10 more ideas for a slight increment in quality of life

The previous 10 rules for life were stolen pieces of art, and came from a place of desperation. I was desperate for discipline in life. It worked wonders, so I decided to reflect back upon those rules, and create 10 new rules. These are slightly more erratic, less practical, and definitely more edge-case. Straight from the occult. Any reference of “some people” is just me, pretending my ideas are valid, so as to not incur unsolicited medical help. Also - this article might form my insanity defense for when I commit tax fraud. Do not take this seriously.

Rule against Perpetuities for why I should cancel my prime membership

The rule against perpetuities is a legal principle that limits the amount of time that property can be held in trust or other types of long-term ownership arrangements. The idea behind the rule is that property should not be tied up indefinitely, but should instead be allowed to be used and enjoyed by future generations.

In philosophy, the rule against perpetuities can be seen as a metaphor for the idea that human beings should not be overly attached to material possessions or other forms of earthly wealth. Instead, we should focus on the things that truly matter, such as our relationships with others, our personal growth and development, and our contributions to the world around us.

In other words, the rule against perpetuities reminds us to not be too focused on accumulating wealth and possessions for their own sake, but to instead use our resources to create a better future for ourselves and those around us. By doing so, we can help to break the cycle of greed and selfishness that often leads to conflicts and suffering, and instead create a more compassionate and equitable world for all.

Modal Realism as a way of offloading responsibilities

David Lewis's modal realism is a philosophical idea that says there are many different possible worlds, or ways that things could be. These possible worlds are just as real as the world we live in, and they exist in a kind of parallel universe to our own.

To understand this idea, imagine that you are a king or queen who has a magic crystal ball. When you look into the crystal ball, you can see all of the different possible worlds that could exist. Some of these worlds might be very different from our own, with different people, places, and things. Other worlds might be almost exactly the same, but with just one small change.

For example, in one possible world, you might have a pet dragon, while in another possible world, you might not. In one world, you might be rich and powerful, while in another world, you might be poor and powerless. The crystal ball lets you see all of these different possibilities, and helps you to understand that they are all real in their own way.

Lewis's modal realism is a way of thinking about the world that helps us to understand that anything is possible. It reminds us that there are many different ways that things could be, and that we should be open to new ideas and possibilities. By thinking this way, we can be more creative, more adventurous, and more open-minded, and we can make the most of the world we live in.

Solipsism as a gateway to delusional happiness

Solipsism is a philosophical idea that holds that only one's own mind is sure to exist. According to solipsism, everything else, including the external world and other minds, may be doubted or denied.

Solipsism is often seen as a gateway to delusional happiness because it allows one to believe that they are the only real being in the universe, and that everything else is just an illusion or a figment of their imagination. This can lead to a sense of absolute control and power, as well as a feeling of invulnerability and immunity to outside threats or influences.

Mereological nihilism for dealing with overwhelming emotions

Mereological nihilism is the philosophical idea that objects do not really exist, and that only the parts of objects are real. In other words, according to mereological nihilism, things like tables, chairs, and other objects that we perceive and interact with in the world are not fundamental units of reality, but are instead just temporary collections or arrangements of smaller, more basic entities.

Now if there are no true objects in the world, why are we so worried that our white sofa is dirtied by a stray cat? There is no cat, there is no sofa. Your soul is composite of multiple different chemical reactions. It’s time to not care.

Panpsychism as a tool for kindness

Panpsychism is a philosophical idea that holds that consciousness, or the experience of being aware, is a fundamental feature of the universe. According to panpsychism, consciousness is not something that only exists in the minds of human beings and other complex animals, but is instead a basic and pervasive feature of reality.

Some people view panpsychism as a tool for kindness because it suggests that all things, including inanimate objects and natural phenomena, have some kind of inner experience or awareness. This idea can lead to a sense of respect and reverence for the world around us, and can encourage people to treat all things, including the natural environment, with care and compassion.

For example, if we believe that rocks and trees have some kind of consciousness, we might be more hesitant to destroy them or exploit them for our own purposes. We might also be more inclined to consider the potential impact of our actions on the natural world, and to take steps to preserve and protect the environment.

Color confinement as a motion to hangout next week

Color confinement is a phenomenon in particle physics that occurs when quarks, the building blocks of matter, are not able to exist independently, but are instead bound together to form larger particles, such as protons and neutrons. Quarks have a property called "color charge," which comes in three different types: red, green, and blue. According to the theory of quantum chromodynamics, the fundamental theory of the strong nuclear force, quarks must always be combined in such a way that their color charges cancel each other out. The reason for this is that the strong nuclear force, which is responsible for holding quarks together inside protons and neutrons, becomes very strong when the color charges of quarks are not balanced. This means that, in order for quarks to be stable and to avoid being torn apart by the strong force, they must always be combined in such a way that their color charges cancel each other out.

