Cortex Project Updates #118

Technical Updates 🤖

Machine-Learning(ML), CortexVirtual Machine(CVM)

  1. MRT adds BN + Dense, and quantitative support for BN equivalent conversion;

  2. MRT adds Dropout support and automatically fuse TupleGetItem;

  3. Fix the symbol name problem: cause circom code compilation error (including '%', '.', etc. cause the variable name to be ambiguous during compilation);

  4. MRT organizes existing work, codes, deletes invalid codes, writes documents, including TEST environment preparation, running scripts and reference links;

  5. MRT already supports OP: nn.adaptive_avg_pool2d, TupleGetItem, nn.batch_norm, add, nn.bias_add, var, nn.dense, nn.conv2d, nn.max_pool2d, reshape, nn.relu, squeeze, nn.dropout;


  1. Generate all vk (exodus key, block key, recursive key) and generate the corresponding contract vk;

  2. Zkx-contracts: plonk core, governance, verifier (finally divided into two separate verifiers, contract size limit);

  3. Zkx-contracts: gatekeeper management contract upgrade, implement zkx main contract (main + additional part), add zkx NFT factory and forced exit contract, complete hardhat script to read conf and deploy contract;

Cortex Full Node

  1. core/state/snapshot: check difflayer staleness early (#27255);

  2. rpc: websocket should respect the HTTP_PROXY by default;

Community Updates👨‍👩‍👦‍👦

  1. Updated MRT docs

  2. Cortex NFT Gallery's(Thalamus) final internal testing is ongoing

  3. Continue to monitor popular market ventures and examine project logic and Web3, NFT & Defi Tokenomic models

  4. Connecting several NFT artists for collabs

About Cortex 😇

Cortex’s main mission is to provide state-of-the-art machine-learning models on the blockchain in which users can infer using smart contracts on the Cortex blockchain. One of Cortex’s goals also includes implementing a machine-learning platform that allows users to post tasks on the platform, and submit AI DApps (Artificial Intelligence Decentralized Applications).

Cortex is the only public blockchain that allows the execution of nontrivial AI algorithms on the blockchain. MainNet has launched. Go build!


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