2021~2022, Crust Network Milestones and Prospects


2月8日,StarVision分享18个地。特邀去存储中心化营销网络全球负责人Ludwig Trappe与大家分享


1、请路德维希给我们系统总结一下2021年Crust Network的发展?

2021 年对于 Crust Network 来说是非常激动人心和最重要的一年:

在本季度,成功启动了 Crustwell 测试网,主网启动了所有功能

在这个季度,Uniswap 和 PolkaApps 的前端部署网络上,以第二个伙伴关系提供了“Rust dApp 的去中心化访问,并且已经形成多个合作伙伴。我们还推出了 Crust Grants”,以鼓励开发人员在我们的平台上进行开发并提供高达 30.000 美元的资金。Crust 也为 Kusama 作为一个完整的链完成了技术准备。

第三季度 Crust 网近上线,并迅速实现了 2000PB 的存储容量。Polygon、Heco 与宣布与 Crust 整合。Crust 生态系统与 web2 和 web3 世界联线和公司手的项目指数级增长。主网协议已经过优化和更新。

第四季度,Crust Shadow Network 从现在加入了第 19 个 Kusama 插槽,构造为 Kusama 的链。启动Moonriver、Solana和Crust与集成,将BSC还为用户提供Crust Crust解决方案。此外,Crust提供了完整的5000个个人云存储dApp C Files用户奖励活动。


在过去的几年里,去中心化存储领域取得了很多成就。该技术已准备好使用,现在必须被 web3 和 web2 采用。到目前为止采用缓慢的一个原因是因为那里没有很多用户友好且易于使用的应用程序。

We at Crust Network want to change that and make web3 storage solutions accessible for everybody and comfortable to use on a daily basis. We for example proved this with the release of our latest application Crust Files which basically is a decentralized version of Dropbox. Users can log in via many different wallets and chains via web3 Authentication process and immediately can start enjoying our Crust storage services.

3、What are the latest progress and plans of Crust in terms of marketing and application implementation in 2022.

In terms of our marketing roadmap: The key theme we see for 2022 is “growth through expansion”. This will include a stronger online presence, a more active and structured community engagement for example by an ambassador program, more partnerships and by more awareness among holders  users regarding CRU and our solutions. Be ready for an exciting Year of 2022 with many new applications, integrations and use cases being build on Crust Network. For example we are working on a totally decentralized NFT toolkit for artists, creators and collectors to manage their entire NFT lifecycle in one place with many cool features and all 100% decentralized.

4、The NFT market continues to grow explosively, but there have been a lot of hidden concerns about NFT storage, what are the advantages of Crust Network for NFT data storage and how will Crust Network support the development of the NFT storage market?

That's right, the NFT market is worth billions of Dollars and is expected to keep growing strongly. When talking about NFT there are two important things that should be immutable: 1) the ownership of the NFT and 2) the metadata of the NFT which for example includes the design's properties. While the first is given via blockchain records, NFT metadata, which holds the actual value of the NFT mostly is stored on unreliable centralized infrastructure like AWS. In case of a single-point-of-failure event or in case of a malicious attack metadata could be tampered with or even get lost forever. Also, data on centralized infrastructures mostly is encrypted but usually the service provider holds a copy of the keys and technically could access your data.

With Crust Network you can store your NFT metadata fully immutable, very cost effective and 100% secure. Only a couple seconds after data is uploaded to Crust Network there will be 80-100 replicas of your file to keep it always accessible and immutable.

5、In the face of the current state of the industry, how can the official incentive infrastructure builders continue to provide infrastructure services for crust network?

Storage providers basically can receive two sources of incentives for providing their resources to Crust Network. First they can receive blockchain rewards for validating and from our staking mechanism and secondly they can receive fees from storage orders for storing user data on their node. In the beginning, when network adoption is still low there are higher blockchain rewards to support miners. Over time and with more network usage miners incomes from storage fees will increase while blockchain rewards will decrease gradually. This way we ensure a sustainable economy for miners and storage providers.

6、What will Crust Network do to cope with the current development situation and what specific measures will be taken due to the macro environment, storage technology and the overall development of Polkadot ecology?


就在最近,Polkdots Files 模块上线时,我们将在接下来的后续生态与整个 Polkdot 系统中看到。所有 Polkadot 生态使用 Crust 作为去中心存储解决方案,构建、NFT 元数据存储或 dApp 用户组。

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