Lensletter #14

Greetings to the entire Lens ecosystem!

We are delighted to share the fourteenth edition of Lensletter, prepared in collaboration with Lensholic & Lens Garden NFT, with all our frens. With this weekly newsletter series, we will explore LensVerse further, serve as a guide to our new frens, and together, enhance the Lens ecosystem. Rest assured that Lensletter will take you on an enjoyable Lens journey!

In this week's edition:

  • The latest and most important Lens news

  • Lens statistics

  • Introduction to the Diverse HQ project

  • Must-try experiences: Buttrfly Dm & List Features

  • Quotes from LensFrens

We wish all our LensFrens and Lens enthusiasts a delightful reading experience!

Lens Ecosystem News

LensVerse is growing and evolving alongside its supportive LensFrens. Day by day, we are getting more excited with new developments and finding more opportunities to explore LensVerse!

Here, we would like to share some of the recent developments in the Lens team, Lens projects, and Lens community over the past week.

  • Coin Telegraph X Phaver AMA: Cointelegraph published an article about their AMA with Phaver, with all the highlights.

  • New Orb Communities: This week three new communities joined Orb. Zerion DNA holders, Token 2049 participants, Digital Fashion Residency community are now on the Orb app.

  • Enso On Tiktok: Enso Collective is now on Tiktok, you can also apply for Wl to use the app.

  • Zora NFTs On Lenster: Stani shared that Zora NFTs can be minted directly on the Lenster. It looks like there is much more NFTs to come in the future.

  • LensJump Launched: LensJump was released yesterday. Don't forget to try the new Lens game.

  • Buttrfly New Web Features: Now you can access & manage your bookmarks also you can now create your own lists of curated profiles from desktop.

Lens Statistics

We’ve included the latest Lens statistics from lenscan.io, a project built by one of our developer frens, in the table below. In each weekly edition of Lensletter, we will be able to track the development of the Lens ecosystem together by providing these statistics up-to-date. A big thank you to @dao_leno for their valuable contribution to the ecosystem!

Lens App: Diverse HQ

In the fourteenth edition of Lensletter, we will be introduced to Diverse HQ, a web3 community platform on Lens Protocol.

What is Diverse HQ?:

DiverseHQ is a web3 social platform that focuses on building, managing, and developing communities centered around the creator economy. It provides creators with the ability to discover their audience and monetize their content.

The possibilities of Diverse HQ:

  • Discover and engage with like-minded creators

  • An opportunity for building and managing your community

  • Get rewarded for your contributions

  • Monetize your content

  • Access cutting-edge Web3 capabilities

What can you do on Diverse HQ?

  • Creating/joining communities with the same interests

  • Community voting on the quality of the posts

  • Weekly rewards for creators based on their contributions

  • Posting materials for sale while controlling accessibility

  • Super comments from fans and community members

  • Games for fun and entertainment

In Diverse HQ, there are many features and opportunities available, similar to the bullet points listed above. You can delve deeper into Diverse HQ and enjoy its offerings by accessing the provided links below!

Twitter | Website |  Lens

Try: Buttrfly Dm & List Feature

In today’s edition of Lensletter, we aim to engage you more with LensVerse. That's why we will be recommending experiences that our LensFrens should try out in Lens!

We have some great Buttrfly desktop features to recommend to you this weekend. Now you can message with your frens using Buttrfly desktop app. Also, you can now create your own lists of curated profiles from desktop, letting you categorize your interests for a customized feed. We’ll show you how to do it now:

  • Log in Buttrfly desktop

  • Go to your profile and click on the people icon

  • Choose “create new list”

  • Personalize your list, choose whether to be public or not

  • When you create your list, you can see the profile of the person you want to add

  • Select the ellipsis icon and add it to your list

  • Congratulations, you have now created your own list on Buttrfly desktop!

Quotes from LensFrens

Alright, frens! Here, you'll find exciting updates about LensVerse, influential posts from LensFluencers, critical posts from the Lens team, and much more. You might even find yourself saying, "Wish we shared this ourselves!"

Let's take a look at some influential posts from the past week!

  • Irem’s Tiktok Video: Irem shared a humorous video about Lens Protocol and X, emphasizing making money on Lens.
  • Trust Me Bro’s Buttrfly Space: It's a very enjoyable space, and the whole space is recorded by Trustmebro. Lensvoice's first auditions were held there, don't forget to listen!
  • Lensvoice Calling For Singers: Lens' first talent contest "Lensvoice" called for all singers in Lens. They have already held their first audition, keep a close watch. Also, those who are confident in their voice, don't forget to participate!
  • Amber’s New Photo: Amber shared another one of her amazing photos. Such a beautiful view Amber!
  • Bradley’s Ceramic Post: Bradley shared with us some very cute ceramic figures he saw in Paris. We admire the artist!

And there are many more exciting updates waiting for you in future editions of Lensletter. Stay tuned!


We've now reached the end of the fourteenth edition of Lensletter. We hope you had a blast reading it because we sure had a blast putting it together! Get ready for an exciting lineup of fresh news, updates, projects, and more in our next edition. Dive into the depths of LensVerse, explore web3 social media, and don't forget to chat it up with your Lens frens!

For feedback, sponsorships, and collaborations, hit us up on our social media accounts below!

Lensholic.lens Lens | Lensholic_Lens Twitter | Lensgardennft.lens Lens | LensGardenNFT Twitter

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