Canto Frequently Asked Questions
January 18th, 2023

Here you can find answers to frequently asked questions about Canto.

To help with organization, they are listed in the same order as the commands on Let’s proceed!


Which RPC should I use?

Most Reliable Canto RPC Endpoints:

Network Name: CANTO
Chain ID: 7700
Currency Symbol: CANTO
Block Explorer URL: or


I bridged my CANTO, and it says the transaction was completed successfully, but I don't see them in my wallet. What do I do now?

After you bridge your assets over, you need to convert the assets to the CANTO EVM for them to show up in your wallet. You can convert them at

Please note: You will need to get CANTO from the community in order to have enough gas for the transaction. Canto contributors have launched to automate CANTO gas requests for new users.

The faucet requirements for requesting CANTO for your address:

  • Must be connected to the Canto network via

  • Must have at least 0.05 Eth on the Ethereum network

  • Must have less than 0.3 CANTO

If the site is not available (errors out), or if you are unable to submit the request or receive CANTO, then it’s likely:

  • Your address did not meet the requirements listed above

  • Or you’ve tried to access the site too often (triggering the rate limiter).

If this is the case for you, please try the existing p2p 🚰〡social-faucet method in discord. Just share your Metamask address, and someone from the community will send you some CANTO to complete your transaction.


I keep getting an error message when I try to generate a public key. What should I do?

Here are some things you can try if you are getting an error message when you generate your Public Key:

  1. Once you click the button, it should automatically prompt you to sign in to your Metamask. If it does not, manually open your Metamask to sign for the Public Key.

  2. You may need CANTO for gas. If you do not have CANTO, you can receive some from the community by entering your address on the CANTO faucet at Canto Public Messaging Service Gas Station or by sharing your address in the CANTO Discord in the #social-faucet channel, and someone from the community will send you some CANTO.

How do you generate a public key?

Before bridging assets to Canto, you will be asked to generate a Canto Public Key, which is associated with your Ethereum address. You will only need to do this once per wallet. This is so you can sign Cosmos transactions from that Ethereum address. There is no interaction with private keys.

To generate a public key, click ‘generate public key’ as shown below and sign in to your Metamask.

Why do I need to generate a public key?

Generating a public key is what allows your Metamask to sign Cosmos transactions. You will only need to do this one time.

You don’t have enough CANTO to pay for the gas to complete the transaction. For the conversion, you will need 0.3 CANTO.

You will need to get CANTO from the community in order to have enough gas for the transaction. The team behind CanToadz have launched Canto Public Messaging Service, which has a gas station to automate CANTO gas requests for new users.

The faucet requirements for requesting CANTO for your address:

  • Must be connected to the Canto network via

  • Must have at least 0.05 Eth on the Ethereum network

  • Must have less than 0.3 CANTO

If the site is not available (errors out), or if you are unable to submit the request or receive CANTO, then it’s likely:

  • Your address did not meet the requirements listed above

  • Or you’ve tried to access the site too often (triggering the rate limiter).

If this is the case for you, please try the existing p2p 🚰〡social-faucet method in discord, and someone from the community will send you some CANTO to complete your transaction.

Please note: For the conversion, you will need 0.3 CANTO.


I am getting a gas issue when I try to convert but I have a small CANTO balance. What do I do?

You need .3 CANTO to convert. If you do not have enough CANTO to convert, ask for gas. Please go to to request gas to complete the transaction.

The faucet requirements for requesting CANTO for your address:

  • Must be connected to the Canto network via

  • Must have at least 0.05 Eth on the Ethereum network

  • Must have less than 0.3 CANTO

If the site is not loading for you, or if you are unable to submit the request or receive CANTO, then it’s likely that your address did not meet the requirements listed above or you’ve tried to access the site too often (triggering the rate limiter). If this is the case for you, please try the existing p2p social faucet method.

For the p2p 🚰〡social-faucet method, please enter your address in the #social-faucet channel on discord, and someone from the community will send you CANTO for gas.

What are the fees for different types of transactions?

  1. Convert –> 0.3 CANTO

  2. Claim rewards in staking –> 1 CANTO

  3. Unstake CANTO –> 0.2 CANTO

  4. Stake CANTO –> 0.08 CANTO

  5. These fees are subject to change based on network usage.

What address do I need to share in the social faucet to get CANTO for gas?

Please share your Metamask ETH wallet address. It will be on the Canto network in your Metamask. This will fund gas operations to move your assets from the Canto network to the Canto EVM.


How do you stake CANTO tokens?

Go to, and either:

  1. Select a Validator

  2. To explore more Validators, click All Validators, then pick one to stake to.

To stake, you must click the ‘manage’ button for the Validator you want to stake to. Enter an amount, and click ‘delegate.’ You need 0.08 CANTO for staking.

