Nate Hill


In the grand tapestry of the digital renaissance, Nate Hill stands as an alchemist of light and shadow, his artistry a crucible where binary worlds and human emotion fuse into stark narratives.

His monochromatic masterpieces, a ballet of pixels and visions, beckon us into realms where each shade of grey whispers tales of life's symphony. Hill's digital brushstrokes paint the resonance of a past steeped in the analog warmth of music and the tactile grain of printmaking, his compositions a homage to the great maestros of art history, yet boldly inscribed with a modernist's signature.

In this dialogue, we traverse the silhouette of Hill's journey, exploring how the echoes of his variegated past shape the contours of a future etched in the indelible ink of innovation.


➩ What ignited your journey into the crypto art world?

“I feel like I was unintentionally preparing to be a part of the crypto art world by making digital art for years. Starting out as a photographer and printmaker, following that into digital art and design and sharing on Instagram… It was there that I started to see people talking about NFT’s. I was fortunate enough to be able to talk to 3LAU about this new movement and he was amazing and gracious enough to help me on my way. I am forever grateful.

➩ Could you describe a typical day for you, from start to finish?

“I am a full time creative who works from a home office/studio. My day stars with sorting my daughter out for school. I then get to work on any number of different projects. This includes my own art (everything from purely digital art to photography and I’ve just started to get back into printmaking and painting again). I also work on commissions and client work. This includes photo shoots and editing (portrait, promotional and live music), creating album art, posters and social media content for bands, and anything else I can get my hands on. The aim is to be able to help anyone with their creative direction.

➩ Throughout all of history, who stands out to you as your favorite artist?

“It’s really difficult to choose just one. I have favourite artists from different eras like Da Vinci and Dali. Favourite photographers like Adams and Leibovitz. Modern artists like Stanley Donwood and Storm Thorgerson and street artists like Kaws and Haring and Basquiat.”

➩ Celebrating wins is important. What's been your biggest ETH sale to date?

“I’ve been very fortunate in this space. I was lucky enough to have a couple of drops on Nifty Gateway when everything was exploding. One was just days after Beeple had his record sale. So it was peek interest in collecting. I had some life changing moments through that time…”

➩ Got any wisdom for those just dipping their toes into crypto art?

“There is a lot of noise. My advice for this space would be the same as in any space I think. Be yourself. Work hard. Start never stopping. Putting yourself out there is scary and hard at times, but if you don’t do it then no-one has the opportunity to find you and connect. I feel like a lot of my wins have come from putting myself out there and just continuing to work, network and search for opportunities.”

➩ Looking ahead, what can we expect from you in the coming months?

“Any sneak peeks I’ve always got multiple things on the go. Currently working on my first art book. I have several collaborations either completed or on the go. This includes a generative art project combining my art with my very talented friend Gary Edward Blum. I photograph a lot of live music and we are hitting festival season here in Australia, so that’ll keep me busy. I have a music project called No Sudden Moves that will release a new song. And all my continued client work with bands, etc.

➩ With so much talent in the field, who do you think should be up next for an interview and what would you ask them?

*“There are so many artists that I respect and admire in this space. One I always love to hear from is Tim Maxwell. He is a friend, an incredible artist and always has something interesting and entertaining to say. I’d also love to hear from AL Crego. He is a huge inspiration and such a unique artist. I could list so many more…*As for the questions for the other artists… I’d ask the both how they came to find their signature styles.”


In reflection, Nate Hill leaves us not at a conclusion, but at a precipice of anticipation. His narrative continues to evolve, as does his art—a constant pursuit of creation that defies the ebbs and flows of markets. His story and advice stand as a beacon for emerging artists in the crypto realm, reminding us that the essence of art lies in the relentless spirit of expression and connection.

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