In the year 2140, a young woman in her mid twenties became lost whilst walking in the forest on a cloudy day. To her Family she was known as Aspiatrix Aloysia and those who knew of her deep Liechtensteiner heritage, destined by namesake to become a ‘famous fighter’.
For those who set out to search for her as members of her tight knit and small forest edge village she was called Loab Galena, a frightening archetype with a supernatural demeanour, terrifying archetype and awesome reputation, even as a child.
Her Family deeply concerned that she had not returned from her daily walk to fetch firewood by nightfall set out on foot to find her, splitting the entire village of adults into teams to search for her. At first there were rumours she had become lost due to the sheer intensity of vegetation, then word went around that she may have encountered inclement weather due to the clouds and taken shelter for the night.
One search party found one of her hair clasps, so the intensity of the search spread and more villages were alerted and even more search parties formed and deployed to find her as it approached midnight.
When dawn broke on the third day, the news came that an individual who had broken away from the search group had found her collapsed and unconscious near the entrance of a cave in the mountains, through which the forest grew. She was taken to hospital where she was diagnosed with a severe case of hypothermia which left her comatose for months.
Remarkably upon recovery she recounted how she had been walking through a trail that she had travelled through many times and quite close to her home and village, when suddenly as she recalled, the entire sky above her and the forest trees began to glow a neon blue in hue. At the time she had dismissed it as being nothing more than a visual aberration until she stopped and looked up more closely, then with trembling fear, frozen to the spot she stood transfixed as the blue light descended as omniscient blue fog around her for as far as she could see.
As the blue mist enveloped her, she had heard a voice speak directly into her mind, telling her that they would help her. She remembered thinking to herself, "Who are you?" The voice replied, "I am your friend."
Medical staff who took notes of this recount at her bedside also recount how when re-telling her story that she appeared to them as something other than the woman who they had been introduced to upon her arrival at the medical centre in the valley town far below the forest.
When returning to their notes to report to their senior medics, they discovered their own handwriting had not been in the standard form of their own handwriting, nor was it anything that they had even set eyes on in their lives. In fact they were shocked to discover that their writing had all been replaced with a script they had never seen or known existed in any language.
Their handwriting was still legible and in the correct format, but the words and letters themselves were unrecognisable.