Camp X EigenDA

Camp is excited to announce that we will be leveraging EigenDA, a hyperscale data availability store powered by the security of restaked ETH on EigenLayer, as our choice of DA layer. This empowers a better experience for Camp users with lower gas fee and higher throughput.

What is Camp and Why Does DA Matter?

Camp is a modular identity layer for Web3, enabling users to securely bring their Web2 identities and activities on-chain in an encrypted format. This allows users to monetize their data while creating new on-chain consumer applications and experiences.

To handle the scale and security of onboarding web2 social data on-chain, Camp requires a highly performant, cost effective and secure DA. EigenDA uniquely solves these needs.

How Camp Leverages EigenDA

Security is paramount for users to manage and own their data onchain. EigenDA enhances security and reduces network costs by allowing a decentralized staker and operator set to secure a hyperscale DA layer, verifying the state history of the Camp Network. EigenDA security is backed by 3M+ restaked ETH.

High throughput is necessary to power Camp’s data layer in onboarding Web2 social data onchain at scale. Ethereum data throughput or bandwidth is ~32KB/s while EigenDA’s throughput is 15 MB/s with a roadmap to 1GB/s, empowering totally new types of applications to be built without having the need to worry about data and settlement constraints.

What is EigenDA

EigenDA is a hyper scalable data availability store built for Ethereum rollups. EigenDA is live on mainnet, with 15MB/s of write throughput.

EigenDA stores rollup transactions until their computed state is finalized on the rollup bridge, and is:

  • Scalable. EigenDA write throughput scales linearly with the number of operators. With 15 MB/s of write throughput today it is the most scalable DA layer with a path to 100 MB/s then GB/s.

  • Secure. Operators of EigenDA are registered and stake to participate, imposing an economic cost to misbehavior. EigenDA is secured by billions of dollars in economic security today.

  • Cost efficient. Spend cents per MB, not dollars. See our tiered pricing.

  • Decentralized. EigenDA is operated by hundreds of operators running the EigenDA client. The design is inspired by Danksharding, reducing the overhead for operators enablings high participation.

  • Built for Ethereum. EigenDA blob writes are registered with contracts on Ethereum, which natively subject operators to certain slashing risks. Ethereum L2s using EigenDA avoid any trust assumption on another chain's light client, which can be fooled by dishonest validator sets.

What is a DA network?

“What is DA?* In informal terms, DA is a guarantee that a given piece of data will be available to anyone who wishes to retrieve it.“*

Data availability allows fast and cheap verification that a blockchain is running as intended. Nodes and rollups post data on the network to prove the validity of transactions, and data availability ensures that all network participants are able to access the data individually and verify the transaction by running a replay node. For rollups and L2s, EigenDA solves the problem of low DA throughput, addressing issues of high fees and low bandwidth, enabling new capabilities for on-chain applications.

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