Understanding and Installing Solidity Compiler for Smart Contract Development

Ethereum stands as the leading platform for smart contract development in the blockchain landscape. As the leader in smart contract programmability, it has gained the trust of developers worldwide.

The programming language most suited for creating these contracts on Ethereum is Solidity, which comes with a range of features to help in the development and deployment of smart contracts.

However, to deploy these contracts, you must use a Solidity compiler.

A compiler is essential for Ethereum developers because it ensures that the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) can interpret and execute the commands written in Solidity. Essentially, the Solidity compiler translates Solidity code into bytecode, enabling the EVM to understand and process the code.

In this blog, we will explore what a Solidity compiler is, how to install one, and the tools available for its use.

What is a Solidity Compiler?

A Solidity compiler is an open-source tool that translates code written in the Solidity programming language into bytecode. This bytecode is then understood and executed by the EVM. The Solidity compiler ensures that the smart contract code adheres to Ethereum's rules and standards.

There are two main types of Solidity compilers: solc and solc.js.

The original Solidity compiler, solc, is written in the Go programming language. Solc.js, on the other hand, uses Emscripten to compile C++ code to JavaScript, making it compatible with Node.js and offering flexible installation options.

Importance of the Solidity Compiler

The Solidity compiler is crucial because it converts human-readable Solidity code into bytecode that machines can execute. This process is vital for deploying smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain.

The compiler also generates an Application Binary Interface (ABI), which acts as an interface between different program modules, such as user programs and operating systems. The compiled bytecode is deployed on the Ethereum blockchain and stored at a specific address, allowing public interaction with the smart contract.

Key Features of the Solidity Compiler

The Solidity compiler comes with several important features:

  • Versions: Different versions come with various features and limitations. For example, some versions may support new features like ABIEncoderV2.

  • Plugins: Extend the compiler's functionality by adding new language features or custom optimizations. Plugins can be written in any programming language and seamlessly interface with the compiler.

  • Settings: Configure aspects such as gas limit, target EVM version, and optimization level. These settings control the compilation process and bytecode execution on Ethereum.

  • APIs: Enable programmatic compilation of Solidity code, useful for creating tools like integrated development environments (IDEs) and code analyzers.

Installing the Solidity Compiler

Here are various methods to install the Solidity compiler:

  1. Using Remix

    Remix is an online tool that offers a simple way to compile small contracts. It is easy to use but has limitations regarding the size and complexity of contracts it can handle.

  2. Using Docker

    Docker is recommended for Solidity compiler installation due to its simplicity. Downloading a Docker image allows you to run the compiler executable, which accepts compiler arguments.


    docker pull ethereum/solc
    docker run ethereum/solc:stable –version
    docker run -v /local/path:/sources ethereum/solc:stable -o /sources/output --abi --bin /sources/Contract.sol
  3. Using Binary Packages

    MacOS: Install using Homebrew with the following commands:

    brew update
    brew upgrade
    brew tap ethereum/ethereum
    brew install solidity
    solcjs --version

    Linux: Add the repository and install packages:

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ethereum/ethereum
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install solc
  4. Using npm/Node.js

    Install the Solidity compiler using npm:

    npm install -g solc
    solcjs --version

    Note: The npm installation may lack some features of the standard Solidity compiler but is a good starting point for beginners.

Compilation Process

Once you have installed the Solidity compiler, you can start compiling your Solidity code.

Here is an example using a simple smart contract:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract Greeter {
 string greeting;

 constructor(string memory _greeting) {
   greeting = _greeting;

 function greet() public view returns (string memory) {
   return greeting;

 function setGreeting(string memory _greeting) public {
   greeting = _greeting;

To compile the contract, use the following command:

solc Greeter.sol

You can also specify the EVM version for compilation:

solc --evm-version [EVM-VERSION] contract.sol

While using the Solidity compiler standalone is possible, modern frameworks like Foundry provide a more comprehensive and streamlined development experience. Let’s dive deeper into understanding the fundamentals of Foundry for smart contract development.

Deploying the Contract

To deploy the contract, create a Makefile. This file outlines the steps to follow during the deployment process. Here is an example Makefile:

-include .env

all: clean remove install update solc build 

# Install proper solc version.
solc:; nix-env -f https://github.com/dapphub/dapptools/archive/master.tar.gz -iA solc-static-versions.solc_0_8_10

# Clean the repo
clean  :; forge clean

# Remove modules
remove :; rm -rf .gitmodules && rm -rf .git/modules/* && rm -rf lib && touch .gitmodules && git add . && git commit -m "modules"

# Install the Modules (which you required in contracts)
install :; 
	forge install dapphub/ds-test 
# Update Dependencies
update:; forge update

# Builds
build  :; forge clean && forge build --optimize --optimize-runs 1000000


local-node: setup-yarn 
	yarn hardhat node 

	forge create StakeContract --private-key ${PRIVATE_KEY} # --rpc-url

If you have environment variables, create a .env file to store them. Add .env to your .gitignore file to prevent uploading sensitive information to your GitHub repository.

  • To deploy the contract, use the following commands:

    forge build
    make build
  • If you want to deploy the contract on a local network, install Hardhat. Run:

    yarn add hardhat
  • After successful installation of Hardhat, run:

    yarn hardhat

    Select the option to create an empty hardhat.config.js file. This will create a hardhat.config.js file for you.

  • To get a local network, use the command:

    yarn hardhat node

    This command provides fake accounts and their private keys, which you can use to deploy your contract.

  • To deploy the smart contract on a local network, use the command:

    forge create <smartContract name> --private-key <Any private key from fake accounts>

    Now your contract will be deployed on the local network.

Solidity Decompiler

A Solidity decompiler is a tool that takes compiled EVM bytecode and attempts to convert it back into Solidity source code. This can be useful for verifying and understanding smart contract behavior, especially when the original source code is not available. Popular decompilers include Etherscan Online Decompiler, Ethervm.io, and JEB Decompiler.


Understanding and using the Solidity compiler is essential for developing and deploying smart contracts on Ethereum. The various methods of installing the compiler and its key features, such as plugins, settings, and APIs, provide developers with the flexibility and tools needed to enhance their productivity. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, exploring Solidity compilers is a crucial step in your smart contract development journey.

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