To celebrate the launch of gTrade integration on the MUX Leveraged Trading Aggregators, MUX will airdrop MUX tokens to Gains traders.
Over 90 markets from gTrade are now available on MUX, and your positions will be routed to suited underlying protocols based on market, position size, composite trading cost and user preferences. Offering optimized on-chain trading experiences will continue to be MUX’s top focus, and the contributors will ship feature improvements like adding TP/SL order when opening a position in the near future.
The total airdrop rewards pool is 3,562 MUX tokens.
Claimers' rewards are calculated based on the addresses' trading volume proportion in the Gains total trading volume between Dec. 9th, 2022 and Feb. 9th, 2023.
If an eligible address's claimable airdrop is below 1 MUX based on the trading volume proportion, the rewards will be rounded up to 1 MUX.
The Airdrop is claimable between Feb. 19th 0:00 am and May. 15th, 11:59 pm, UTC, 2023.
Eligible claimers can see a "Claim Airdrop" entrance on the MUX top navigation bar.
The Airdrop will become claimable after fulfilling three requirements:
The address traded over $10K on gTrade between Dec. 9th, 2022 and Feb. 9th, 2023.
Complete a short learning session about MUX Aggregator's key features.
Open a position of any size using the MUX Aggregator.
The Airdrop rewards come from the MUX team's share and won't dilute the total token supply.
The MUX team will lock 3,562 MCB tokens from the team's share to generate 3,562 MUX tokens for the rewards.
Unclaimed MUX token rewards will return to the MUX team after May. 15th, 0:00 am, UTC, 2023.
MUX is the protocol's non-transferable reward token and can be utilized in two different directions:
Stake MUX to obtain veMUX, then earn protocol income in ETH and more MUX tokens.
Vest MUX into MCB, which is the protocol's transferable primary token.