Our story begins very much like yours...

Like everyone else, this story begins quite lie this; wanting to make money. Getting involved in FOREX back in 2009 was the baptism of fire. First it was babypips.com, then it was Technical Analysis. A portfolio blown, opportunities missed. Soon enough the realisation hits, this isn’t as easy as it seems!

Having spent years trading FOREX unsuccessfully, but making market makers richer, a level of maturation took place. Moving to Stocks, ETFs, Options, Futures, Warrants was a revelation. Money was made and lost, but lessons were learned and a few pains became clear.

Finding high value information on stocks and companies is hard

Many evenings have been spent researching companies, news, information, trying to make good decisions.

Is NVIDIA going to power AI in the near future? How could the acquisition of ARM help NVIDIA? Will Tesla ever release a robot? Does that make the stock more valuable?

Getting access to the information needed to make good and sound decisions is really hard. Which leads to the second lesson learned.

This Game is rigged

First of, your broker is making money off of you. You pay commission on good or bad trades regardless. Worse yet, you got the information or news too late, and the opportunities flew by.

But the hedge funds make money. Not only because they have money, but because they have access to high value information you don’t! The Bloomberg Terminal alone costs $2,000 a month, and that’s just the start. It is a full time job, and for you to make money, someone else has to lose that money.

There is Deceit everywhere

Then there are blogs, TikToks, pump and dump schemes all designed to make you invest in stocks and cryptos solely so they can make money off of you pushing the prices up.

How do you avoid them all-together? In the era of the Crypto rise, everyone was talking about them and trying to get money, but the smart money was already pulling out knowing that the time to take profits had arrived.

How do you trade smarter and avoid all those deceiptful actors trying to manipulate you?

Trading for retail investors is hard

Without a doubt the first thing you’ll find online when trying to figure out how to trade is Technical Analysis (TA).

Technical Analysis (TA) simply doesn’t work because it relies on lagging information.

Yet there are “professionals” on YouTube, TikTok and Google who are trying to teach you the correct way to trade for a small fee. They claim using TA and signals with funny names is how you’ll reap the profits.

There’s a plethora of Indicators, Experts, Robots, and an entire ecosystem of dubious education and services which claim they teach you how to make money, but all they do is cost you money.

Trading is a mine-field

So if things weren’t bad enough, you will sooner or later, come to the same realisation we did; this is a mine-field and actually making money is very hard. No wonder most people just usual mutual funds, ETF trackers, and call it a day.

But that’s not you. You’re not trading because it is supposedly easy. Challenge accepted!

But there is hope…

Sooner or later, the amount of effort, brainwaves, learning, education, coding, research and development put into making sense out of all this, started producing results. And that’s when things started getting interesting.

We live in the era of information, we’re witnessing the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the awakening of the retail investor.

Trading and investing is no longer the game of the select few. In those interesting times anyone can trade, everyone can speculate, and making money is a very real possibility. But as this has been taking place, another revolution also crept on us, AI became better than humans at a lot of tasks. Chess, Go, AlphaFold, StarCraft, Grand Turismo 5, just to name a few. We’re now coming to terms with the fact that AI is here to stay.

Our Mission is:

To help you make better trades. To enable you to access AI tools, insights and meta-data that will have a profound effect on your ability to make money. We do not believe that Hedge funds should be the Kings of the Hill anymore.

There’s one thing the Gamestop (GME) taught us. That is the power of the retail investor, the average joe, when unleashed, he can beat Hedge funds and the Ultra-rich at their own game.

And the way to do it is using AI, the great equaliser of our times.

We’ve worked hard for this

A few PhDs, more than a decade of experience on Data Sciencing, Machine Learning, quite a few publications, and some insane hours of coding. And we’re only getting started.

The idea isn’t to teach you how to trade, there’s some very good websites that do that. What we’re working on is giving you tools that will assist you into making profitable trades, again and again.

We’re Assistatron: a human-AI combination

And we will offer a new service that runs price pattern prediction on 1-minute time-frame for free for the next few months. This is an Alpha release in an API-only form, meaning only developers and algorithm traders should use it for now, and preferably not for live testing.

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