Please note: When you stake CANTO, you can unstake your CANTO whenever you want. However, there is an unbonding period – 21 days – before your unstaked Canto returns to your account. For example, if you stake 10 CANTO to a validator for 1 day and then unstake that CANTO, the CANTO will come back to your account 22 days after initially staking – 21 days after you unstake.

How do you unstake CANTO?

View the Validators you have delegated to at on the staking tab.

To undelegate your staked CANTO from a validator:

  • Click the manage button

  • Enter the amount you desire to undelegate from that validator

  • Click undelegate, and sign the transaction to notify the blockchain to undelegate your CANTO from that validator.

Please note: You can only unstake 7 times from a given validator in a fixed interval of 21 days. For example, say we have a user that stakes 10 CANTO to validator A. If that user undelegates – i.e., unstakes – 1 CANTO 7 times before any of the previous undelegations pass the unbonding period, the user will not be able to undelegate any subsequent CANTO until the unbonding period for a previous undelegation has passed.

How much gas is needed to unstake/stake CANTO?

  • unstake CANTO –> 0.2 CANTO

  • stake CANTO –> 0.08 CANTO

    These rates are subject to change.

How to re-delegate staked CANTO?

To re-delegate your staked CANTO from a validator:

  • Click the manage button

  • Enter the amount you desire to re-delegate from that validator and choose the new validator

  • Click re-delegate, and sign the transaction to notify the blockchain.

    Note that if delegators switch to another validator, they are not subject to the unbonding period.

Why has my staked balance decreased?

This is a UI bug that is being addressed.

Where can I see my staking rewards and APR?

You can view your staking rewards at:

Where can I see my staking rewards?

Go to and you will see them under the rewards section.

How do I claim my staking rewards?

To claim your staking rewards, users can click ‘claim rewards’ as shown below:

This will prompt the user to sign a transaction to notify the blockchain to distribute those rewards to your balance.

Please Note: Users will need to claim rewards for every validator they have delegated their Canto to.

<4> LP

How can I track the APR on LP farms?

You can view the APR on the lending page You can view the APR without supplying liquidity.

Where can I see LP rewards?

You can view them at


What tokens can be accepted as collateral in Lending?

USDC, USDT, and NOTE are currently accepted as collateral in Lending.


What is the purpose of NOTE?

NOTE is the Canto Unit of Account. Read more about it here.

Is NOTE a stablecoin?

No. For most people, stablecoin means a token that is pegged to a fiat currency. The $NOTE interest rate policy is centered around $1, and Canto’s hypothesis is that the $NOTE price will be cointegrated with the dollar, but it is not pegged. The price of $NOTE can and will have its own volatility, especially in the early days of Canto.

How do I mint NOTE?

$NOTE cannot be minted – it must be borrowed from the Accountant, a smart contract that implements the algorithmic interest rate policy, via the Canto Lending Market (CLM).


What are Canto’s tokenomics?

At Genesis, 1B tokens were minted. The tokens will be distributed in the following manner:

  • Contributors: 13.0% - no vesting period

  • Settlers of Canto: 2% - no vesting period

  • Future Grants: 5%

  • Medium-Term Liquidity Mining: 35%

  • Long-Term Liquidity Mining: 45%

    Tokens not yet distributed (Grants and Future Liquidity Mining) will be kept in the community pool.

Where can I swap CANTO tokens?

You can currently swap CANTO tokens on with more DEXs adding CANTO in the future.

How do I buy CANTO?

Here are the steps for buying CANTO:

  1. Bridge WETH, USDC, USDT to CANTO at

  2. Convert to CANTO (EVM) at

  3. Swap to CANTO at

How do I add tokens to my wallet?

In the terminal or the menu on the left side of CANTO, click import tokens, import cTokens, or add CANTO to Keplr.

Where can I find CANTO’s price chart?

You can find it here.

Where can I find CANTO’s TVL?

You can find the TVL here.


How do I bridge my assets out of CANTO?

To bridge assets on Canto back to Ethereum, you must have:

  • An IBC wallet (such as Keplr Wallet)

  • An Ethereum wallet such as MetaMask

Please note: You can only bridge assets on the native Canto blockchain back to Ethereum. If your assets are on the Canto EVM, you must convert them first.

Once you are ready to bridge from Canto to Ethereum, follow these steps:

  • First, select the bridge with ‘from’ as CANTO and ‘to’ as Gravity Bridge. Switch the network to the CANTO network in Metamask if you have not done so already.
  • Select the token to bridge out and enter the amount.
  • Copy your Gravity Bridge address from Keplr and input it into the box below.
  • Click the ‘send token’ button and sign the Metamask transaction. After a few minutes, you should see the tokens in your Keplr wallet at the address you provided.

  • Once tokens are in Keplr, bridge from Gravity Bridge to Ethereum using the Gravity Bridge Portal.

About Canto Cares

Canto Cares is a loosely organized group of community members dedicated to sharing helpful resources and information with the Canto Community.

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