Web3 - Let the "right to data" awaken

Before we begin, let's do a multiple choice question.

Now, you have two choices in front of you, the left is 500W US dollars, the right is a huge hard disk, which contains the shopping data of 5 million people, you can take the same as you like, left or right?

Although in the real world, no one will provide these two things for you to choose, but this problem, at least can trigger some thinking, and these thoughts, but also I want to write this Web3 article, mainly to explore: 1.

1, can data be an asset?

2, why is the core of Web3 is to let the data right back?

3,How far are we from the scale of Web3?

4,Web3 products that are worthy of deeper experience now.

Next, let's talk about Web3 from these 4 questions respectively.

1、Can data be an asset?
In the first question, if we put 500W USD and 5 million people's data together, maybe 90% of people will choose the former without hesitation, because in comparison, 500W USD is my asset. What if the data I get is just one of the N copies?

Take it a step further: there is no denying that data has "value", but can it be an asset? And how should I measure it?

To answer this question, we must first reach a consensus on the definition of "asset".

Referring to WiKi's definition of an asset, an asset should meet the following 3 key points.

  1. Embodies ownership
  2. Convertible goods
  3. can bring benefits to individuals or enterprises

Obviously, if we look at these 3 key points, "data" at this stage is indeed considered an asset, but it is only the asset of a small number of enterprises, not individuals.

Take the most common scenario for example, you order a box lunch from a takeaway platform, pay for it, the platform summons a rider to deliver it to you, and at the end of a single order, you not only receive a takeaway, but also create a purchase data. This data includes your name, contact information, delivery address and amount spent, as well as your food tastes.

But although you created this data, you don't own it, and you can't exchange it for goods or generate any revenue for you. So, for you, this data created by you is not your asset.

1、What about for the platform?

They may combine your data with the data of hundreds or thousands of people in the surrounding area, generating various rich dimensions to interpret and judge. Then based on the accumulation of these data, the platform will know how many delivery workers should be equipped in this area where you order take-out, what kind of restaurants are most profitable to open here, and also through your taste, to give you accurate recommendations for more suitable for your goods advertising. Data show that in 2017, today's headlines on a similar way of data operation, 20 billion of advertising revenue.

In this link, the user is treated as a "data cow", constantly feeding the platform and enterprise, that is, if you are using a service for free, you are not a user, you are the product itself.

Therefore, data and private keys, if you can not really control it, it is not yours.

2、Why is the core of Web3 to bring back the right to data?

Since data has been proved to be valuable and valuable, how to let the individuals who create data, also profit from it? Let the right to data return?

This problem was unsolved in the web1 and web2 phases until the concept of Web3.0 was introduced in 2014.

In the end, what is Web3?

It is represented by a diagram that has been circulated by the community, which looks like this.

Web 1.0 stage, the user can only be the recipient of content, and the account needs to be bound to the platform, the data belongs to the platform.

Web 2.0 stage, users can also output content in addition to receiving content, although the account still has to be bound to the platform, but the birth of the giant, so users can use a set of account login multiple platforms, but the data still belongs to the platform.

At Web 3.0 stage, users can log in to all applications with one wallet, user data returns to individual, users can manage their own data on the chain, and can generate revenue from these data.

As an example.

Previously, when experiencing the project galaxy platform to do tasks, coingecko released a task for DeFi 101, as long as you meet the requirement of having interacted once in any of the following platforms pledge platform, you can receive the task NFT.
I've already been shown to have pledged on the Yearn platform, and I've forgotten when I pledged. But this data is "my" behavior data, so I can get the NFT reward.

This inadvertent interaction also allowed me to complete a skill task when I logged into Rabbithole, increasing the skill value on the platform.

In other words, the data from one unintentional on-chain interaction has been rewarded by 2 different platforms, and it is certain that more platforms will reward me for this action in the future.

This is absolutely unimaginable in Web1 and Web2 stages, you can't be rewarded in WeChat platform because you posted a pop-up in Jitterbug, but Web3 can.

