Astrochain encourages and develops space exploration for retail enthusiasts, bringing people together with a common astronomy passion into one unique platform.
There are four problems currently faced by the space enthusiast and the astronomy academia community.
1 The lack of, and barriers to create, credible space anomaly images and data for the retail public. 2 High level of difficulty for the retail public to protect their personally captured space anomaly assets. 3 Loss of public trust due to unreliable and inaccurate existing platforms. 4 Social media fatigue and no current metaverse presence for space enthusiasts or astro academics.
AstroChain’s ecosystem fixes all four problems. It delivers on our ‘’education through astronomy’’ scientific research goals and enables better protection for the retail enthusiast.
1 Together with the AstroChain dApp, the AstroHUB sky scanning devices give retail space enthusiasts and the academia community the ability to capture space anomaly images, footage and data (“Assets”). 2 The AstroFeed mints Assets into NFTs. A user receives a digital footprint of ownership on the Blockchain in the form of an NFT evidencing that they own and are the creator of that NFT content. 3 AstroChain uses Blockchain which means that all uploaded content is decentralised, immutable, protected & verifiable. 4 The AstroChain Central Hub (“ACC”) will be The metaspace location for anyone in the world, wherever located, to collaborate and share through AR/ VR.
The dApp is an integral part of the ecosystem because it connects us to the Blockchain. This provides a new layer of connectivity, platform growth, security and transparency, opening many doors to innovate a solution.
Book an AstroHub slot of time to capture Astro imagery and video which is automatically hard coded and uploaded onto the Astro Anomaly Database (see below). AstroHub uploaded content is minted into NFTs for onward trading should a user so wish. The AstroFeed within the dApp allows a user to upload images and videos from their own device for minting into NFTs. This gives the user previously unconfirmed Proof of Ownership as the creator of that content. Access to the Astro Anomaly Database which preserves all minted captures and data for scientific research and the retail enthusiast.
When uploading your media to the feed (for example, a picture or video snippet of the moon, a deep space nebulae region, or maybe a UFO…), you are also lazy minting the content into an NFT which the creator will have no gas fees to pay.
In doing so, the content creator obtains Proof of Ownership of the content within the NFT. The transaction is registered onto the Blockchain.
The image or video is then posted onto the AstroFeed for users to like, study and comment on.
In addition, your content is now an NFT, so it is readily available in your digital wallet should you wish to sell it on a popular NFT marketplace.
The AstroHub sky scanning device is a bespoke unit to better facilitate observational astronomy events.
Specialised cameras are housed in a thermoformed enclosure to protect and position all hardware. The AstroHub uses readily available components i.e., Nvidia Jetson, sensors, imaging equipment and software.
AstroHub devices are solar powered to contribute to global net zero carbon emissions.
A user can book an AstroHub device for a period of time via the dApp. All anomaly data and footage within the AstroHubs field of view are captured and compiled. The user can then mint the captured content into an NFT.
The NFT when minted is also registered onto an IPFS network. Doing this attaches a content identifier to the NFT which enables visibility of the content within the NFT and allows us to start building the first AstroChain Anomaly database … on the Blockchain!
No captured astronomical instance will ever become inaccessible or edited as it has met the Blockchain.
These unique NFTs can be sold via an NFT marketplace; this is an opportunity to capture something spectacular, meaningful, memorable, and also important. It’s worth taking a moment to think about how valuable these NFTs could be with the content that has been captured within.
The long-term aim is to have 6 hub stations, 3 in the northern and 3 in the southern hemispheres (90 devices minimum) and for these stations to be established over a 3 year period. In addition to this, the plan is not to cover the world in hundreds of AstroHubs, but to connect and work with communities around the world to enable 3rd party connectivity to our dApp thus growing the Astro Anomaly Database exponentially.
The ACC Hub is a high energy, innovative, metaspace providing educational experiences and contributing to scientific research. The ACC Hub brings people together with a shared passion in space and astronomy on a global scale.
We want the ACC to be the go to place for those who are:
passionate about space and learning inclined towards and interested in the blockchain and NFTs influencers, speakers, photographers, designers and more.
The AstroChain Central Hub metaspace platform is currently being modelled/designed. Initially providing 360-degree views of the 250,000sq ft centre with the work towards becoming an unparalleled METAVERSE experience.
What innovations can spark from this? We could be here all night!
