This is the fourth of a series of articles aimed at unpacking the contents of KIRA Improvement Proposals 71-87, which will encompass 5 sets of articles. In set 1 we covered:
This is the first article of the second set - which will lay out the structure of KIRA’s on-chain governance.
Proposals and Voting Rights
On KIRA, governance has power to enact changes to network properties by passing governance proposals. These proposals take the form of polls which are voted on by permissioned voter sets. Individual accounts or role holders with the corresponding permission are able to create new proposals.
For maximum flexibility of voter expression, KIRA proposals are formatted as multi-option polls where voters can suggest their own options. Each proposal must define the following: contents of proposed changes, voting permissions (which roles/accounts will be able to vote on the proposal), voting options, voting period, list of options to choose from, maximum number of choices that the voter can select, and the maximum number of options that the poll can have (this allows for voters to suggest additional options).
Voting Rules
Each voter account should have the right to one and only one vote. This vote can be changed at any time before the end of the voting period by sending another vote transaction.
On every proposal, it will be possible for voters to vote “abstain” or “veto” in addition to every option defined by the poll.
One vote can correspond to one or multiple voting options as defined by the proposal’s parameters.
One voter may not vote multiple times on the same option.
Voters may cast custom choices if the proposal allows for it.
If the voting quorum (set to 33% by default) is reached, and one of the options has a majority, the proposal can be passed.
If the voting quorum is not reached, or if the majority of votes are “veto” votes, or multiple non-veto options have the same number of votes (indecisive result), the proposal is rejected.
Proposals cannot pass, be rejected, or vetoed before their expiration time passes, unless all voters have casted their vote and the result would not be indecisive.
Proposals that have passed will be enacted immediately.
Finalized proposals will record all options voted on, their corresponding scores, final result, time of creation, contents & end time. Voter identities or the options they voted for will not be recorded or persisted.
How this Benefits KIRA Participants
Network governance empowers KIRA participants to adjust network properties for any use case, such as agreeing on upgrade time, selecting group admins, etc. It is a vital process that allows voters to shape and maintain KIRA for long-term success.
Stay tuned for the next article on KIRA councilors - accounts who will have the permission to engage in network governance.
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