Imagine earning money by browsing the internet. Don’t imagine, it’s already happening in real life! There is actually more than one search engine today awarding you with crypto, but I want to delve into Presearch, due to its numerous revolutions.
Presearch is a search engine just like Google Chrome, but with lots of improvements.
First of all & most simple: you earn money on every search. How much money? Depends how much PRE, Presearch’s token, is worth; and this changes constantly on the open crypto market. You get ~0.01 Tokens Per Search, and Max Paid Searches Per Day is 30, that totals to about $0.30 per day according to current prices. Since it makes sense that in the long run it’ll be muuuucchh higher than now, taking into account the demand for PRE as we’ll mention soon, I would definitely not recommend you to sell your PRE now. However, if you insist, you can sell them on Kucoin.
In addition, if you use this referral link to sign up you are getting 25 PRE free!
The next advantage: Presearch is decentralized. There is no censorship, and nobody can monitor you - users retain full privacy and selection; not like any of today’s browsers. Although not every Tom, Dick, and Harry cares about these issues, but in essence it is a significant quality. Moreover, it adds to the foundation of decentralizing IoT (Internet of Things), but that’s a subject for itself.
The grand invention: Presearch introduced a brand-new advertising system called “Keyword Staking”.
Instead of the existing cost-per-click model that drains marketing budgets endlessly, they designed an auction style approach to “bid” to “borrow” keywords. You stake [=reserve] PRE tokens (you can buy them on Kucoin) on the word you want your Ad to show up, and if you are the highest bidder, your Ad -- only one Ad per keyword -- is showing up to the browsers. If one day someone outbids you, you get notified, and you can either add PRE to gain back first rank, or cancel that Ad and stake to a different word.
So let’s say you operate an eatery in Paris “Délices Chinois” and you want to attract clientele, I believe there are basically two good strategies how to pick keywords; or you choose the topic you advertise, e.g. Food, Paris, Restaurant, or you try to bid on most searched & trending words, like Weather, Facebook, Russia etc. And of course you must focus on writing an attention-grabbing headline in order to get the crowds…
On the keyword-staking dashboard, you can keep an eye on your Ads and see which are accomplishing the job and which not. If you are no more interested in advertising, just cancel your Ad and take back your money! You now experienced free marketing!
I know you’re smirking to yourself, thinking “well, that’s if the price stays put…”.
Let me tell you something: I acquired PRE - not for advertisement purposes at all - purely as an investment! Since to my knowledge there is no similar publicizing method in the world, the demand for PRE keeps on growing year after year, which causes the price to soar too! It’s now down ~77% from its previous ceiling in 2021 simply for being part of the global economic recession, so that’s a deep discount. In my personal estimation, targeting $1.25 for the next peak is quite conservative yet. A large number of famous names like CoinMarketCap, Polk Audio, CoinGecko, People's Party of Canada & Rebel News, The Daily Wire, big amazon sellers, and plenty more are already staking millions of PRE tokens for keywords on Presearch, and more will probably grab the opportunity in the near future.
More benefits are:
Join Presearch now to start enjoying the power of Blockchain, and download their extension to begin the stream of PRE tokens...