Verse Network dApp Testnet Round 2 - Public Campaign Launch
March 4th, 2022

The STP Team is excited to announce the launch of the next stage of Verse Network’s Public DApp Testnet Campaign! We have seen exciting growth and interest in our DAO creation dApps. Signups have so far greatly outpaced user invites to the platform. And most excitingly, the majority of invited community members completing the DAO creation process on the Testnet have already returned valuable feedback to our developer team!

Today, as part of our Public Campaign Launch, we are excited to announce a community incentive campaign to empower our public users to build their DAOs on Verse using our native DApps, Framework and Clique. Since user feedback is critical for the Verse team to continue improving our DApps, we are incentivizing our new public users to share their experience creating a DAO on Verse! To participate in our public dApp testnet campaign launch, follow the steps below to begin building a DAO and qualify for our community incentives.

Time: March 3, 11:00 PM EST- March 24, 11:00 PM EST

Community Incentive Steps: 

Step 1: Create a DAO using Framework. To get started, connect your MetaMask wallet to add the Verse Testnet and then claim your test tokens to your wallet using the STP Faucet. 

Note: Please be sure to claim both STPT (Verse Testnet gas token) and well as TT (Verse Testnet DApp test token.) 

Now you are ready to select ‘Build’ and complete the ‘basic info’ section for your DAO, including a description. The DAO description must contain greater than 300 words and you must complete all other applicable sections under basic info for your DAO to qualify for the community incentives.

Next, proceed forward to set up your token distribution and voting governance. Once finalized, your DAO will be viewable on Clique

Stuck? Check out our tutorials, here, for further guidance.

Step 2: Congrats, you’ve established your DAO on Verse Network! Report any bugs you may have encountered, or feedback for our team, using the form here

Step 3: Help us promote Verse Network to your communities on Twitter! Tweet a screenshot of the final stage of your DAO creation process on Framework, making sure to mention @STP_Network

In your post let your followers know about your experience of building a DAO on Verse Network. Also be sure to include a link to this article so you followers can participate in our public DApp testnet launch!

Community Incentive Rewards:

Here at Verse we are committed to providing our community with the best DAO creation platform possible. In pursuit of this goal we are making the following three community incentives available to our users:

USDT Rewards 

  • 1000 USDT Reward: 10 Top DAOs selected by the STP team ✨
  • 500 USDT Reward: 10 Useful submissions on our feedback form ✨
  • 100 USDT Reward: 10 Valuable Twitter posts– mentioning @STP_Network ✨

For your DAO to qualify, please follow all requirements of the Community Incentive Steps. Now entering our Public Campaign Launch, we look forward to seeing new users begin to build their decentralized organizations on Verse Network!

About Verse Network

Verse is a censorship resistant, front running resistant, high performance, and interconnected cloud for next gen DAO and DeFi. It enables networks, developers and organizations to decentralize decision making effectively and scale their communities and decentralized applications.

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