What is Web 3.0

Web 3.0 is the new tech buzzword but with very little knowledge amongst people as well as users. This new evolving world isn’t limited to buying and selling digital arts (NFTs) or digital tokens (Cryptocurrencies) which are its implications but not the only ones. Web3 is the latest version of what we know as the internet. In this version, people have full ownership of their content, data and assets. There are also no middlemen involved, which is presently the case with large corporations and governments controlling and regulating whatever goes on the internet. Decentralization and democratization is what Web3 is all about.


Let’s look at the journey of our beloved Internet.


Web1 happened when the internet was officially introduced in the 1980s onwards. Few individuals or groups created content - like news media outlets, search engines , directories. During this era, the majority of traffic used the internet in a read-only capacity. They searched for an article, read it and closed it, that’s mostly how far it went. Very little participation. Examples of this early version of web could be Yahoo,Google etc…


Web2 came about in the 2000s and is still pretty much there. Now users like us can share our thoughts on that article we read, and that too, amongst our friends on social networks. It made space for everyone to become a content creator and consumer simultaneously - although those of us who gathered followerships only got paid. Now media is produced on social networks, which then are able to sell personal data to advertisers in order to generate massive amounts of revenue. But since they collect a lot of our personal data, privacy has started to become a concern. Examples could be anything around you, Search Engines, Movie Websites, Songs Websites etc…


Since privacy and personal data became a concern, Web3 solves that. With Web3, participants will have full ownership over their content, data, and assets. It represents a democratized Internet – an Internet that is governed by users for the benefit of users. Right now everything is controlled by the people at the top - in Web3, they may not exist. Even if they do, you won’t need them because you’ll own what you create. Expanding more into this, Web3 will give users full ownership of their assets, data, practically anything via blockchains.Best example for this is mirror.xyz

So, now is the time when as the user - we own our individuality, as creator - we own a 100% of our content and as creator - we build a stronger and liberal nation for all.

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