This is the eighth article in a series about KIRA Improvement Proposals (KIPs) 71-87. The first three sets covered staking incentives, network governance, and staking economics. This is the first article of the fourth set, starting with the implementation of metafinality within INTERX, KIRA’s middleware layer.
KIRA is built for a cross-chain world, and is designed to be hypermodular. This means all its internal components must be interoperable and also work seamlessly with external networks, both modular and monolithic. To achieve this, KIRA must be able to observe the state of truth within other networks at any time. INTERX, KIRA’s middleware layer, addresses this through its implementation of metafinality, initially described by our founder Asmodat in this article.
KIPs 77 and 79 propose implementing API Gateways to observe the Ethereum and Bitcoin networks, query their states, and propagate transactions. These KIPs lay the groundwork for future Ethereum and Bitcoin bridges, enabling INTERX to function as middleware and the Content Availability layer on KIRA.
As Asmodat writes, the implications of metafinality go far beyond simple bridging. They allow applications to observe and communicate with millions of other applications across any ecosystem by establishing consensus on the state of a single blockchain - KIRA. Our goal is to create a world where monolithic and modular architectures converge to enable hyper-performant applications that can compete with Web2.
Stay tuned for the next article, which will discuss INTERX in more detail.
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