Here, recall the 3 key points of the asset concept mentioned earlier.

1, reflect ownership

2, redeemable goods

3, able to generate revenue for individuals or enterprises

In a sense, Web 3 has fully realized the data "asset", your on-chain behavior data really belongs to you, and can bring you revenue, and can also be exchanged for NFT and other commodity-like things.

Once users experience the freedom of having "data rights", it is difficult to go back to the shackles of Web1 and Web2. Therefore, Web3 brings the future of the return of "data rights", once popular, it is difficult to suppress.

3、How far are we from the scale of Web3?
To answer this question, we still need to reach a consensus on one word - scale.

What is the degree of "scaling up"?

Here, we need to quote the "S-shaped" curve principle of the father of TRIZ, Soviet inventor Genrich Achshuler.

When we say, "How far are we from Web3 scaling", we are actually predicting how long it will take for the Web3 process curve to go from the breaking point to the limit point.

To speculate on this time period, we need to review Web1.0 - Web2.0, the middle of the historical process.

Review the development of the Internet, can be roughly divided into the following five periods.

Before 1993, the Internet belonged to the stage of experimenta

l exploration, and the invention of TCP/IP technology officially opened the Internet era.

In 1994, the first year of Web 1.0 was opened, with WWW (WorldWide Web) applications as the main form of websites emerging rapidly around the world, from Yahoo and Hotmail to Sina, Sohu and NetEase in China, becoming the representatives of the time.

This period of the Internet mainly through the aggregation of a large number of content to solve the problem of the lack of information in the audience at that time, the commercialization ability is relatively single, the platform mainly relies on advertising to cash.

From 2001 to 2008, with the substantial increase of fixed access bandwidth speed and the substantial reduction of cost, various new forms of Internet business and business models emerged, from the early text and picture-based to later voice communication, video playback, retail e-commerce, network application security and other various fields appeared in different product attempts.

But the richness of the function did not bring about changes in the output mode, and users remained in the stage of being "fed" until around 2015, when Tencent, Facebook and other platform-level applications rose one after another, so that user habits began to change, at which time, users began to interact with the platform, opening up a two-way output channel. Web2.0 era was opened.

From this process, the transition from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 took 21 years, while Web 2.0 opened to the full explosion now, only 7 years have passed.

If we extrapolate according to this speed, assuming that 2022 is the first year of Web3.0, that is, the breaking point of the S-curve, according to the process of Web2's extremely rapid outbreak, Web3 from the breaking point to the limit point, it may only take 3-5 years, that is, Web3 real scale of the time point is between 2025 and 2027.

Whether it is 3 years to the "limit point" or 5 years to the "limit point" depends not only on the development state of blockchain technology, but also on a very important influencing factor - the consensus The establishment of consensus.

This consensus includes the consensus on the distribution of energy between the real world and the virtual world and the consensus on the unification of governance rules.

The Web3 outbreak needs not only individual and technical promotion, but also energy support, but the normal operation of the virtual world still requires a stable power supply from the real world.

In other words, Web3 will not only compete for data rights from Web2, but also for resources and capacity, but it may take a lot of effort to convince the physical world not to pull the plug from this point of view.

Whenever I write an article to address a topic, I always like to think of it as grand and systematic, but in fact, some small changes are already happening in life: the

Using brave more than Chrome when I open a browser.

when writing articles, using more mirror than WeChat.

when saving content, using more Dstar Note than impression notes.

When running, the software I open is StepN, not Yueyun circle.

When managing money, use more defi than fund tools

I just realized that Web3 has silently entered my life, and all my actions are being rewarded by Web3.

If the essence of Web1.0 is association, and the essence of Web2.0 is interaction, then the most fascinating thing about Web3.0 is fairness.

In Web3's system, users are fairly rewarded for their time, generated behaviors, and contributed data. This incentive model will liberate the fear in the underlying human drive, and then replace it with individual creativity.

Once the creativity of all individuals is stimulated and rewarded, isn't such a future worth looking forward to?

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