ArtexSwap V2 -- Aspects Binded

ArtexSwap is supported by Artela EVM++. ArtexSwap platform is similar to Uniswap but enhances security through the use of EVM++ functionalities.

Intro to Artela Aspects and EVM++

Artela is a dual-virtual-machine blockchain focused on extending on-chain functionality. Artela dApps are built on a novel VM + WASM architecture using aspect programming, which can bring new features and behaviors. This architecture is completely composable with other applications, able to be published at runtime, and both cheaper and more computationally powerful than anything else.

For extensibility, Artela implements the Aspect Programming and Native Extension, allowing developers to extend the functionality of the blockchain base layer by adding custom programmable modules in the WebAssembly (WASM) environment. These aspects can collaborate with the EVM, providing high-performance, customized application-specific extensions for dApps.

From a performance perspective, Artela improves the execution efficiency of the EVM. We all know that the EVM is a serial virtual machine environment, which is very inefficient compared to modern hardware. Artela implements EVM++ and Parallel Processing, significantly improving the throughput of the Artela Blockchain.

Artela is EVM-equivalence and extendable with aspects, making it more flexible and scalable in developing Defi projects.

ArtexSwap is the first DEX integrated with aspects and empowered by EVM++

ArtexSwap V2 Release

ArtexSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) protocol built on the Artela blockchain. Nowadays blockchain is widely used in decentralized finance (Defi),and swap infrastructure is the cornerstone of the entire blockchain ecosystem.

ArtexSwap offers basic operations similar to UniswapV2, such as setting slippage, swapping tokens, providing liquidity, and removing liquidity. ArtexSwap also uses the constant product formula and Automated Market Maker (AMM) model for automatic price discovery, allowing liquidity providers to earn profits.

But most importantly, ArtexSwap V2 utilizes the latest EVM++ features of Artela, binding swap pools with aspects to provide additional security features.

Core Feature -- Aspects Binded

In the blockchain finance sector, security is the top priority. Based on this foundation of security, we can offer greater composability and flexible options.

Now we provide 3 initial security aspects:

  • Blacklist Aspect: Blocks dangerous accounts listed in our blacklist.

    The blacklist mechanism is a strategy that emphasizes preemptive security. From a behavioral perspective, addresses and users who have previously engaged in "bad activities" are highly likely to reoffend. By labeling accounts, addresses, and contracts that are deemed risky, the ArtexSwap platform can perform a priori checks on both parties and the environment of a transaction before it occurs. The Blacklist mechanism continuously monitors trading activities, checking each transaction for any "dangerous elements" listed on the blacklist. When an operation request from a blacklisted account is detected, it automatically blocks these requests to prevent malicious activities.

  • Anti-Rug Aspect: Prevents token supply increases that could rug pull pools.

    Rug Pull refers to developers or major holders suddenly increasing the token supply or withdrawing a large portion of funds from the liquidity pool, causing the token price to plummet and resulting in significant losses for investors. This often occurs when contracts have backdoors. Generally, these situations involve contracts that have escaped the Blacklist mechanism due to the lag in blacklist information. There are typically two scenarios: 1. The contract vulnerability has not been discovered. 2. It has been discovered, but the blacklist has not been updated.

  • High Slippage Aspect: Prevents swaps with high slippage, estimated around 30%.

    Preventing slippage is a "predictive" issue. Addressing insufficient liquidity is relatively straightforward; the ArtexSwap platform's contracts can achieve this goal by monitoring the liquidity pool in real-time. The challenge lies in market volatility, as the market is influenced by external events. The initial approach would be to integrate an oracle to obtain market status. To achieve this, ArtexSwap leverages its underlying environment, Artela, which supports Aspect technology. By utilizing this, ArtexSwap creates a dApp on the chain that can interact with third-party oracles to obtain market volatility information.

    Furthermore, Artela supports AI agents. By using market state data and AI, it predicts high slippage for transactions at any given time. Combined with the previously mentioned liquidity monitoring, it arrives at a comprehensive estimate. If this estimate exceeds a threshold (30%), the transaction is prevented from executing, thus protecting traders from losses due to significant price fluctuations.

Swap with Aspects

Currently, aspects can only be bound to pools where you are the owner and have provided the initial liquidity. However, you can experience the smooth integration of Aspect-protected pools and Artela EVM++ by swapping tokens within these pools.

Play Enlightenment

The Artela Renaissance event has now entered Phase 2 -- Enlightenment. Everyone is welcome to visit the Artela website to interact with Artela and ArtexSwap to earn Stones. We invite you to play and explore.


Artela Network:

Artexswap Dapp:

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