(We Are³) Manifest & Roadmap 2024

This manifest is only the starting point of a long and productive journey.

We live in a peculiar era: we are surrounded by an abundance of everything, but this "everything" has lost its vibrancy and become nothing. Unfortunately, this is also true of art, which is becoming pale in its diversity. And what about the art system?

The current art system, tied to its own hierarchy, has become too clumsy to support young artists in entering the market and gaining recognition. What's more, it simply doesn't admit them, retaining the right to determine what is good art and what’s not. And, of course, the system resists change and strives to maintain its dominant role as the arbiter.

Sounds familiar, right?

In the last century, the Modernists emerged and made a name for themselves by breaking away from the dominant Academy and revolutionizing the field of art. They were later followed by Post-modernists, who playfully and sarcastically broke from the past once again.

And then art experienced a crisis of self-determination. The latest and final wave of globalization has erased national borders, blurred the lines of art, and blended colors. The diversity of art has become so immense that it’s turned out impossible to unite it under a single movement and identify a defining direction of its evolution.

While experts are struggling over which station this train will arrive at, and the existence and nature of meta-modernism, artists have come together organically within the web3 space.

And so a great era began. Digital art has flooded the world like a river rushing towards its destiny and brings us new meanings of a new era, filled with a new spirit. A new Zeitgeist. The architects of modernism passionately created drama out of lifeless stone, and the web3 artists creates art out of lifeless pixels.

Web3 is not just a new space for selling art but an entirely new approach to its creation.

Web3 art is about creating the experience around the artwork, about the community, about the long-lasting relationships between the collector and the artist, and it is about decentralization and democratization. The web3 space naturally influences the type of art created within it.

We are inspired by the web3 decentralization, openness, and mutual support of the community. The openness towards classical institutions to build a new future of art. We are excited by the skillful blending of art and technology. We see the new web3 market continuing to build on its own ruins of 2021, and we see personalities who are helping this space and artists to grow in every way possible.

We know that web3 digital art is the future and we want to be part of the history that is being made in front of our eyes and contribute to the development of the community. We see artists and collectors as the main drivers of the whole system, and curators playing an important supporting role.


On the one hand, We are here to create the conditions in which any artist has opportunity to be heard and seen. The conditions in which any artist finds the collectors and has resources to create something greater than something they created yesterday.

On the other hand, We are here to facilitate the entrance of new collectors to the web3 market and create the conditions in which any collector can easily access all the necessary information to make data-driven decisions and to confidently support the artists they believe in.

Finally, We are going to contribute to the evolution of web3 curation practices, which are the same in their core as the ones in the classic curation, but different in the approach.


We are creating a space that brings together artists, collectors, and curators to collaborate, and share experience, and knowledge, for the sake of web3 development.

The work in this area is divided into 3 components:

We Are Artists

  • Promoting artists and giving them a stage to be heard and seen. This will include working with selected artists and promoting their collections, as well as creating a Space where artists can talk present themselves and their art projects.

  • In terms of targeted artist promotion, we have started working with Muse in the Maze and will soon be unveiling our collaborative project for 2024.

  • Special project together with Notahash creating an immersive experience around Source collection.

We Are Collectors

  • Interviewing collectors-influencers to provide artists with the data for their discovery and new collectors with a source of information to successfully start their journey in web3.

  • Founding (We Are 3) Collection and collecting digital art to bring attention to the selected artists.

  • Launching an educational platform (We Are 3) Academy for the collectors new to web3 to facilitate their first steps in the market.

We Are Curators

  • Curating meta-exhibitions that become spaces for promoting artists.

  • Publishing editorial reviews on meta exhibitions to draw attention to web3 curators, the phenomena of web3 exhibitions, the artists that are a part of them, and to Open Metaverses in which we see great potential.


We Are Artists:

1. Release and development of Muse in the Maze Hero’s Journey Project (Q1 - Q3)

2. Special Project x Notahash (Q2 - Q4)

3. Launch and development of We Are Artists Space (Q1 - Q4)

We Are Collectors:

4. Continuous interviewing of the web3 collectors (Q1 - Q4)

5. Start and replenishment of (We Are 3) Collection (Q1 - Q4)

6. (We Are 3) Academy program development (Q2 - 2025)

We Are Curators:

7. Continuous meta-reviews on the web3 exhibitions (Q1 - Q4)

8. In Between Meta Exhibition preparation (info soon) (Q3 - 2025)

We are going to publish regular reports on the plan completion during the whole year. So, subscribe not to miss out.

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