Cryptocurrency Class 2022
December 29th, 2021

Welcome to the Cryptocurrency Class of 2022.


  • Start date: 15th March 2022
  • Class time: 7pm - 9pm UK (GMT)

To date, we have had over 2,900 signups for the class. More information on the platform used to broadcast the class and facilitate interaction will be released closer to the time.

Over an 8 week period, we will cover the following topics:

  • Why cryptocurrencies are interesting from several disciplines
  • Structure of the blockchain and how cryptography plays a role
  • Network layer and information propagation
  • Building and breaking smart contracts
  • Can a monolithic blockchain design solve the scalability problem?
  • Scaling via bridges in a multi-chain world
  • Interoperability, repayment protocols, and the lightning network.
  • Past, present and future of smart contract applications

There is no accreditation for taking this course. Our goal is to help you build a foundation of knowledge and a small portfolio of projects. With this in hand, you can leap from Web2 to Web3 and help us build the future of finance.

Tutorials and coding exercises will be offered during the course. Our goal is to re-enforce the content that was covered during the class. The material will not be marked, but the solutions will be discussed at the start of the next class. Solution sheets will not be released.

Workshop-style course. I have prepared around ~1 hour of content for a 2 hour class that I believe will be useful. But ultimately, this is your class and I am here to answer your questions. Please interrupt at any time and ask lots of questions. Your goal is to stop me from finishing my slide deck.

More details can be found here alongside the signup form:

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