Announcing Loggia Testnet with Radius AVS

Radius launches Loggia Testnet, our third testnet with Radius AVS built on Eigenlayer. This testnet is designed to ensure sequencing liveness and block safety required for decentralized sequencing in rollups.


Decentralization is the destination for rollups, yet it remains one of the most complex challenges to overcome. It extends far beyond simply distributing power across network participants, involving a myriad of factors and functions that demand carefully designed systems and incentives to address the needs of all stakeholders.

In pursuit of our mission to coordinate a decentralized rollup economy, we are launching Loggia Testnet, our third testnet following Curie and Portico. The first testnet Curie introduced an encrypted mempool development for censorship harmful MEV resistance, and Portico focused on ensuring sequencing liveness with a consensus algorithm and multi-rollup sequencing capability. Loggia now builds upon the foundations laid by our previous testnets to deliver the full decentralized sequencing properties in rollups.

A central component of Loggia is Radius AVS (Actively Validated Services), built on Eigenlayer. The AVS is designed to ensure sequencing liveness and block safety for decentralized sequencing. At the request of a rollup, the AVS is provided along with a cryptographic sequencing module for decentralized sequencing.

Our Radius AVS is now live on the Eigenlayer testnet, and we are working with various external operators including P2P, Chorus One, DSRV, HashKey Cloud, 01node, 0Y, InfraSingularity, and Safe and Steady Staking as we prepare for the AVS mainnet deployment.

The Rollup Dilemma: Decentralization vs Scalability

Rollups have proven to be a powerful scaling solution for Ethereum, but this scalability often comes at the cost of centralization, particularly in sequencing. This trade-off presents several critical concerns:

  • Censorship risks: Centralized sequencers have the power to potentially censor user transactions.

  • Liveness issues: Rollups suffer from weak liveness when relying on a single, centralized sequencer. This creates a single point of failure that could halt the entire rollup operations.

  • Safety concerns: As more participants are involved in the finalization process, the integrity and the security of sequencer commitment become more vulnerable.

While rollups are actively working towards greater decentralization, they face complex security and operational challenges in this transition. Radius strives to address these issues with a decentralized sequencing solution, enabling rollups to progress towards decentralization with safe and scalable architectures.

Loggia Testnet: Decentralized sequencing with Radius AVS

The principle of decentralized sequencing is built on three essential pillars: censorship resistance, sequencing liveness, and block safety. Loggia Testnet is designed to ensure that rollups have these pillars through several key mechanisms:

  • Censorship Resistance: Employs a cryptographic sequencing module to ensure no-censorship preconfirmations for users.

  • Sequencing Liveness: Guarantees continuous block creation using leader selection algorithms. This determines the next block proposer and facilitates data broadcasting between sequencers (leaders and followers), ensuring all nodes maintain the same data and network-wide liveness.

  • Block Safety: Implements an order validation process to verify that blocks are created in the promised order.

At the core of Loggia is Radius AVS, built on Eigenlayer's restaking protocol. This is specifically designed to provide sequencing liveness and block safety guarantees for decentralized sequencing.

Rollups seeking decentralized sequencing can adopt Radius AVS, which is provided to each rollup individually. By leveraging Radius AVS, rollups can improve their security and decentralization with the economic security of Ethereum, enhancing their censorship resistance, sequencing liveness, and block safety.

Our approach decouples sequencing and execution, allowing Radius AVS to optimize rollup performance with the benefits of high-performance decentralized sequencing. This design will enable rollups to achieve greater efficiency without compromising on security or decentralization.

Eigenlayer operators on Radius AVS contribute to the economic security of decentralized rollups through two main functions:

  1. Ensuring sequencing liveness by synchronizing transaction lists

  2. Guarantees block safety by verifying block order

Our block validation mechanism ensures fair and proper rewards for all operators, implementing a rotation of leader roles among follower sequencers for each new block. This approach promotes active participation and maintains a balanced, decentralized system.

Towards a Unified Ethereum

Radius envisions more than just decentralization.

We're accelerating the creation of a unified Ethereum ecosystem through a coordination layer that backed by the permissionless economic security of Ethereum.

To achieve this, we're collaborating with a growing ecosystem of partners, including: rollups, infrastructure providers, operators, provers, verification layers, and DA, all of whom plays a crucial role in enhancing the efficiency and security of the rollup ecosystem.

This means that we can unlock the full potential of rollups as a scalable solution while bringing them closer to decentralization as a core value.

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