After a successful Boyco bootstrapping campaign, we’re excited to announce that beraETH is now live on Berachain!
beraETH is a native ETH LST built for the Berachain ecosystem, enabling users to earn DeFi’s highest ETH staking yield while taking advantage of all the opportunities Proof of Liquidity has to offer.
Users can now:
Mint beraETH with WETH on Berachain
Mint beraETH with ETH from Ethereum
Coming soon:
Incentivized Kodiak liquidity pools
Use beraETH as collateral on BeraBorrow
Stake beraETH liquidity in Infrared vaults
…and more
beraETH is designed to be the go-to ETH asset for the Berachain ecosystem, offering best-in-class staking yields and a simple UX. We’re working with partners to help users access a range of yield opportunities on the network.
Users can mint beraETH through the beraETH UI available here. Select your origin chain (Berachain or Ethereum), input the amount of ETH you’d like to deposit, and confirm.
Once staked, you’ll begin earning ETH staking yield. To track your position, use the Dashboard page.
If you run into any issues, please open a support ticket in our Discord.