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Ethereum Blockchain In A Nutshell - FourWeekMBA

Ethereum was launched in 2015 with its cryptocurrency, Ether, as an open-source, blockchain-based, decentralized platform software. Smart contracts are enabled, and Distributed Applications (dApps) get built without downtime or third-party disturbance. It also helps developers build and publish applications as it is also a programming language running on a blockchain.

Who Is A Business Engineer? Business Engineering In A Nutshell

A Business Engineer is a hybrid between a business administration and technology expert, a person with the business acumen and engineering abilities to understand a complex organization and devise solutions and work as a liaison between commercial and technical teams.

E-commerce Vs. Marketplace - FourWeekMBA

E-commerce focuses its efforts primarily on selling its products, or selling products through its stores, thus measuring its success based on how many products it sells via its stores. Instead, the marketplace focuses its efforts on how many products third-party stores sell on top of the marketplace. Therefore it measures its success based on the transactions on the platform from third-party stores.

History of The Internet

April 10
This is how, in 1998, in a paper entitled “The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine,” Brin and Page, two Ph.D. students, at Stanford University, expressed their frustration, with the current landscape of search.
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History of Tesla

March 30
It all officially started in July 2003, when the company got incorporated as Tesla Motors, Inc. Two men, Eberhard and Tarpenning, got appointed respectively CEO and CFO.
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History of Bitcoin

March 25
The history of Bitcoin starts before the 2008 White Paper by Satoshi Nakamoto. In 1989 first and 1991, David Chaum created DigiCash, and various cryptographers tried to solve the “double spending” problem. By 1998 Nick Szabo began working on a decentralized digital currency called “bit gold.” By 2008 the Bitcoin White Paper got published. And from there, by 2014, the Blockchain 2.0 (beyond the money use case) sprouted out.
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The History of Ethereum

March 25
Ethereum is the second-largest blockchain protocol and the first protocol to think about blockchain as a potential world’s computer. Indeed, over the years Ethereum has spurred various applications, from decentralized finance to NFTs, decentralized organizations, and more. Founded by Vitalik Buterin, it launched in 2014 with its ICO, the core development team behind Ethereum helped kick things off, and the crowd sale turned out to be one of the most successful ones in the blockchain ecosystem.
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What Happened to WeWork?

March 25
Life is determined by a few key moments. That was the case when in 2016, Masa Son met Adam Neumann in the WeWork offices. Masa had only twelve minutes to decide whether to place a $4 billion bet on WeWork! With the usual coolness, Adam Neumann - a tall guy that felt ok in walking barefoot without a shirt in the middle of the street - played his cards at best. A few minutes later, Masa Son, among the wealthiest people in Japan, scribbled $4 billion on his iPad. That made Adam's company, WeWork, valued at $47 billion!