What Lens Protocol means for the Future of Web3 Social.

Let's talk about @LensProtocol

A composable and decentralized social graph that's changing the game. But what does that even mean?

Lens Protocol lets you plug into a well-connected social graph for any dapp without the need for onboarding users and filling out profiles. The same team behind

@AaveAave also built Lens. Their goal? To be the last social media handle you'll ever need.

The ability to easily source a social graph can't be understated. Users can swap from apps like @lenstubexyz to @lensterxyz & bring all their followers, friends, and posts with them. This will change how we interact with social media as a whole!

But that's not all. @LensProtocol also has the power to bootstrap non-social media apps. Web2 apps are forced to build out a social graph. Take Venmo, Spotify, Duolingo for example. Lens can replace all this and let users import their existing social network.

Lens takes over the work of building the social graph for the user. This is a massive benefit for users as they would no longer have to start their follower count from 0 for every social media app they use. Their followers come with them!
This has huge potential to change how we interact with the products around us.

Did we mention that we built search for this already?

Check out https://lens.sepana.io :)

Credit goes to @nicktindle for the awesome blog write up on this!
See here: https://blog.developerdao.com/how-lens-protocol-changes-non-social-networks

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