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Promenades, 2021

December 14
Why mint an NFT of a photograph? This question has bugged me all year. Even the moniker “NFT Photography” has bothered me – what does that mean? Is that categorization comparable to “Film Photography?” No, at least insofar as many NFT artists are concerned (as they’re minting images that were captured on film). And obviously it isn’t exclusive of “Digital Photography.” The photograph minted as an NFT isn’t produced by or on the blockchain. It merely exists there; it’s commensurate, in my mind, to a physical print. But in that context, it seems prima face insufficient for the aesthetic experience of an image. The physical dimensions of a photograph have always been an inseparable component of the artwork. A Gursky functions very differently in a gallery space than on your phone.

Using the Technology as a Tool

September 21
The timeline of human development is a spring. Sometimes the coil is more compressed.

Thoughts on trying to become a farmer during a pandemic and a country tearing itself apart

September 16
I’ve spent countless hours this year clearing land. The property where we live in New York was owned for about 30 years by a couple that rarely used it, and they long ago stopped mowing the fields that used to be cattle pasture. Trees have marched forward from the edges of the woods. Most of them are pines that grow a foot taller every year. Because we’re working to re-establish a farm on the property, a lot of these young pines have to go.