Theoriq Unveiled: Catalyzing a Decentralized Future for AI

Artificial Intelligence is not just evolving; it's taking the helm, shaping humanity’s future. As it accelerates, transforming our society, those who hold the reins of AI's immense power are set to chart our course. The thought of a handful of billionaires dictating our societal trajectory through AI dominance is not just unsettling—it's unacceptable.As we stand at this crucial juncture, the call for a decentralized AI revolution is louder than ever. We need to dismantle the monopolies of power in AI, fostering an inclusive ecosystem where control is democratized. This shift towards community governance is essential, turning the tide from centralized control to collective empowerment, ensuring AI’s benefits are not just widespread but equitably shared.

ChainML Labs, the creators of Theoriq, started in 2022 with the vision of embracing community-governed AI. Co-founder and CEO Ron Bodkin brought together other co-founders - CTO Arnaud Flament, CPO David Mueller, and Head of Research Ethan Jackson, united with the idea of building the AI technology that serves humanity collectively, ensuring equitable access to innovation and fair recognition of contributions across the board. So far ChainML Labs has raised over $10M in two rounds of funding from visionary investors such as Hack VC, Foresight Ventures, Inception, HTX Ventures, Figment, Hypersphere, Alumni Ventures, IOSG, LongHash, HashKey, SNZ, and others.

Since inception, the team was drawn to the potential of Web3 technology in achieving their vision of a broadly accessible AI platform, and collaborated with Space and Time to build their AI Data Engineer Houston. Being at the epicenter of the tectonic shifts in AI , we recognized that the future of AI is Agentic - that’s where the story of Theoriq begins.

The Rise of AI Agents

The recent advancements in Generative artificial intelligence (AI) are transforming humanity’s relationship with technology. As foundational Large Language Models (e.g. GPT4, Llama3 etc.) continue to improve, AI Agents are becoming more performant and autonomous. These agents are not merely enhancing user experiences; they are pivotal in various sectors, automating complex tasks, personalizing interactions, and analyzing data with unprecedented accuracy. This evolution signifies a shift towards more autonomous, efficient, and intelligent systems, catalyzing innovation and transforming numerous industries. The development and deployment of these agents are crafting a future where digital and physical realms are seamlessly integrated.

While impressive as individuals, *collectives of interacting AI agents *are believed by many experts to represent the next frontier of AI progress [DeepMind]. They believe this because for humans, much of our progress and success as a species is due to our ability to specialize and collaborate in social groups towards shared objectives with shared incentives. Another important factor in human success is individual agency. Individual human activities are not centrally controlled. The decentralization of social roles (e.g. the ability to choose how to participate in competitive labor markets) is a key factor for innovation and productivity. Determination and alignment of mutual interests are further coordinated by social frameworks like democracies and justice systems.

As we stand at the beginning of agentic AI, there is an opportunity to build it on the same principles that underpin human success: coordinated division of labor, decentralized economies, and inclusive governance.

To unlock the potential of increasingly complex and sophisticated multiagent systems, there is a need for a universal forum in which diverse types of AI agents can come together and collaborate, just as humans do in a decentralized economy. Given its complementary principles of decentralization, transparency, and user empowerment, Web3 provides the ideal technical platform for building such a forum. We are proud to introduce Theoriq: A universal Base Layer for Agentic AI.

Introducing Theoriq

At Theoriq, we envision a different future—one where AI benefits are democratized through decentralization, ensuring broader accessibility and fostering innovation. Recognizing the potential of AI agents as the cornerstone of this new paradigm, Theoriq has embarked on creating an AI agent Base Layer to enable this shift. The goal is to promote community-driven governance, foster choice, and ensure safety and security, thereby leveling the playing field for independent developers globally.

Theoriq's AI Agent Base Layer was born out of the necessity to counter the monopolistic control of AI Agent technologies and to integrate their capabilities within the emerging Web3 framework. The protocol introduces a Web3-enabled consumption layer and an open marketplace for AI Agents, effectively democratizing access to AI technologies. This approach not only enhances transparency but also aligns with the foundational principles of Web3, contrasting starkly with the centralized models of existing tech giants.

"Today marks a pivotal moment for ChainML and for the broader AI and Web3 communities," said Ron Bodkin, Co-founder and CEO of ChainML. Theoriq is not just a platform; it's a revolution in how AI agents are developed, deployed, and interacted with. Our protocol enhances how agents communicate and operate, ensuring they are not only interconnected but also more autonomous and capable than ever before."

