Ramblings #1 – On Impressionism and web3

I think the web3 industry has a lot in common to share with the Impressionist art movement. I mean, after all, they both represent a significant break from traditional norms and seek to challenge the status quo in their respective fields.


Back in the 19th century, Impressionism emerged as a radical departure from the academic art styles of the time, challenging the established norms and conventions in the art world. Artists wanted to interpret their surrounding differently, they wanted to break free from a system that wasn't able to suit them anymore.
Fast forward 150 years+, we now see crypto and web3 challenging the "established norm" and trying to find a way to reinterpret the economic and incentive models by working with decentralized tech tools.

Impressionism sought to democratize art by focusing on everyday scenes and making it more accessible to the general public. Web3 aims to democratize the internet and financial systems if you will, by removing intermediaries and providing more control to users over their data and assets.
Both movements embrace innovation and experimentation. Impressionists experimented with new techniques, such as using loose brushwork, vibrant colors, and capturing the fleeting effects of light and atmosphere. Crypto and web3 use the blockchain and its application to find new ways to build more inclusive applications.

Impressionism was driven by a group of artists who banded together to create and exhibit their work, often in defiance of the traditional art establishment. The web3 space is similarly community-driven, with developers, users, and enthusiasts collaborating to build decentralized and sufficiently decentralized applications and platforms.

Impressionists paved the way for other modern art movements and had a lasting impact on the art world. Web3 has the potential to significantly influence how we interact with each other as a society, leading to new applications and paradigms.


The point is that both impressionism and web3 represent a shift in perspective, challenging traditional norms and attempting to reinterpret the world through new lenses.
Artists sought to capture the essence of a scene rather than adhere to the rigid rules and conventions of the academic art world. This led to a change in how art was created and consumed, eventually gaining recognition and appreciation for its unique approach.

The web3 movement aims to redefine the way we interact with the internet, financial systems, and society as a whole. By leveraging blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and smart contracts, people in the web3/crypto are exploring new incentive structures and values that can potentially reshape our social, economic, and political landscapes.

Though as with Impressionism, it may take time for the broader public to recognize the full potential of crypto/web3 and its long-term impact on society. However, as the industry continues to evolve and gain traction, we may witness a paradigm shift in various aspects of our lives, much like the lasting influence of Impressionism on the art world.

The adoption of new ideas, technologies, and cultural shifts often face resistance before they become mainstream, and this is true for both Impressionism and web3. People tend to be resistant to change, especially when it challenges established norms and conventions. Impressionism faced criticism from the traditional art establishment, while blockchain and web3 faced resistance from financial institutions, governments, and individuals who are skeptical of the technology or have vested interests in maintaining the status quo.
Impressionist artists were accused of being unskilled and unfinished, and blockchain and web3 are often misunderstood or dismissed as mere tools for illegal activities or speculative investments. Not to mention the cultural shifts that accompany these innovations. Impressionism required a new way of looking at and appreciating art. web3 requires a reevaluation of our understanding of trust, privacy, and control in the digital age. It can feel like a "wake-up call" that nobody asked.


Innovations typically follow an adoption curve, with early adopters embracing the new technology or idea, followed by the majority and eventually the late adopters. Impressionist artists like Pissarro initially struggled to gain recognition, but as their art gained acceptance, later artists like Picasso, Miró, and Pollock were able to benefit from the movement's success. I think blockchain is still in the early adoption phase, with its full potential and impact on the economy yet to be realized (how long will this phase last is something I sometimes am scared to think of...).

It takes time for tech to develop and address issues like scalability, user experience, and regulatory compliance. As the web3 industry continues to evolve and mature, it is likely that they will become more integrated into the mainstream economy, just as Impressionism eventually gained widespread acceptance and opened the door to modern art. The key to overcoming these obstacles is persistence, education, and continued innovation to address the challenges and limitations that currently hinder widespread adoption.
Tbh, sometimes I get stuck thinking of how we chose to bring to the public this new piece of tech the “harsh way.” I mean, the way cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology were introduced to the public did play a role in shaping people's perception and understanding of their true potential. The initial association of cryptocurrencies with speculative investments and high volatility, as well as their use in illegal activities, might have created skepticism or confusion about the broader applications of the technology. People thought kids were getting rich by printing money out of thin air. Had this convo many times over the past years.

We did the opposite of what happened with the internet.


The slow and gradual introduction of the internet allowed people to grasp its potential over time and see its practical applications in daily life. In the case of crypto and blockchain, the initial focus on their financial aspects might have overshadowed the transformative potential of the underlying technology.
As the crypto and web3 ecosystem matures, more practical use cases and applications are being developed and introduced to the public. This is gradually leading to a better understanding of the technology's potential and its wider implications beyond just financial transactions. It's likely that, over time, the broader public will come to appreciate the various ways in which blockchain and web3 can impact and improve different aspects of our lives, just as we've seen with the internet.

So, what can we do to get people to better understand the potential of web3? How did impressionists gain their way to acceptance?

Artists like Monet, Renoir, and Degas were committed to their vision and continued to create and exhibit their works despite initial resistance and criticism. Their persistence played a crucial role in gaining recognition for the movement. Unable to showcase their works in the official Paris Salon, Impressionists began organizing their own independent exhibitions, starting in 1874. These exhibitions provided a platform for the artists to showcase their works and gradually attracted attention from the public and art critics.

As more people became exposed to Impressionist art, tastes began to shift, and the public became more appreciative of the new approach to capturing light, color, and everyday scenes. This change in taste allowed Impressionism to gain a broader audience and become more accepted.
Some influential art dealers, critics, and collectors, like Paul Durand-Ruel, recognized the potential of Impressionism and supported the artists by buying, exhibiting, and promoting their works. This support provided the artists with the financial backing and helped raise awareness of the movement.
And finally, as time went on, people became more accustomed to the innovative techniques and subject matter of Impressionism.
The movement's influence on subsequent generations of artists also helped solidify its significance in the art world, leading to increased recognition and acceptance. The combination of these factors, along with the undeniable talent and creativity of the Impressionist artists, eventually led to the widespread acceptance and appreciation of Impressionism.

Today, the Impressionism movement is considered to be one of the most influential art movements in history, having paved the way for various modern art styles.

History doesn't quite repeat itself, but it often rhymes. I think we can find lots of similarities and inspiration by looking at what took impressionists to finally succeed.
They basically kept on building, no matter what.

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