Wrapped Kevins

I created this wrapped collection to set Kevin free. As Kevin rose to stardom, it was a shame that the Pixelmon team (who already siphoned 70M from the market) was still reaping benefits from royalties. I created this collection so people could freely trade their Kevin with 0% royalties going to the team.

When you wrap your Kevin, you are essentially staking your token into the wrapped smart contract and receiving a Wrapped Kevin in return. From there, you can freely trade your Kevin on a wrapped collection on OS with 0% royalties to the team. At any point, if you wish to unwrap your Kevin, you will get your original Pixelmon Kevin back.

After speaking with Kevin holders, it was of utmost importance to retain the way Kevin looked (he’s beautiful ain’t he?). The Pixelmon team was considering changing his appearance which is unacceptable. Since the most important things were the image + matching token ID, we decided to host Kevin’s image on Arweave (permanent decentralized file storage) and host the metadata on chain. Kevin will live on forever, completely decoupled from Pixelmon. Long live Kevin.

Please note: Selling your wrapped Kevin is the same thing as selling your real Kevin. You will not be able to unwrap your Kevin to its original Pixelmon token if you sold your Wrapped Kevin. If you bought a Wrapped Kevin, you can unwrap into the original Pixelmon Kevin if you wish.

How to wrap your Kevin

There currently is no frontend for wrapping, so you must use the smart contract directly. If you’ve never done this before, it’ll be a good learning opportunity. Also if anyone wants to write a frontend, please be my guest.

First you need to approve the Wrapped Kevin contract in the Pixelmon contract

This essentially lets the Wrapped contract to receive your Pixelmon Kevin and mint you an equivalent wrapped Kevin.

Step 1: Head over to the Pixelmon contract here. (contract address: 0x32973908FaeE0Bf825A343000fE412ebE56F802A).

Step 2: Set approval for the wrapped kevin contract by:

Clicking the “Write contract” tab and connecting your wallet (the wallet holding your Kevin).

Once connected (you’ll see a green dot to show you’re connected), scroll down to the function setApprovalForAll.This is where you will approve the Wrapped Kevin contract. Open up the function tab and you’ll see 2 inputs.

In the first input (operator address), copy and paste the Wrapped Kevin contract address (which is 0x5724005a129e37c35fA5277D85b8E7826CB66FD4) and in the second input, type true. Click Write and approve the transaction in metamask!

The red dot will turn green when you're connected. Please make sure you're on mainnet
The red dot will turn green when you're connected. Please make sure you're on mainnet
The operator is the address for the Wrapped Kevin contract: 0x5724005a129e37c35fA5277D85b8E7826CB66FD4
The operator is the address for the Wrapped Kevin contract: 0x5724005a129e37c35fA5277D85b8E7826CB66FD4

Second, head over to the Wrapped Kevin contract and wrap your Kevin.

Step 1: Head over to the wrapped Kevin contract here. The address for the contract is 0x5724005a129e37c35fA5277D85b8E7826CB66FD4.

Step 2: Do the same thing as above and connect your wallet in the Write contracttab.

Step 3: Scroll down to the Wrap function and input your Kevin tokenID. This contract will only let you wrap Kevin tokens, so make sure you’re inputting the correct tokenID (If your Kevin is Pixelmon # 69 then your token ID is 69). Click Write and approve the transaction in Metamask! You now have your wrapped Kevin Token in your wallet (check on OS)! Your wrapped Kevin will be the exact same token ID as your original Kevin.

Now trade freely on the Wrapped Kevins collection :)

How to unwrap your Kevin

Just like wrapping your Kevin above, go to the Wrapped Kevin contract and connect your wallet. Scroll down to find the function unwrap. Input your Wrapped Kevin token ID and click Write. Approve your transaction in Metamask and your wrapped Kevin will be burned and your original Kevin will be sitting in your wallet :)

Please wrap at your own risk. This contract has been reviewed by I am not legally liable for any losses.

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