2023 Unraveled: A Year in Review and Looking Forward

Recapping 2023, our most exciting year so far.

There’s so much that can be said.

Within the studio, it was a big year. Lots of changes occurred. We rebranded and made organizational changes. We adjusted to the tumultuous market conditions and found peace in the midst of the storm. We playfully call ourselves a cozy duo because despite everything going on around us, we found ourselves comfortable with the state of the markets and entrenched in the passion of our work.

You see, we truly love what we do, and recapping 2023, we hope you see that.

The origins of Terrene Exeo and the Ethverse

As far back as October 2022, we were already working on what has now become Terrene Exeo and the Ethverse.

It all started with a concept we called Minimap, which was the first iteration of what became Terrene Exeo.

The first result in the process of wiring the algorithm for Terrene Exeo
The first result in the process of wiring the algorithm for Terrene Exeo

Terrene Exeo went through many changes throughout its development and was our key focus for the majority of 2023, and still, shipping this project is one of our main focuses as we head into 2024 with the release of Ethverse.

As a studio we often grapple with abstract and creative problems, looking to maximize our creative output. This project started in one form and quickly evolved into something much bigger as we found answers to some of the problems we had during development. Its astounding to reflect on how much the project changed and molded over the last year.

An early test output from Terrene Exeo
An early test output from Terrene Exeo

There’s a lot would could get into and we’ve got some stories about the development of Terrene Exeo that would probably melt some people’s minds, but that is for another time.

Today Terrene Exeo is live and can be fully enjoyed at pob.studio. One of the flagship Ethverse experiences, Terrene Exeo is packed with thoughtful features and ways to explore the NFT collections of Ethereum.

For those who are curious how Terrene Exeo works, give this article a read:

We have a lot going on in the coming year and we’ll be sharing more specifics, such as mint time, price, and other important details later on. Until then, we continue to add new features and refine the dApp experience.

Each collection is visualized as generative worlds
Each collection is visualized as generative worlds

Until minting starts, go discover Terrene Exeo and interact with a dApp built like no other. Experience the Ethverse through the worlds of Terrene exeo.

Terrene Exeo of Gh0stlyGh0sts, populated with holders of token ID's #6500-6999
Terrene Exeo of Gh0stlyGh0sts, populated with holders of token ID's #6500-6999

Creating a new NFT design standard, The Collector Std.

While conceptualizing Terrene Exeo, it became increasingly clear that no single existing NFT standard could support what we wanted to accomplish. This led us to embark on designing our own in-house NFT standard, called The Collector Std. or 721C.

We successfully developed one of the most capable and decentralized design standards that exists today. And this was a massive stride that would allow us to realize Terrene Exeo and the Ethverse as they exist today, completely on Etheruem, without compromise. Without what the studio colloquially calls the "C Standard,” Terrene Exeo would not be possible today.

The Collector Std., or 721C, for fully on-chain and collector focused NFTs
The Collector Std., or 721C, for fully on-chain and collector focused NFTs

The Collector Std. was built to usher in all new NFT experiences and artwork. It has the capability to pragmatically reflect the entire universe that is Ethereum, spanning the worlds of the EVM.

It encourages what we call Contract Art and empowers every NFT created with C Std. by ensuring collector sovereignty. This is deeply important to us.

There’s a lot to be said for the features of C Std. and we’ll share a comprehensive breakdown of how the standards work in the near future.

Moreover, If you’d like to learn more of our thoughts on Contract Art, give this a read:

The release of Even v. Odd

The Collector Std. was also the bedrock of our project on Base, Even v. Odd, which we released as part of the #OnChainSummer celebration.

Even v. Odd had a technological focus on NFT metadata standards and could only be created with an NFT design as capable as C Std. It featured updatable and fully on-chain metadata and was our first studio demonstration of a project created with The Collector Std.

The final product was an on-chain mini-game where two collections pitted the Ethverse against each other in a battle for metadata. Only one was victorious and received generative art.

Generative metadata
Generative metadata

Created as an expression of metadata scarcity on Ethereum, Even v. Odd was successfully minted on Base chain without a hiccup. It gave us an increased sense of confidence that we built a truly magnificent design standard that can stand the test of time, and even outlive the studio.

Like Even v. Odd, Terrene Exeo is also designed around the power of The Collector Std. We’re proud of our work on this. We believe that better NFT designs and metadata standards can accelerate innovation in our industry. We’re doing a small part in the grand scheme of things, but what we hope that creating better NFTs is a meaningful part in moving our industry forward.

