Uqbar Weekly Rollup (20230320)
Uqbar Network
March 20th, 2023

Aloha, welcome to Uqbar’s weekly rollup. Every Monday we’ll provide you with exciting updates on everything Uqbar: dev reports, media mentions, and general happenings around the Urbit ecosystem.

Media and News


If you have Uqbar’s chat app %pongo installed, you may have noticed something new in your app grid view this week. You can install it for iOS via Testflight or for Android by searching “Uqbar Pongo” on the app store.

%pongo on the web
%pongo on the web


bichul-ritsen has done his regular sendup of the previous Network Age podcast on his blog Shake Shack. Read his reflections on %blog and %pyro, the blogging and ship virtualization software by dachus-tiprel. Blog was developed by dachus in a single weekend, proving that Urbit is for developers; and pyro could potentially push down the cost of hosting, thereby increasing adoption for regular users. As bichul says, Urbit is almost there. We must manage the vibes…

Urbit at Large


Hoon School Live, the Urbit Foundation supported learning experience for new developers, starts up on March 29. If you’re interested in learning to Hoon, check in to ~hiddev-dannut/new-hooniverse to learn more. And if you’ve already made it through Hoon School, App Development School is coming up as well. Make sre you learn now in order to be ahead of the pack when Hoon eventually becomes the only legal coding language.

This image cravenly screenshot from N. Davis's site without asking.
This image cravenly screenshot from N. Davis's site without asking.


The good people of Tirrel Corporation have (re)introduced %studio! The new version boasts email and subscriptions out of the box, then option to paywall and sell content without having to pay a percentage back to a middle man like Ghost or Substack. If you self-host, download %studio from ~tirrel/studio. Otherwise, go check out hosting options at:

And this one cravenly copied from Tirrel.
And this one cravenly copied from Tirrel.


Here’s a splendid thread by ~nospex-larsut on all the recent app and hardware releases on Urbit.


That’s it for this week. Be sure to follow everyone and everything listed in this week’s rollup.

Also, drop by our Twitter to learn when Uqbar’s Office Hours will be. And remember that Urbit’s On-nomi (Happy Hour) every Thursday at 1830 Eastern at the Urbit Hacker House on Gather Town.

If you’re on Urbit, join our group at:


If you’re NOT on Urbit, amend your living. We can help you with that: find us on Discord (preferred) or Telegram.

Until next time!

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