What is Monad? Another Blockchain?

Currently, there are over fifty public Blockchains.

But now, we still see new blockchain projects spinning off every few months. I would ask "why another Blockchain?" Why do we have the emergence of yet another player in the field that already feels saturated. We have another entry. Monad.

Not just another player, but hopefully, a game changer that is carefully crafted to change the game of blockchains forever. But why Monad? I will answer in this short essay.



Monad is a blockchain protocol focused on building a next generation highly performant ethereum compatible L1. Okay, that might be a bit technical, so let's break it down;

Blockchain protocol : monad is focused on building the best blockchain technology that exists, from custom database, parallel execution, unique consensus mechanism and more.

Next Generation: Monad is ushering the next generation of blockchains, positioning itself on the frontrunner in the race in making blockchain technology a mainstream reality.

High Performant: Monad is designed to process 10,000 transactions per second, yes Anon no more waiting rooms in the mempools, in traditional Blockchains.

Ethereum Compatible : Monad is not being built to be an ethereum replacement, but something better. Monad would be 100% compatible with existing applications on ethereum, enabling developers to migrate their existing Ethereum applications.


The genesis of Monad stems from a desire to build a highly performant blockchain system. In an interview with Pipeline Intern, Monad founders, James and Keone, talked about the inspiration of building monad, which was "There was a huge need for more performant blockchains in general, and in particular, a huge need for more performant EVM, because the existing EVM implementations were very inefficient, and had not been optimized."


Purple Pepe carrying monad's core features.
Purple Pepe carrying monad's core features.

What makes Monad different from traditional blockchains? What is new? The following are some of the core features that separates Monad from other networks:

Crazy Speed : The speed of a blockchain has been one of the bottlenecks in crypto, with traditional Blockchains processing a handful of transactions per second, resulting in high transaction fees when attempts are made to prioritize transactions. Monad steps in like the hero for what regular transactions and DeFi activities have been waiting for. With 10,000 TPS, that's 36 million transactions per hour. With how TPS is calculated on Monad based on the historical total transactions on Ethereum, this feature is the first of its kind.

Parallel Execution : In blockchain protocols, parallel execution is not a new concept, with Blockchain like Solana taking that route and sei, parallel execution enhance network efficiency by allowing multiple transactions to process at the same time, this method greatly increase blockchain scalability and efficiency, it also comes with a trade off, it introduce complexities in synchronizing nodes and potentially impacting decentralization. The parallel execution of Monad is built with no trade off between decentralization and scalability for speed.

Monad Database: here is another novel feature that prevents that called MonadDB - a custom database for storing Blockchain state. MonadDb is a specialized database designed for storing blockchain data efficiently. Unlike traditional databases used by most Ethereum clients which embed one data structure into another, MonadDb implements the Patricia Trie data structure directly, both on disk and in memory. One standout feature of MonadDb is its ability to execute multiple transactions simultaneously. This means that when one transaction needs to access data from disk, it doesn't have to wait around – it can start working on another task while the data is retrieved asynchronously. MonadDb achieves this through advanced asynchronous input/output techniques, leveraging the latest kernel support on Linux. This approach avoids the need to spawn numerous kernel threads, which can be resource-intensive. MonadDb incorporates various optimizations related to I/O operations, such as bypassing the filesystem to reduce overhead costs. These optimizations collectively enhance the performance and efficiency of blockchain operations.

Consensus Mechanism: Monad employs a proof of stake (PoS) consensus mechanism similar to Ethereum, this is beneficial in energy conservation, scalability and security.

EVM Compatibility : Not 99, nor 99.9 but 100% compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine. Ethereum has the biggest developers community in the blockchain community and also the largest liquidity network. This feature allows developers to migrate existing ethereum applications and smart contracts to Monad. The benefit of this is low transaction fees (makes users happy), and increased efficiency as there is now a higher magnitude of increase in the throughput of applications through Monad.

Strong community: Monad community is the fastest growing community in the crypto sphere, with active monad enjoyoors contributing to the ecosystem in their own unique way.


Tighten your seatbelt as this is where you get your mind blown away:

Low Fees : One of the biggest bottlenecks in crypto, for developers and users, is high gas fees. In the 2021 bull market, we saw gas fees as high as $100 just to make a transaction, this can discourage users from using such a network and developers from building on networks like that. But with Monad, the crypto space can say “bye” to high gas fees.

Faster Transaction : Have you ever imagined doing a transaction as fast as you blink? With Monad, that's no more an imagination as it is now possible on Devnet.

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l ask why Monad?

… Or wen monad?

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Be apart of something unique, be apart of Monad, Anon.

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