Welcome to our monthly summary of news, events and governance updates from the Centrifuge DAO for January!
Centrifuge completed 2023 with a Q4 Recap and some key updates and gives an outlook on what to expect in 2024! This and more exciting news can be found in this newsletter!
Centrifuge Q4 2023 Recap
Tokenized Asset Coalition 2024 Outlook
Centrifuge integrates with Celo
Live proposal to onboard GnosisDAO in Centrifuge
RFC Protocol Roadmap
Centrifuge Credit Group Progress Update
Total Value Locked (1/31/23): $260.47M (MakerDAO: $152M; RWA Market: $3.8M)
Total Active Loans: $260M
Total Assets Originated: $507M
Originated in January: $11.8M
Repaid in January $7.99M
Token Holders: 50,089 Wallets
The Ecosystem is focused on educating the world about Centrifuge, creating visibility and opportunity for RWAs, and sharing the narrative of how the world’s credit will be financed through DeFi.
January includes:
Speaking highlights with Centrifuge:
Asad at ETHGlobal on January 12 on the potential that RWA facilitators can bring to Aave’s GHO stablecoin🎙️
Hashnote: Real World Assets in DeFi panel on January 23 with Asad
DeFi Drip: Cassidy discusses with Martin from Anemoy onchain treasury products
The second PolkadotDapps X Space was held on Wednesday January 9
Centrifuge Features & Media:
Tokenized Asset Coalition Unveils State of Tokenization Report; Announces 15 New Members (BusinessWire)
Real-World Assets: Will RWAs Bring the Next Trillion into Crypto? (Coinbureau)
RWA Research Report: The scale of tokenized assets will account for 10% of global GDP in 2030 (Coinlive)
Celo Foundation: Founder Spotlight: Lucas Vogelsang, CEO & Co-Founder, Centrifuge
What Are Real World Assets (RWA) in DeFi and Crypto? (Binance Academy)
Stablecoins remain the silver lining for RWAs: Report (Blockworks)
Is There Traditional Financial Asset Backing? (Gate Learn)
Arbitrum Treasury Perspective (Centrifuge)
RWA Tokenization Report (Digital Asset Research)
Crypto Theses 2024 (Messari)
The Community is represented primarily by individuals and organizations that are actively participating in governance, contributing to processes and discourse, and are economically tied to the success of Centrifuge.
Some of the highlights of the Centrifuge Q4 2023 Recap:
Frax, Aave, and Web3 Foundation get behind real-world assets
Liquidity Pools live on Arbitrum, Base, and Celo
RWA Summit Announcement
ETH token standards for RWAs
News from the Tokenized Asset Coalition (TAC): The founding members of the Tokenized Asset Coalition prepared with the State of Tokenization-report an outlook for 2024 and welcomed 15 new members from the RWA-industry to the TAC
Centrifuge has integrated with the Celo blockchain through Axelar and will introduce new assets to the Celo ecosystem (such as tokenized Treasury bills and carbon credit pools)
The GnosisDAO voted in favor of the proposal to onboard an initial allocation of $10M USD from the treasury in Centrifuge prime! Centrifuge will provide GnosisDAO the legal and infrastructural means to invest into RWAs through pools such as Anemoy (US Treasuries) and New Silver (real estate)
Ambassador introduction: Welcome to the Centrifuge DAO, Yann aka MasterRWA, as a new ambassador! Yann’s mission is to deliver educational content about RWA and Centrifuge in a comprehensive way with the use of real life examples!
More community news:
@AriochEth: What is the Centrifuge protocol? Centrifuge’s key features include…
Save the date:
February 21: Centrifuge governance call
February 23-March 3: ETHDenver
Let’s start with a governance update for January 2024 provided by the GCG, amongst others with an ongoing proposal for the formation of the OpenGov Technical Committee and a vote on Unclaimed Polkadot rewards which is live until February 5.
The first Centrifuge governance call of the year covered a preview by Christie on upcoming events with Centrifuge, the governance proposal for unclaimed Polkadot rewards (voting see above) and Protocol fees. If you are a newcomer and haven’t joined a gov call yet, you can register in the forum post
The Protocol Engineering Group (PEG) introduced a proposal with a technical overview for the Centrifuge Roadmap and the future of the protocol. The proposal includes a prioritization of the topics Liquidity pools and Protocol fees (high), Transaction fees and Linked pools (medium) as well Pool types and Snowbridge integration (low).
Please consider actively participating in the governance process, leave your comments and remarks in the RFCs and vote on open proposals​!
The Protocol is represented primarily by organizations that are actively using Centrifuge’s technology to facilitate the underwriting, structuring, and financing of RWAs.
Centrifuge surpassed $500M in Real-World Assets financed! One question remains unanswered: Wen $1B?
End of the lease period for the Crowdloan: People who contributed DOT to Centrifuge got their tokens back on the 16th January and Centrifuge self-funded and extended the Parachain lease
Centrifuge Credit Group Updates: Harvey gave a Progress Update 5 for the Credit Group from the end of the year. Amongst others he dives into the very detailed Asset Primer Overview on US-treasuries and the collaboration with Business Development on the Arbitrum Treasury Report
Pool updates: FortunaFi announced an asset extension for FortunaFi Series and the team from ConsolFreight gave a status update on the legal proceedings. Thanks for the transparency and keeping the DAO informed!
Last but not least Industry insights from Will and UrbanGate January 2024 Update
Stay tuned for the next monthly update with more news, governance updates and developments from the ecosystem!
Connect with us as a reply to this post or you can get in touch with the team, ambassadors or moderators in Discord!