Thus, this weekend, we should all hang out, since I, in independence, am devoid of the human experience. Thus, I, alone, am nothing but flesh and bones. Consciousness is only truly existent when reflected upon by other active forms of consciousness. I understand this is hypocritical, refer to the next pointer, number #7.

Hypocrisy as a catalyst to improvement

Let me argue that hypocrisy can be a catalyst for improvement. For example, when someone is confronted with their own hypocrisy, they may be forced to re-evaluate their beliefs and behaviors, and to consider whether they are truly living up to their own standards and values. This can lead to a process of self-reflection and self-improvement, as the person may strive to become more consistent and authentic in their actions and words.

Humour is not inherently a positive trait

I feel like being funny isn't really a virtue given that funnyness is a trait you pick up to entertain others, even if you claim it's for yourself. You fit your mould of humour to another person's and then run trials on jokes.

Infact, It can be argued that humor is a form of submissiveness, and that it is a negative trait for several reasons.

First, humor often involves making oneself the object of ridicule or laughter, either by telling jokes or by making self-deprecating comments. This can be seen as a form of submission, as the person who is being humorous is effectively putting themselves in a vulnerable position, and allowing others to laugh at them. This can be particularly true in group settings, where the desire to be funny may lead individuals to compete for attention and approval by making themselves the butt of jokes.

Second, humor can also involve a certain amount of deference or subservience to the desires and expectations of others. For example, when telling a joke, a person may be trying to please or entertain their audience, and may tailor their humor to suit the preferences and expectations of the people they are speaking to. This can involve a certain amount of self-censorship or conformity, as the person may avoid making jokes or comments that might be perceived as challenging or offensive.

Third, humor can also be used as a tool of social manipulation, as it can be used to deflect criticism or to avoid dealing with difficult or uncomfortable topics. For example, someone who is being criticized for their actions or beliefs may respond with a joke or a witty comment, in order to divert attention away from the issue at hand and to avoid having to engage with the criticism in a serious way. In this way, humor can be used as a form of submissive behavior, as it can allow individuals to avoid confronting their own flaws or shortcomings.

Overall, while humor can be a valuable social tool and can bring people together, it can also have negative effects, by fostering a sense of submissiveness and undermining the ability to engage with difficult or challenging issues. For these reasons, it can be argued that humor is a form of submissiveness, and is a negative trait.

The Unreality of Time: A pretext for watching cat videos

The unreality of time is a philosophical idea that challenges the notion that time is a fundamental and objective feature of the universe. According to this idea, time is not a real and independent entity, but is instead a mental construct that we use to order and understand our experiences.

The idea of the unreality of time has been developed and elaborated by philosophers such as Bertrand Russell, who argued that time is a product of our subjective experience, and does not correspond to any objective reality. This view is also supported by some interpretations of modern physics, which suggest that time may be an emergent or relational property of the universe, rather than a fundamental and independent entity.

My favourite primer on this topic is by McTaggart (Which you should have a quick look at). But yes, time isn’t real, so feel free to watch cat videos.

Eliminative materialism for why we should all be Scientologists

Eliminative materialism is a philosophical position that holds that our common-sense understanding of the mind – including concepts such as beliefs, desires, and consciousness – is deeply flawed, and should be eliminated in favor of a more scientific and objective account of the mind and mental states.

According to eliminative materialism, our everyday mental concepts are based on folk psychology, a kind of intuitive and unreflective understanding of the mind that has been passed down through cultural and social traditions. However, eliminative materialists argue that this folk psychological framework is inadequate and misguided, and that it is based on a number of false assumptions and misconceptions.

For example, eliminative materialists argue that our common-sense understanding of the mind assumes that mental states have a unique and irreducible character, and that they are distinct from physical states of the brain and body. However, eliminative materialists reject this idea, and instead argue that mental states can be fully explained in terms of the underlying neurobiological processes that give rise to them.

As a result, eliminative materialists argue that our common-sense mental concepts should be eliminated from our scientific and philosophical theories of the mind, and that they should be replaced with a more accurate and comprehensive account of the neurobiological basis of mental states and processes. This view is highly controversial, and is opposed by many philosophers and cognitive scientists who defend the validity and usefulness of our common-sense mental concepts.

Thus, I’ve come to form a conclusion that Scientology is the one true religion to exist. The author of the religion has lived through modern times, thus knows what is best for us. Infact, his work exists right next to Herbert’s Dune on most bookshelves as creative works of fiction. Bible isn’t, checkmate Joseph.

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