Sleep 2 Earn: Action & Behavior; Let's DAO it!

Sleep 2 Earn is an initiative of gamifying life with Heal 2 Earn:

Money makes the world go round.

Action facilitates the conversion of incentives into outcomes, but not without a catalyst: Capital.

Of the many distinctions between Web 2 and Web 3, the following is an important one:

Feel free to refer to the figure below for more clarity, or scroll through to the next image.

Zoomed out, Web2/TradFi/Corporations look a bit like this:

Value is extracted from users. In medicine, this is called a cancer: the emperor of all maladies.
Value is extracted from users. In medicine, this is called a cancer: the emperor of all maladies.

Adversarial and Parasitic.

In contrast, value flows differently in Web3/DeFi/DAOs:

DAOs build bridges and scale coordination. When the people come together, everybody wins.
DAOs build bridges and scale coordination. When the people come together, everybody wins.


The reason for this is straightforward: DAOs are governed by Distributed Ledger Technology – specifically, the Proof-of-Work consensus algorithm governing the Ethereum decentralized network. This codification of Trust empowers individuals to exchange value without intermediaries, enabling the emergence of ETH as Money:

Despite outflows of value, this arrangement facilitates positive-sum games and net value creation:

I.e., yield is abundant in Web 3, so there are few incentives for capital to exit. Airdrops, liquidity mining, bonding, borrowing, lending, leveraged liquidations, etc. all redistribute value back to the (crypto/Web3) ecosystem, perpetuating reflexive feed-forward loops:

So what might things look like after the Merge and upgrade to Proof-of-Stake? There are many hypotheses about the “triple halvening,” and various models forecasting the price.

Let’s take a quick look at the Brain for refreshing insights:

In a bottom-up emergent manner, the brain vertically integrates into regions and network level organization. Neurons are at the base layer.

The basic unit of the nervous system is called a Neuron:

Neurons are nodes within brain networks. Instead of ETH, Neurotransmitters are transacted:

There are no miners securing neuronal transactions. In place of Proof-of-Work, this model resembles Proof-of-Stake:

Nature’s Proof-of-Stake
Nature’s Proof-of-Stake

As these neurons transact and come to consensus at scale (activate together at the same frequencies), electroencephalography (EEG) can be used to peek inside…

…and record neuro-signature waveforms corresponding with the sleep stages.

EEG (waveforms) is to the brain, as Chainlink (price-feeds) is to Ethereum.
EEG (waveforms) is to the brain, as Chainlink (price-feeds) is to Ethereum.

For more clarity the reader is referred to the Economy of Neurotransmitters, Consensus at Scale, or Entropy.

This mini-detour was taken to illuminate the intricacies promoting and enabling consensus at scale, and to highlight several points:

  • Brain = Neurons cluster together into regions and synchronize activity with other regions.
  • Web 3 = Users come together to form DAOs and coordinate DAO-to-DAO to slay Moloch.
    • All powered by an economy that facilitates value exchange without intermediaries/third parties.
    • Because this results in net value creation through recirculation of value into the system, actions/behaviors can be catalyzed and accelerated through reflexive feed-forward loops.
      • Note: Not all reflexive feed-forward loops are positive/beneficial; e.g., sleep deprivation results in inflammation and oxidative stress at the chemical and cellular level, feeding forward with reflexivity to induce widespread derailment of physiological systems.
      • This can be compared to cascading liquidations in DeFi.

Each layer in the brain interacts with the one above and below it.

This is true for the Hierarchy of Life…

…as well as the Hierarchy of Needs, where DAOs also fit in:

When a person’s basic needs are met, that person is more likely to satisfy their own psychological needs. Conversely when psychological needs are met (e.g., joining a social network), they may be more likely to have their basic needs met (e.g., a new friend directs them to resources).

Similarly a person might join a DAO/collect an NFT (e.g., BanklessDAO or Human DAO) and get plugged into DeFi (e.g., $UBI and Proof-of-Humanity) to move towards financial security. Or if you were like me, you might’ve been introduced to DeFi first and then DAOs.

So…what do we DAO…?

