Uqbar Weekly Rollup (20230227)
Uqbar Network
February 27th, 2023

Aloha, welcome to Uqbar’s weekly rollup. Every Monday we’ll provide you with exciting updates on everything Uqbar: dev reports, media mentions, and general happenings around the Urbit ecosystem.

Media and News


The Network Age Podcast returns! On this extra special episode, the boys (sans ~timluc) are joined by Sam Frank (~todset-partug) of the Urbit Foundation to discuss his defection from the New York literary scene to the frontiers of distributed technology. As an early investor to both Ethereum and Urbit, Sam has witnessed how digital-first communities can organize around shared values and the pursuit of knowledge. Together, Sam and our hosts dive into the future of Urbit, the wild world of Miladies, and Sam's own journey as a writer and esoteric explorer. All this plus Urbit marriages, psychic abilities, and the importance of throwing a really good party.


Insight DeFi named Network Age one of their top crypto listens. Very correct!


We have been silently uploading Network Age podcasts to YouTube, so if that’s your preferred listening method, you’re in luck. If not, we still get that sweet, sweet Google SEO. Go subscribe and like our stuff or we have to fire a hungry intern.

Uqbar Network: Developer and Operations Updates

Another busy week for the Uqbar team—check out some of their accomplishments:


~hodzod-walrus changed wallet to handle incoming transactions better and added a feature to share wallet addresses in apps like Pongo. He also made several bug fixes/updates to Pokur: spectating games, playing on any host, and of course cash tables, which are pending release.


~sillus mallus added chain state queries, state view imports, resizable error lists, default views from loaded config fils, ability to add/del custom test step types, showing receipts for pre-approved txs in the Wallet History view, simplified new project workflow, and state views now key by project.


~fabnev-hinmur did scores of Pongo and Pokur fixes and updates.

Recommended Reading & Listening


~dachus-tiprel managed to make waves this week with a screed against SSE (well, really more of a suggestion to use Websockets) followed by an intermediate stopgap plan to get more performance out of eyre.


~bichul-ritsen retails the Network Age episode featuring Marc Hochstein and Tracy Wang and takes perhaps a little too much credit for Tracy subsequently winning the prestigious Polk award for her coverage of the FTX scandal.


AJ LaMarc calls for consistency in his Urbit Userspace Style Guide.


That’s it for this week. Be sure to follow everyone and everything listed in this week’s rollup.

Also, drop by our Twitter to learn when Uqbar’s Office Hours will be. And remember that Urbit’s On-nomi (Happy Hour) every Thursday at 1830 Eastern at the Urbit Hacker House on Gather Town.

If you’re on Urbit, join our group at:


If you’re NOT on Urbit, amend your living. We can help you with that: find us on Discord (preferred) or Telegram.

Until next time!

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