




Zero X 和 Meet48

Zero X

Project ZRX是全球第一个IDOverse,拥有全球20家经纪公司,超过300位艺人明星将加入!

Zero X NFT一览
Zero X NFT一览


社区: 每个NFT持有者都可以进入BACKSTAGE频道,持有者在所有活动中都可以优先与偶像互动。 K作为我们社区的核心成员,将与我们聊天并建立全新的偶像粉丝关系!



Holder Idol 社区创建项目











Super Kai



Iris Bamboo



作为Zero系列第一代NFT,Zero48将分配2048张Freemint给到Zero X,这也是Zero X持有者的权益之一。





一.社交元宇宙,Meet48的玩法中提及到了一个Idol City,也就是偶像城,在偶像城中拓展开了三种NFT,分别是WAND NFT、舞台NFT、土地NFT。

1)WAND NFT,供应量无限,作用在偶像直播舞台时打Call用,打Call涉及到另一种玩法Calling to earn 后文会涉及。


















Meet48以与Zrx达成了深度的战略合作关系,未来也会有多方面的合作,近期Meet48和Zrx共同举办了Decentraland MVMF22,邀请SNH48来到Decentraland与大家面对面。并且Zrx的Idolverse也正式入驻了Meet48元宇宙。




Meet48 X SNH48
Meet48 X SNH48



2)Calling to earn:使用Wand NFT打call,并在打Call的过程中赚取MEET$代币,灵感来源于盲盒,升级以及定制类似于Stepn Shoes,他让用户可以在玩的过程中赚到钱,并且在用户数量不断增多的过程中,创造代币需求,并且为了避免和Stepn一样的旁氏崩溃,MEET$代币将在发布和特殊活动举办期间实时调整盈利曲线,达到最佳、最合适合理的促销力度,并在之后保持稳定,以控制代币通货膨胀的问题。


4)内容出口:来自Stage(舞台)的直播内容可以在其他平台导出,以提供更多的内容、得到更多的流量,并且流媒体节目内容将被NFT Token化,由NFT销售的资金和Meet48生态基金会提供资金支持。


Road Map
Road Map




CMO:Jason,SNH48互动APP“Pocket48”的前高级副总裁。17Mobile Tec Inc的创始人兼CEO。游戏开发商兼发行商,久游网副总裁。


工程师:Yi Qisi,曾任久游高级开发副总裁,16年游戏开发经验,5年区块链Dapp开发经验。

制作人:Kim,ZaniBros Studio Inc 和 Astro Video Inc 的创始人兼CEO。BTS,BIG Bang,Black Pink,少女时代和SNH48偶像的300多个MV的制作人和导演。






NFT分配:Zero X 分配2048张FreeMint,3000个白单,单钱包两个


Mint价格:TBA 2 per wallet



结合ZeroX和Meet48的分析来看,Zero48的发展将天生带有优秀的一代不错的地板表现的优势,从通过调研确定了面向人群,对发展路线也有条不紊,规划清晰可以看出团队有丰富的WEB3经验,并且团队阵容非常强大,Zero48作为通行证在Meet48的元宇宙中有着非常重要的作用;创新的Social-Fi与Game-Fi的结合,增加了Meet元宇宙的可玩性。偶像与粉丝的新型交互方式能吸引一大批用户。舞台内容出口和Calling to earn则为玩家带来了资金收益和NFT的购买欲望。


English Version

Zero 48 Introduction

Lets introduce the Zero 48 collection from a different perspective by viewing it from the angle of 2 different project!

Zero X

Project ZRX is the world's first IDOverse, with 20 brokerage companies around the world, more than 300 artists and stars will join!


Community: Every NFT holders will have exclusive backstage rights and also having priority in interacting with their beloved idol! Our idol "K", being the core team member as well, will also be interacting and chatting with her members or fans too! This creates a whole new level of Idol-to-fans relationship as well as further strengthening her connections with her fans as they are able to directly connect with her!

