lotus version 1.18.0-rc5 2k 本地测试搭建


# ./clash-linux-amd64-v1.11.8

# export https_proxy= http_proxy= all_proxy=socks5://


1. 环境变量

# intel 源码编译

# louts
export LOTUS_PATH=/2k/lotus-local-net
export LOTUS_MINER_PATH=/2k/lotus-miner-local-net

export IPFS_GATEWAY=https://proof-parameters.s3.cn-south-1.jdcloud-oss.com/ipfs/

2. 下载源码

# git clone https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus lotus-local-net
# cd lotus-local-net/
# git checkout v1.18.0-rc5

3. 切换分支

# cd lotus-local-net/
# git checkout v1.18.0-rc5

4. 清理环境

# rm -rf ~/.genesis-sectors

5. 源码编译 2k

# make 2k
# make install

6. 下载复制证明参数

# lotus fetch-params 2048

7. 预封装2个2KiB扇区

./lotus-seed pre-seal --sector-size 2KiB --num-sectors 2

# ./lotus-seed pre-seal --sector-size 2KiB --num-sectors 2
[flexi_logger][ERRCODE::Time] flexi_logger has to work with UTC rather than with local time, caused by IndeterminateOffset
    See https://docs.rs/flexi_logger/latest/flexi_logger/error_info/index.html#time
2022-11-10T17:38:19.309+0800	WARN	ffiwrapper	ffiwrapper/sealer_cgo.go:196	AddPiece: cannot close pieceData reader *rand.devReader because it is not an io.Closer
sector-id: {{1000 0} 5}, piece info: {2048 baga6ea4seaqfgv32cbstms5e53kgf23752jsxw4kgg7qbynm37rwylw2puee4aq}
2022-11-10T17:38:19.360+0800	WARN	preseal	seed/seed.go:176	PreCommitOutput: {{1000 0} 5} bagboea4b5abcbaj6jb3hm7zvxual2mthal36tkhqypfo5p4cy5oilzi6jh2a3qyu baga6ea4seaqfgv32cbstms5e53kgf23752jsxw4kgg7qbynm37rwylw2puee4aq
2022-11-10T17:38:19.361+0800	WARN	ffiwrapper	ffiwrapper/sealer_cgo.go:196	AddPiece: cannot close pieceData reader *rand.devReader because it is not an io.Closer
sector-id: {{1000 1} 5}, piece info: {2048 baga6ea4seaqmjudqtjiirypwbxnf53okpzcdxvmkmzwm4eijobvj4aqraxy3goi}
2022-11-10T17:38:19.407+0800	WARN	preseal	seed/seed.go:176	PreCommitOutput: {{1000 1} 5} bagboea4b5abcak2npkzpljuw4t3kvb7vdatxnomqywkjadk4hel3njnhsuyurl23 baga6ea4seaqmjudqtjiirypwbxnf53okpzcdxvmkmzwm4eijobvj4aqraxy3goi
2022-11-10T17:38:19.407+0800	WARN	preseal	seed/seed.go:101	PeerID not specified, generating dummy
2022-11-10T17:38:19.408+0800	INFO	preseal	seed/seed.go:230	Writing preseal manifest to /root/.genesis-sectors/pre-seal-t01000.json

8. 创建创世区块

# ./lotus-seed genesis new localnet.json

9. 创建一个默认钱包地址并获得一些测试币

./lotus-seed genesis add-miner localnet.json ~/.genesis-sectors/pre-seal-t01000.json

# ./lotus-seed genesis add-miner localnet.json ~/.genesis-sectors/pre-seal-t01000.json
2022-11-10T17:40:44.751+0800	INFO	lotus-seed	lotus-seed/genesis.go:129	Adding miner t01000 to genesis template
2022-11-10T17:40:44.751+0800	INFO	lotus-seed	lotus-seed/genesis.go:146	Giving t3ryvub7iqtr6myaivnhb6ttlcmtyybjr4agrhz23sjwn7keabwqurncvtk3dcxctsqniwu5ehl7dwmyewug5a some initial balance


