pfeffunit cracked the nugget and devised a truly innovative way of unlocking traits. We call it “play-time trait distribution”. Simply put this means that through some serious math magic our rarity curves favor those who participate and participate hard we must! The more you play TomoBOTchi and the better quality that play is the better odds you will have at unlocking rarer components.

To illustrate our completely innovative new fangled system we’ve built simulations to sort out how play-time trait distribution can exist. What’s important to note is that when a TomoBOTchi is minted it is fresh as the driven snow and has no assigned trait combinations… yet. It is through nurturing and care that traits unlock.

Fancy simulation to prove a point
Fancy simulation to prove a point

Every bot upgrade is assigned a rarity level from 1-6 (6 being more rare). On launch there are more rarity 6 upgrades in each pool but that number diminishes as they get welded onto bots. So the earlier you are to unlocking a component the more likely you are to get a rarer part.

There is a mysterious rarity 7, these are exceptionally rare and there’s an additional mechanic for unlocking them but that’s secret!

The moment you roll a new upgrade its rarity level + art will be revealed and locked to your bot forever-ever. No amount of prying or gnawing will remove that trait - it is as the cool nerds say “immutable”.

Since this system is in fact real-time we are going through great efforts to ensure that every completed bot is unique. In the extremely unlikely situation of twinsies we’ve come up with a novel solution - but, pray to the bot gods that we never see that day...

From PUPA to Complete Bot one trait at a time
From PUPA to Complete Bot one trait at a time

Note for the lazy: we do include a deadline for when the rest of the traits will be randomly rolled and assigned but the pool of potential traits gets less and less rare as more traits are unlocked, so we advise you to not slack off.


Oil is sort of like spice… he who has it controls the universe! We’ll be talking about this later, tune in next week to learn more about it!

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