Special Events:Kiki will be having exclusive community events like her birthday party!

Music NFT:“K” will be releasing her first English solo, and it will be launched in the name of her communities and fans! All of the holders will be getting an Airdrop of this music NFT!

Holder Idol DAO:

1)Holders will be able to vote and have a play in the decision making of some of the things that "K" posted on Twitter or IG!

2)Holders can also help dictate on the menu and content of the cooking Vlog of Kiki!

3)Holders will be able to co-create a hype fashion brand, whether it is online or offline PFP products, in which that is solely Zrx! Not only that, "K" will also be sharing her FireFox IP rights with all holders, through this, all holders will be able to freely create derivatives as well as commercialize their PFP to obtains benefits!

Idolverse:ZRX will be the pass into the Idolverse, whereby it wll be handled by a professional web 3 team with immense experience! The mechanism on how this works will be slowly reveals closer to the end of the year!

ZR48 Treasury Funds:All money collected will be used to support offline events for the fans, and the fund in the treasury will also be co-govern and protected along with the fans! The funds from the second collection will be used to develop 3D virtual characters, in which, all ZR48 NFT will have a 3D character that is compatible to enter Meet48 and become an Idol!


Jason-L:HR department,Former Senior Vice President of the APP for "Super Idol". CEO of mobile technology company.20 years of experience in being a game director

Super Kai:Part-time media executive and full-time futurist,10 years of experience in abolishing cultural barriers, former media producer

Iris Bamboo:Tech side, Fashionista

Relation with Zero 48: It is the genesis collection for Zero 48, and Zero 48 will have 2048 freemint supply for Zero X holders, this will benefit is solely for ZRX holders only.


What is Meet48?

Meet48 is a social metaverse with an established fanbase, where the fanbase has the empowerment to manage the rights of the real-life idols through Meet48, and allows and encourages them to participate in the redefinition of the idol economy.

Meet48 is currently the largest virtual idol metaverse in Asia. It's narrative model can be divided into two types.

I. Idol City, the social metaverse of Meet48

there will be 3 different types of NFT, namely WAND NFT, STAGE NFT, and LAND NFT.

1) WAND NFT can be used to cheer for the idols when they are performing on stage. This also involves cheer to earn (or call to earn) which will be covered later on.

Total Supply = Unlimited

2)Stage NFT aka Idol Live Stage. All stages can be broadcasted through live stream and support VR, performers and audience can interact with each other through the props and gifts purchased from the market. There will be a library which contains entertainment video content, such as music videos, talent show, exclusive variety shows and so on.

Total Supply = TBA

3)Land NFT is used for the metaverse socialization. Land NFT holders can farm, keep a pet, party, play rhythm games and participate in some competitions in this idol metaverse. Holders can run a shop and build houses etc.

Total Supply = TBA

II. Redefine the idol system

In Meet48, it will be up to the fans to train/cultivate their idols. The ranking of the idols will be determined  based on the voting from fans. This may affects the allocation of resources and growth rate of the idols.

Those who are in higher rank will be able to participate more music & TV productions and variety shows.

Types of Fanbase
The yearly spending of the following three types of fanbase type are shown as below:

Sports fans (1143$/year)

Idol fans (1422$/year)

Cultivate idol fans (3692$/year)

From the above data, we can see that the spending level of the third category of fans is much higher than the other two, this is why Meet48 mainly targets this category of fanbase for further development.

The advantages and characteristics of this category of fans are:

1)Spend a higher percentage of income on idols than other fanbase

2)More close than other fanbase

3)Spent money to support the idols and cultivate them

4)More popularly known in Southeast Asia and has begun to spread worldwide



Meet48 has reached a deep strategic partnership with Zrx and will collaborate in many aspects in the future. Recently, Meet48 and Zrx co-organized Decentraland MVMF22 and invited SNH48 to Decentraland to meet everyone face to face. Zrx's Idolverse is also officially in the Meet48 metaverse.


