How I Used ChatGPT as My Pocket Doctor (And How You Can Too)


Sometimes, technology really blows my mind. Recently, I found myself needing quick medical advice for my wife. She had developed a rash near her armpit, and instead of diving into an endless search of internet symptoms, I decided to turn to ChatGPT. What happened next felt like something straight out of a futuristic medical assistant app.

I simply took a picture of the rash, shared it with ChatGPT, and in seconds, it gave me a list of possible causes, treatments, and even follow-up steps. In this post, I’ll walk you through the exact process, showing how ChatGPT acted like a doctor in my pocket—and how you can use it for similar situations.

Step 1: Describing the Problem

So here’s how it started: My wife developed a red rash near her armpit, and instead of trying to explain every detail myself, I took a picture of it. I uploaded the photo and just told ChatGPT it was a rash near the armpit. That’s all it needed!

What ChatGPT did: ChatGPT analyzed the photo and started breaking it down for me. It identified the color, the texture, and the location, and gave me a list of possible conditions, from common skin irritations to more specific causes like fungal infections or allergic reactions. The best part? I didn’t have to describe the rash in detail—ChatGPT figured it out on its own.

It also gave me recommended list of steps to take care of it quickly and easily:

Step 2: Checking the Treatment

Once ChatGPT gave me possible causes, I wanted to make sure the treatment I had was the right one. I had already bought a cream from the pharmacy, so I took a photo of the cream and asked ChatGPT if it was appropriate for treating the rash.

What ChatGPT did: It analyzed the ingredients on the label and gave me a detailed breakdown. It explained how each component in the cream—like Vitamin A for skin repair and anti-inflammatory agents—would help. It even pointed out that I could continue using this cream and suggested what to watch for in case the condition didn’t improve. ChatGPT was literally acting as a second opinion, but one that was instant and detailed.

Step 3: Planning for Next Steps

As with any medical situation, I wanted to know what to do if the rash didn’t improve. So I asked ChatGPT, “What should I do if this cream doesn’t work?”

What ChatGPT did: It gave me a step-by-step action plan! First, it suggested continuing the cream for a day to see if there was any improvement. If not, it recommended switching to a stronger cream containing hydrocortisone or other active ingredients that target inflammation more aggressively. ChatGPT also explained what signs to look for that might indicate a more serious issue, which really helped reduce the stress of not knowing.

Reflections: How It Worked (And What Could Be Improved)

The experience of using ChatGPT as a medical assistant in this way really showcased how helpful it can be for small health concerns. Here’s what worked well:

  • Simplicity: I didn’t have to describe much. ChatGPT understood the situation from a photo and minimal input.

  • Speed: Instant feedback on possible conditions and treatments.

  • Clarity: It broke down medical jargon into easy-to-understand advice.

  • Practicality: I received actual treatment advice and a plan for next steps if things didn’t improve.

What I’d improve next time:

  • Tracking health progress: In future cases, I might use ChatGPT to check in daily and track how a condition is evolving. This could be a great way to monitor symptoms over time and get feedback on when things are improving or getting worse.

  • Expanding the scope: It’d be interesting to explore how ChatGPT handles other types of health inquiries—chronic issues, dietary advice, or even mental health support.

Why This Matters (And How You Can Try It)

This use case shows just how simple and effective ChatGPT can be as a quick and easy health tool. While it’s no replacement for a doctor, it can definitely give you peace of mind and actionable next steps for minor health issues. Next time you or someone you know has a rash, headache, or other small issue, try sending a picture or describing the problem to ChatGPT. You might be surprised at how helpful it can be!

  • Try it yourself: Just snap a photo or describe a symptom to ChatGPT and see what advice it offers. Remember, it’s important to still consult with your doctor for anything serious.

  • Share your use case with me: Have you used ChatGPT in a creative or practical way? Share your experience, and I’ll feature some of the most interesting cases in future blog posts!

Closing Thoughts:

For me, this process is about more than just solving a quick health concern—it’s about exploring the possibilities of AI in everyday life. By documenting these use cases, I’m building a personal archive of how I use tools like ChatGPT, and I’m constantly finding new ways to optimize and improve the process.

Until the next use case!

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