With Theoriq, our goal is to create the world’s best AI innovation ecosystem - one where users have access to best-in-class AI agents and developers have the tools they need to meet current and future user demands. One of the keys to building a self-sustaining innovation ecosystem is to ensure that developers, especially, have a wide range of economic opportunities in the protocol. These include transparent revenue models, available seed funding, and support for contributing to public goods initiatives.


  • Theoriq Unveiled (May 14, 2024):This significant milestone marks the public introduction of Theoriq, showcasing its pioneering approach and vision to bring decentralization to AI development.

  • Litepaper (Q2 2024):The publication of the Litepaper will provide a comprehensive overview of Theoriq’s technology and the underlying principles of the decentralized AI agents.

  • Testnet (Q3 2024):The launch of the Testnet will serve as a robust testing ground for developers and early adopters to explore the capabilities of Theoriq.

  • Mainnet (Early Q4 2024):Transitioning to Mainnet represents the full operational launch of Theoriq, where all functionalities will be live and accessible for community use.

Stay tuned for the launch of the Infinite Rewards Program, designed to celebrate and motivate our community members as they engage with Theoriq and contribute to the development and application of AI in Web3. By participating in discussions, completing quests, and contributing to projects, members will be able to earn XP that signifies their role and influence within Theoriq. While non-monetary, XP will reflect the value of each contribution towards advancing collaborative and decentralized AI technology. As part of our launch, members will enjoy various perks linked to their rewards, such as early access to features, special event invitations, and recognition within the community. This initiative is a testament to our commitment to democratizing AI innovation by empowering and rewarding our community for their engagement and creativity.

Web3 Future of AI

The potential fusion of AI and Web3 technologies signals a significant departure from the traditional, centralized paradigms that dominate the AI landscape today. Embodying the core principles of decentralization, transparency, and user sovereignty, Web3 architecture provides a fertile ground for the development of AI systems that are not only open and equitable but also more aligned with democratic values.

In this emerging framework, AI systems benefit from decentralized data architectures, ensuring that no single entity can monopolize the vast data resources that AI technologies are built upon. This fosters a fairer environment where biases are minimized and diverse data sets enhance the robustness of AI models.

Moreover, the evolution of AI algorithms within this decentralized ethos occurs in an open-source milieu. Here, a community of developers—rather than a single corporate entity—continuously contributes to and refines these algorithms, enhancing innovation and accessibility. This collaborative approach not only accelerates technological advancements but also ensures that these innovations are widely accessible, rather than being gated behind corporate walls.

Governance in this decentralized AI scenario is also radically transformed. Rather than being dictated by a handful of decision-makers, it is managed by a broad network of stakeholders, mirroring the democratic processes that govern public institutions. This ensures that the trajectory of AI development is aligned with the broader needs and ethics of the community it serves.

By leveraging blockchain technology, this new era of AI promises secure and transparent data transactions, facilitating an environment where AI models and applications can be developed, accessed, and improved upon by a global community of innovators. This shift not only democratizes the development process but also significantly broadens participation in the economic benefits derived from AI.

This holistic approach to decentralizing AI—with its emphasis on distributed data, collaborative algorithm development, and democratic governance—ensures that the future of AI will be more equitable, secure, and aligned with the ethos of Web3. In this way, Theoriq is not merely participating in the industry but actively shaping a future where technology serves the collective good, powering a more inclusive and innovative digital economy.

“I believe that ChainML's Theoriq isn't just a breakthrough — it has the potential to be the cornerstone for the next frontier in AI and blockchain convergence" said Ed Roman, Managing Partner at Hack VC.  “Theoriq's vision is to redefine the possibilities of democratizing AI Agent development in ways that align deeply with Web3's ethos of transparency and community governance.  The opportunity for Theoriq is to catalyze a robust agent ecosystem that integrates into multiple layers of our digital lives."

Theoriq's initiative comes at a critical time when the integration of AI in everyday applications is becoming a norm. By ensuring that the AI landscape does not consolidate power among a few, Theoriq facilitates a more equitable digital economy. This is crucial for fostering a future where technology empowers rather than controls, promoting an environment of innovation and inclusivity.

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