SNH48 is a female idol group in mainland China, which is the largest youth girl group in the Chinese language region. SNH's basic positioning is based on the concept of "idols you can meet", and it is a large youth girl group with Internet thinking and participation spirit. SNH has also entered into a partnership with Meet48 and will be performing in the 2022 Meet48 Metaverse Music Festival.

Meet48 X SNH48

How does it works?

1) Combination of Social-Fi and Game-Fi:

There will be four different roles in Idol City,

a) Player

b) Fan

c) Idol

d) Producer

User who has Player role is not required to register and own an NFT, Player can just hang out in Idol City

User who registered or owned an NFT, can choose to become Fan, Idol or even Producer  (film producer or talent agency).

Fan can cheers for Idol or other ordinary users. Idol can earn money by renting and/or buying stage NFTs, getting votes and cheers from fans through performances. Producer is equivalent to the real-life producer. Producer would need to have both Land and Stage NFT to establish a talent agency.

2) Calling to earn (Cheer to earn):

User can use Wand NFT to make cheers for their idols and earn MEET$ tokens in the process of cheering. This is inspired by blind boxes, both upgrades and customization are similar to Stepn Shoes. This allows the users to earn money while playing and create token demand as the number of users grows. To avoid the same collapse condition like Stepn, MEET$ tokens will adjust the profit curve in real time during the launch and special events held to reach the best and most appropriate promotional efforts, and to maintain stability afterwards to control the issue of token inflation.

3)Annual Metaverse Idol Grand Prix:

The annual Metaverse Idol Grand Prix is an event watched by 20,000 viewers and broadcast live to millions of fans in the China.

4)Content Export:

Live content from Stage can be exported on other platforms to provide more content, get more traffic. Streamed content will be Tokenized and it is financially supported by funds from NFT sales and the Meet48 Eco Foundation.


Co-Founder/CEO: Aaron, Founder and CEO of UQPAY Blockchain Fintech Venture, former SVP of online game development, publisher of JiuYu.com. The game Audition Online is a representative of his work.

Co-Founder/CFO: Danny, former Chairman of Fosun Group Limited, former Director of Springfield International Development Limited, Chief Representative of China.

CMO: Jason, former Senior Vice President of SNH48 interactive app "Pocket48", Founder and CEO of 17Mobile Tec Inc, game developer and publisher, Vice President of Jiuyou.com.

COO: Ken, former Vice President of SNH48 Group, Head of International Collaboration, former Director of International Content Department of New Culture Media Group.

Engineer: Yi Qisi, former Senior Vice President of Development of JiuYu, 16 years of game development experience, 5 years of blockchain Dapp development experience.

Producer: Kim, Founder and CEO of ZaniBros Studio Inc and Astro Video Inc. Producer and director of over 300 music videos for BTS, BIG Bang, Black Pink, Girls' Generation and SNH48 idols.

Connection with Zero48

Team has close connection with ZeroX. They give advice and support to form a strategic partnership. The themes of the two projects fit very well and play a very important role in the development of Zero48 later. Zero48 act as a pass to enter Meet48 universe and the idolverse has also been added to the future of Meet48.

Mint Info

Total Supply:


NFT allocation:

2048 Free Mint allocated to the holder of Zero X

3000 allocated to whitelist

Mint time: TBA

Mint price: TBA,two per wallet


In short, the development of Zero48 has a great planning on roadmap as it a strong team who is very experienced in WEB3 behind this project. Zero48 act as a pass to the Meet48 metauniverse has a very important role to play too.

The innovative combination of Social-Fi and Game-Fi has increased the value of this metaverse. This new way of interaction between idols and fans can attract a large number of users. Furthermore, user will receive financial gains through stage content export and cheers to earn (call to earn) and this increase the desire to buy NFT.

Overall it is a bold innovation with complete planning and high execution.

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