Preserving our stories and heritage.

It’s within this same breath of concern for poor NFT design standards that we also started Preserve, an initiative to help NFT producers and artists preserve their NFT metadata, guaranteeing that their projects and art will exist in the future.

Our intentions with Preserve are similar to our intentions with C Std., to play a part in ensuring our unique crypto culture, heritage, and stories are preserved by putting NFT metadata on decentralized storage solutions.

Its worth emphasizing that not all NFT metadata storage solutions are equal. Part of our effort in preserving NFT metadata is backed by our desire to educate creators and collectors on the benefits of storing data this way. We’ve released several threads throughout the year highlighting why this is important and will continue raising awareness for this issue.

Furthermore, in 2023 we successfully preserved all of the collections released by gen.art, a fellow NFT studio that closed theirs doors. Over 12,000 NFTs were secured.

The gen.art community can sleep at night knowing their NFTs are safely preserved
The gen.art community can sleep at night knowing their NFTs are safely preserved

If you’d like to hear more about our efforts to help gen.art, check out the threads we released while we were undertaking the preservation initiative. Parts 1 and 2 are below:

Today, Preserve is an ongoing initiative. We’re happy to communicate with any teams or artists that are concerned about their NFT design or metadata storage. Perhaps you are in a similar circumstance as gen.art and in need of a decentralized solution to ensure your NFT metadata sustains into the future—we’d be glad to assist.

You can learn more about Preserve here:

The NFT Metadata Cheat Sheet

A step up from other NFT metadata guides
A step up from other NFT metadata guides

Also released in 2023, our NFT Metadata Cheat Sheet is available to everyone who’d like to understand the intricacies of NFT designs today. It’s easy to follow, up-to-date, and there for all to better understand NFTs in general.

As NFT producers, we can’t stress enough the importance of understanding what it is that you own when you purchase an NFT. Do your due diligence and learn for yourself. Know what you are buying.

Each NFT design is a little different and we aren’t proclaiming that one design works for every NFT. We believe in the importance of appraising each of your NFT’s value by carefully reviewing its metadata and assess if where its being stored is a good solution, whether that be on-chain, IFPS, or on another third-party server.

There are telltale indicators that can be found in an NFT contract that will tell you whether or not your NFT is being safely stored, among other key pieces of information. Your collectibles are only as safe as they are securely stored, and most collectors have yet to realize this. They often only come to grips with this reality when a company is closing its doors and/or their NFT metadata is no longer appearing on OpenSea.

We’d encourage you to take a few minutes as 2023 wraps up to reappraise and evaluate your NFTs. We’ll be doing the same this Holiday Season. We’ll be sure to release a guide on how you too can give your NFTs a metadata a health check.

Wrapping this up, if you missed our recent announcement of Ethverse, be sure to go check that out and share it with others! It marks the next chapter of our work as a studio. We couldn’t be more excited about the release of Ethverse.

Our announcement on X:

Our announcement on Mirror:

There’s likely a few things missing in there as 2023 was a jam-packed year.

You can learn more what we’ve been up to on our website and on X (links below). We do our best to share what we are working on and our thoughts about the direction of our industry.

Aside from the coming Metadata Health Check guide, this may end up being our last message of 2023. We want to wish everyone an amazing 2024 to come and a Happy New Year. May your 2024 be full of success, happiness, and to fellow creators, let’s make this the greatest year yet!

Thank you to everyone who’s been following our journey so far, we’ve got so much in store. Thanks for reading.

Signing off on a year well-done,
Pob Studio team 🧡

Pob Studio website: https://pob.studio
X: https://twitter.com/prrfbeauty
And now on Threads:

Ethverse Collections:


Hash (Minting Now)

Hash legacy website: https://hash.pob.studio

Other Collections:
London: https://pob.studio/london legacy website: https://london.pob.studio
Public Piano: https://pob.studio/piano legacy website: https://publico.pob.studio/piano
Merge: https://pob.studio/merge legacy website: https://merge.pob.studio
Even v. Odd: https//pob.studio/even-odd

⚠️ Note: We will never DM you, release a token, drop a collection suddenly, or promote any special activity via Discord. We’d like to highlight that pob.studio is our official website, and we do NOT use any other web domain. Always verify that you are on the correct website before connecting your wallet.

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