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Yoshiro Mare

Yoshiro Mare

Interdimensional Frequency Sculptor| Música W3 Co-Founder
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Yoshiro Mare
March 25
There’s commonly accepted notion of addiction as a brain disease and maybe this is the first time you heard about this.

My Music Journey into Web3

Yoshiro Mare
August 09
This article describes my musical journey into Web3 and the story behind the creation of my independent record label.
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Yoshiro Mare
August 08
Having that said, I created a visually rich article talking about my process with this piece, my second #MusicNFT release.
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We are our biggest Enemy.

It was always so easy for me to blame circumstances, places, and people for everything that went on in my life. I talk in past tense even though I still struggle thinking that playing the victim role every now on then will get me somewhere. I blamed myself hard as well for too long, the guilt that weighed on me, no longer serves me it never did matter of fact. I’m not willing to carry something that’s not even mine, one more step further.