Tutorial: How to Swap on SushiSwap (Polygon Network)

What is SushiSwap? 🍣

SushiSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) and lending market on Ethereum. Unlike a centralized exchange, SushiSwap is non-custodial and trustless. It uses an automated market maker (AMM) model to facilitate peer-to-peer exchanges of any two ERC-20 tokens in real time.

SushiSwap has quickly evolved into one of the most sophisticated token liquidity engines in decentralized finance (DeFi) by releasing innovative product offerings that stretch our conception of what a DEX is supposed to be. In addition to the steady flow of new features, SushiSwap has expanded across multiple blockchains, setting itself up to be an extremely versatile multi-chain DEX.

What is Polygon? 🌐

Polygon is a protocol and framework for building and connecting Ethereum-compatible blockchain networks. As many of us are aware, transacting on Ethereum can be costly to the average user when gas prices are high. Polygon offers fast and cheap transactions as a Layer 2 scalability solution to the Ethereum network, allowing users to experiment with DeFi without incurring substantial gas fees.

Since its release, Polygon has seen a wave of DeFi protocols launch on the network, including Aave, Curve, Balancer, SushiSwap, and more.

SushiSwap x Polygon Swap Tutorial 🎓

In this tutorial, we’ll walkthrough how to perform a simple token swap using SushiSwap’s DEX on the Polygon network.

First, you’ll need to set up your MetaMask for Polygon.

  • Login to MetaMask on your browser and click on ‘Ethereum Mainnet’.

Next, bridge some assets from the Ethereum Mainnet to Polygon.

You can follow this tutorial to bridge assets using the Matic Web Wallet, or you can follow the below steps to bridge your assets using Zapper.

  • Go to https://zapper.fi/ and connect your MetaMask wallet.
  • Once connected, select ‘Bridge’ from the sidebar.
  • Switch your MetaMask network back to Ethereum Mainnet if it isn’t already by selecting ‘Ethereum Mainnet’ from the network dropdown (the list where you found ‘Custom RPC’ above).
  • Select the token you would like to transfer to Polygon and the token you would like to receive in exchange on Polygon from the dropdown menus. Then, enter the amount you would like to transfer.
  • Click ‘Confirm’ and approve the transaction in MetaMask.
  • Approximately 5-10 minutes following confirmation on Ethereum, your assets will arrive on Polygon. You can check this by switching back to the Polygon network in MetaMask and verifying the tokens are in your wallet (note: if you don't see your assets, try adding the token to MetaMask).

Now that the housekeeping is out of the way, let's swap some tokens.

  • Connect your Metamask to SushiSwap by selecting 'Connect to a Wallet' in the upper-right corner of the page and following the prompts.

  • Once your wallet is connected to SushiSwap, make sure your MetaMask is connected to the Polygon network. If properly connected, you will see ‘Polygon (Matic)’ in the upper right corner of the page.

  • Select the asset you would like to swap from and the asset you would like to swap to, and fill in the desired amount.
  • When you are ready, select ‘Swap’. You will be prompted to verify and confirm the transaction details. If everything looks good, hit 'Confirm Swap'.
  • If this is your first time swapping the token via SushiSwap on Polygon, you will be prompted to confirm a MetaMask transaction to allow SushiSwap to spend your tokens. You will only need to do this once. 'Confirm' the transaction.

  • After the approval, MetaMask will again prompt you to approve a transaction. This time the approval is for the actual swap. Hit ‘Confirm’ once you are ready.

Congratulations! 🥳

You have just completed your first swap using SushiSwap on Polygon. Make sure you add the new token to MetaMask if it isn't already there. After a few minutes, you should see the correct balance in your wallet.

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