DAOs are poised to capture and redistribute the value that is created when centralized entities collect data from consumers in this way. I.e., DAOs will harvest the MEV extracted from such endeavors.


A relevant tweet.

Centralized entities will harvest data from consumers with the end goal of developing some product or service that will be ultimately sold and marketed to the consumer group from whom it was collected. But this is zero-sum and one party is disproportionately benefits more than the other.

Another example:

This entire process can be internalized by DAOs. DAOs can implement governance mechanisms to facilitate the confirmation of real world events, and collect/generate their own corresponding verifiable data to be monetized via participation in data economies with other DAOs. This becomes inevitable in nearly every industry with widespread integration of Hybrid Smart Contracts.

Adapted from St Louis Fed report on DeFi (Right)
Adapted from St Louis Fed report on DeFi (Right)

Essentially, DAOs will build the bridges we need to connect the off-chain and on-chain worlds.

Just DAO It

In 2019 when I made such an innovation pitch to the American Psychiatric Association, there was no DeFi or DeSci:

But now, advanced ecosystems with sophisticated data economies are emerging. Each one of these “nodes” above could turn into a DAO of its own (or subDAOs within a DAO)…well, minus the healthcare administrators.

In any case, there is tremendous value in collecting raw EEG data at scale because one or several automated sleep staging/scoring algorithms will have to be developed.

The licensing of these data sets and algorithms will sustain and grow the economy, while the redistribution of created value to each node can be ascertained programmatically.

If a DAO is formed,

it should at the very least address the following, aimed mainly at designing a “Proof-of-Sleep” consensus algorithm and/or governance mechanism:

  • Determine sleeping parameters to be (dis) incentivized monetarily.
    • Time (day vs. night)
    • Duration
      • Upper and lower bounds.
      • E.g., too much sleep also increases all-cause mortality…should we incentivize more than 8 hours of sleep?
      • Sleep Cycle
        • Monophasic vs. biphasic vs. polyphasic.
        • Medications, supplements, etc.
  • Establish ground rules for what qualifies as verifiable data.
    • Do we want to prioritize quantity or quality?
      • Should this device be given to as many people as possible in order to increase network effects and volume of data at the potential expense of quality? This would open the avenue to develop sleep-staging algorithms.
      • Should we consult with already existing sleep labs to have them assist us with the acquisition of quality data from the headband?
      • Or do we want to coordinate with each other and create such scaffolding ourselves? → build novel “spas” or rehabilitation centers/zones that combine sound sleeping with social networking to also help combat the Loneliness Epidemic.
  • Protect individual liberty and privacy.
    • How do we integrate with decentralized identities?
    • Special considerations taken towards those who would like to remain pseudonymous/anonymous?
  • Guide marketplace developments and the emergent (sleep) data economy.
    • Who may desire to purchase/use sleep data? DAO-2-DAO collaborations with:
      • Research oriented DAOs like Opscientia, Lab DAO, etc.
      • Longevity oriented DAOs like Vita DAO, Molecule DAO, etc.
      • Who else might be interested? Legacy institutions stand to benefit:
        • Bed and Mattress Industry.
        • Wearable technologies (Oura ring, Apple Watch, etc.).
        • Healthcare systems hemorrhaging money.
  • User Interface.
  • DeFi automation on the backend. Many thoughts including these for starters:
    • Which protocol should be used? Ocean Protocol for data token liquidity, or should this be forked?
    • Should DAOs make such data tokens liquid by pairing them with their own token?
  • Tokenomics.
  • More.

So…where do we go from here? Well, there is this other thing…

When the headband detects rapid-eye movement/REM sleep (the stage when we dream), it has functionality to enable the low dose administration of transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) - another form of Neuromodulation. When this happens, the chance of experiencing a lucid dream is significantly increased:

I was actually a part of this study, and I did indeed have lucid dreams!

Intently planning my upcoming lucid dream.
Intently planning my upcoming lucid dream.

Lucid dreams give you access to the greatest virtual reality simulator we know of – the human mind and its imagination.

Practice for the Metaverse, anon?

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