How to build a social component
April 13th, 2024

Ame Network has been deployed on multiple testnets. This tutorial will guide you to quickly build a social component.

Component Structure

You can copy the Component template directly, or implement a component based on IComponent.

Component introduction:

The methodRequests and methodResponses are used to define the request parameter type and response data type of Method. Type is a data type Library, which contains all data types of solidity.

mapping (string=>Types.Type[]) methodRequests;
mapping (string=>Types.Type[]) methodResponses;

Method Types has 4 request types, GET, POST, PUT, OPTIONS. methods is used to store the method name array of each request type.

mapping (MethodTypes=>string[]) methods;

The options function will return the request method type supported by the component.

function options()public pure returns(MethodTypes[] memory){
  MethodTypes[] memory methodTypes=new MethodTypes[](4);
  return methodTypes;

The setMethod is used to set the request parameter type and response data type of the method.

function setMethod(string memory _methodName,MethodTypes _methodType,Types.Type[] memory _methodReq,Types.Type[] memory _methodRes)  private  {

The getMethods returns the response method names according to the request type.

function getMethods(MethodTypes _methodTypes)public view returns (string[] memory){
    return methods[_methodTypes];

The getMethodReqAndRes is used to obtain the request parameter type and response value type of the method based on the method name.

function getMethodReqAndRes(string memory _methodName)public view returns(Types.Type[] memory ,Types.Type[] memory ){

Implement the functions of each method in get, post, and put .

function get(string memory _methodName,bytes memory _methodReq)public pure returns(bytes memory){
  return abi.encode(_methodName,_methodReq);

function post(string memory _methodName,bytes memory _methodReq)public payable returns(bytes memory){
  return abi.encode(_methodName,_methodReq);

function put(string memory _methodName,bytes memory _methodReq)public pure returns(bytes memory){
  return abi.encode(_methodName,_methodReq);

Component Data

Component data is designed based on the functions provided by your component. Our example will implement user creation, query and modification.Each user has two data fields: name and age.

struct Profiles{
  string name;
  uint256 age;
mapping (address=>Profiles) users;

Initialization Method Data Type

Initialize the methods you provide in the constructor. We initialize three request methods:

GET request, getUser, obtains the user's name and age.POST request, createUser, creates a user.PUT request, updateUserName, updates the user's name.

  Types.Type[] memory getReqArray = new Types.Type[](1);
  getReqArray[0] = Types.Type.ADDRESS;
  Types.Type[] memory dataTypeArray = new Types.Type[](2);
  dataTypeArray[0] = Types.Type.STRING;
  dataTypeArray[1] = Types.Type.UINT256;
  Types.Type[] memory putReqArray = new Types.Type[](2);
  putReqArray[0] = Types.Type.ADDRESS;
  putReqArray[1] = Types.Type.STRING;
  setMethod("createUser",MethodTypes.POST,dataTypeArray,new Types.Type[](0));
  setMethod("updateUserName",MethodTypes.PUT,putReqArray,new Types.Type[](0));

Implement Request Methods

Implement each request method in GET, POST, and PUT.

    function get(string memory _methodName,bytes memory _methodReq)public view returns(bytes memory){
            address user=abi.decode(_methodReq, (address));
            bytes memory userData=abi.encode(users[user].name,users[user].age);
            return userData;
            return abi.encode("");

    function post(string memory _methodName,bytes memory _methodReq)public payable returns(bytes memory){
            (string memory name,uint256 age)=abi.decode(_methodReq, (string,uint256));
            bytes memory resBytes=abi.encode(name,age);
            emit  Response(resBytes);
            return resBytes;
        return abi.encode("");

    function put(string memory _methodName,bytes memory _methodReq)public payable returns(bytes memory){
            (address userAddress,string memory name)=abi.decode(_methodReq, (address,string));
        return abi.encode("");

Deploy Contract

All code can be viewed at ComponentExample.

This component example has been deployed on multiple testnets.

How to Use Ame Components Scan

Ame Components Scan is a manager for viewing social components of various networks. You can use it directly to interact with components.

1. Please select a network and connect your wallet.

2. Register as a new user

3. Enter component address to search.

4. Call methods in GET, POST, and PUT


If you want to contribute your components, you can refer to the component standard, I am still actively building Ame Network. If you are also interested, you can contact me on Twitter at any time.

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