Our target audience consists of those passionate about space and astronomy, astrophysics professionals, educational organisations and interests in the blockchain and NFTs.
Virtual community; passionate about space and learning. 1,192,962,500 Technology enthusiast; inclined towards blockchain, crypto, and NFTs. 238,125,000 Astronomy enthusiast or professional; someone that views space as a fundamental topic for our future. >2,000 organisations. Internet user interest for space related topics is steadily increasing — 50% in the last 5 years.* NFT enthusiast; open to leveraging our AstroHub network to create unique NFT content. 38,000+ Visionary entrepreneur; willing to adopt new business models and new technologies. >6,200,000 startups each year
*Google Trends keyword analysis / Value expressed are TAM
The Blockchain is an immutable system of recording person-to-person transactional information without the need for centralised authorities, governments, banks etc. It’s virtually impossible to change, hack, or cheat the system. We can use the blockchain to avoid mishaps like a failed hard drive or a data centre shutdown.
Minting the media and data into an NFT follows the rules of the AstroChain Smart Contract. Every last detail about the content, origin, colours, sizes, and time, all taking their place in the token (NFT), critical information.
The actual detail most will see first is the top layer, which could be the actual fireball footage, for example. The detail is in the META data.
Sending it to the recipient’s digital wallet on the Blockchain provides ownership of the content within and a transactional record that cannot be hidden or deleted. It is logged for all time.
The NFT will be registered to an IPFS network. In effect, we will build up a database of Astro anomaly instances that will contribute to scientific research for future generations.
The AstroChain Anomaly database will include far more rich data sets than just images from NASA! We will also add data from other open source projects and bring it to one place so we can all collaborate and build on it.
Our vision is to be a innovative company providing authentic, un-edited, raw data of the sky whilst providing ownership and record keeping of captured content utilising the blockchain.
AstroChain focuses on fundamental concepts and fields of study:
space & astronomy, technology & innovation, and trusted data collection and storage.
The dApp, which MillionLABs developer Matt Dykema is building with Founder Aadon Crouch is 98% complete with all but a smart contract to be integrated for minting on the AstroFeed. All AstroHub components within the dApp are ready to be switched on., the home for the ACC and dApp is now in build.
With schematics for a selection of community devices in hand, we are seeking individuals and organisations in the FinTech and SpaceTech sector to work with us to build the first 10 AstroHub devices and get them live and bookable. We are also speaking to communities to form relationships and explore all options available to achieve the builds.
Community building and sharing the AstroChain projects is now taking place. A Discord server has been created for the growing community, hosting daily activities and rewards. Aadon (founder) is also participating and speaking at events like the Web3 In Space Party NFT. London:
Whitelisting has commenced via the Discord for an exclusive collection of 500 NFTs with 2 astronomical utilities!
500 NFTs broken down into 10 categories of 50. Based on what you can see when you look to the sky with the naked eye or equipment like binoculars or a telescope.
Firstly, the NFT will grant the holder unlimited ACC membership, early access to the ACC platform and also preferential ticket rates for all Astro Events.
Secondly, each NFT is tied in with the AstroFeed. When a user uploads content on the dApp, mints it, and then sells the NFT, a royalty is paid to the ATC holders.
Every upload of content must have 1 of 10 categories selected at the upload stage.
For example, you take a picture of the Moon and upload to the AstroFeed, you would select category: Luna Moon, add all other details then mint it into an NFT. The jpeg / mp4 is posted to the AstroFeed, the NFT sits in your wallet.
When the NFT is sold on a marketplace, the smart contract executes the order to distribute a royalty percentage of approx. 2% from the final NFT sale price to the wallets that hold a LUNA MOON ATC NFT.
Let that sink in for a moment. As an ATC holder, realise the potential earnings one could make by supporting content creators, encouraging people to utilise the AstroFeed and to then sell their newly created NFTs…
We are overcoming the lack of accessibility for the retail space and astro enthusiast to collaborate, learn and mint astro anomaly NFT images self captured and through our AstroHUBS.
We are keen to speaking with fellow enthusiasts, influencers and investors who are open to discuss mutually beneficial long-term partnerships.
From naming an AstroHUB after any build sponsor though to equity in the company, if you’re keen to enhance the astro and space community we’d love to speak with you.
The initial information website:
Our Discord server:
Thank you for taking the time to read.
Aadon Crouch - Astrochain Trustee