1. 运行lotus

lotus daemon --lotus-make-genesis=devgen.car --genesis-template=localnet.json --bootstrap=false

2. 设置矿工环境变量

# intel

# louts
export LOTUS_PATH=/2k/lotus-local-net
export LOTUS_MINER_PATH=/2k/lotus-miner-local-net

export IPFS_GATEWAY=https://proof-parameters.s3.cn-south-1.jdcloud-oss.com/ipfs/

3. 导入创世矿工密钥

# lotus wallet import --as-default ~/.genesis-sectors/pre-seal-t01000.key
imported key t3ryvub7iqtr6myaivnhb6ttlcmtyybjr4agrhz23sjwn7keabwqurncvtk3dcxctsqniwu5ehl7dwmyewug5a successfully!

4. 设置创世矿工

# lotus-miner init --genesis-miner --actor=t01000 --sector-size=2KiB --pre-sealed-sectors=~/.genesis-sectors --pre-sealed-metadata=~/.genesis-sectors/pre-seal-t01000.json --nosync

2022-11-10T17:45:32.638+0800	INFO	main	lotus-miner/init.go:521	Importing pre-sealed sector metadata for t01000
2022-11-10T17:45:32.691+0800	INFO	main	lotus-miner/init.go:282	Miner successfully created, you can now start it with 'lotus-miner run'

5. 运行 miner

lotus-miner run --nosync


# lotus sync wait
# lotus-miner info
Enabled subsystems (from miner API): [Mining Sealing SectorStorage Markets]
Enabled subsystems (from markets API): [Mining Sealing SectorStorage Markets]
Chain: [sync behind! (2m1s behind)] [basefee 2.718 pFIL]
Miner: t01000 (2 KiB sectors)
Power: 40 Ki / 40 Ki (100.0000%)
	Raw: 4 KiB / 4 KiB (100.0000%)
	Committed: 4 KiB
	Proving: 4 KiB
Projected average block win rate: 20024.16/week (every 30s)
Projected block win with 99.9% probability every 41s
(projections DO NOT account for future network and miner growth)

Miner Balance:    848.629 FIL
      PreCommit:  0
      Pledge:     2 aFIL
      Vesting:    636.472 FIL
      Available:  212.157 FIL
Market Balance:   0
       Locked:    0
       Available: 0
Worker Balance:   50000000 FIL
Total Spendable:  50000212.157 FIL

	Total: 2
	Proving: 2

Workers: Seal(1) WdPoSt(0) WinPoSt(0)

Storage Deals: 0, 0 B

Retrieval Deals (complete): 0, 0 B
# lotus-miner info
Enabled subsystems (from miner API): [Mining Sealing SectorStorage Markets]
Enabled subsystems (from markets API): [Mining Sealing SectorStorage Markets]
Chain: [sync ok] [basefee 134 aFIL]
Miner: t01000 (2 KiB sectors)
Power: 40 Ki / 40 Ki (100.0000%)
	Raw: 4 KiB / 4 KiB (100.0000%)
	Committed: 4 KiB
	Proving: 4 KiB
Projected average block win rate: 20024.16/week (every 30s)
Projected block win with 99.9% probability every 41s
(projections DO NOT account for future network and miner growth)

Miner Balance:    3387.25 FIL
      PreCommit:  0
      Pledge:     2 aFIL
      Vesting:    2540.437 FIL
      Available:  846.812 FIL
Market Balance:   0
       Locked:    0
       Available: 0
Worker Balance:   50000000 FIL
Total Spendable:  50000846.812 FIL

	Total: 2
	Proving: 2

Workers: Seal(1) WdPoSt(0) WinPoSt(0)

Storage Deals: 0, 0 B

Retrieval Deals (complete): 0, 0 B
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